The Only Pirate at the Party Book Review

By , August 24, 2016 6:21 am

Well, that was a quick, easy and FUN read!


I like to browse the iTunes “Top Songs” lists to get music ideas. I can’t remember if it was the “Dance” or “Electronic” list I was browsing when I first came across Lindsey Stirling but I was hooked. She’s a violinist with a high energy electronic (not classical) style. Her music is upbeat and addictive – I find myself playing many of her songs on repeat, especially during runs. I downloaded her entire second album and a few songs off her first album after I first “discovered” her, and listened to her music only, on many of my long training runs last summer and fall. I also had all of her songs on my Dallas Marathon playlist.

When I saw she was coming out with a third album I pre-ordered it on iTunes and was delighted with each of the three single releases (and especially excited when the entire album was released last Friday  – what a great surprise to wake up to*).  I felt like I didn’t know much about her as an artist, other than she was on America’s Got Talent, so I decided to read her wikipedia page,And that’s where I saw she published a memoir, The Only Pirate at the Party, in January. Why read wikipedia when I can read that?! Oh yeah, here’s where I mention I bought this book myself and all that. No one is sponsoring this post or paying me to write this. 

Stirling split the book in to three sections – childhood, working to become an artist, and stories about the entertainment industry. All of the chapters were short and themed (meaning they had a specific point) – which I appreciated! It was so nice to just breeze through this book!

So, I had no idea she’s Mormon. Or has two adopted (although they don’t want to be called that) siblings (along with two sisters). Or that she got her “big break” on YouTube. Or struggled with an eating disorder. Or is a bit of a control freak who had a hard time letting go of doing ALL the work after she was able to afford assistance. The book was full of information and fun stories and I LOVED it.

A lot of the book ends up being about being true to yourself – even if you are “the only pirate at the party.” Besides discussing finding her place as a unique performer – an electronic, dancing violinist! – she also talks about being true to her values (modesty, no drinking/drugs, etc.) in the performance industry. And how to continue to believe in yourself when people are unnecessarily cruel.

The book makes her sound like someone who would be a lot of fun to hang out with – a fun-loving (and really hard-working) goofball. And the fact that she’s made a Star Wars tribute video (not mentioned in the book, but I’ve watched it) makes me like her even more. Now, to go to a concert and see her in person! Sigh, the next one in Chicagoland is during a busy time for me and I can’t make the Milwaukee show. Maybe I can make the Chicagoland one work!

*I am not digging the singing collaborations much on this album though. I guess I just want to hear her play! I bet those songs will grow on me as I listen to them more.

22 Responses to “The Only Pirate at the Party Book Review”

  1. Chaitali says:

    Interesting! Mike is a big fan of hers and introduced me to her music, which I really enjoy. I had no idea that she had a memoir and I didn’t know any of that stuff about her personally. I’m going to have to look into that book.

    • kilax says:

      Yes! Get it! And report back! I really enjoyed it 🙂

      Which songs are you digging off the new album? I really like “Prism,” “The Arena,” “First Light,” and “Mirage.” And “Gavi’s Song” but it makes me feel sad.

  2. So interesting! I didn’t know any of that stuff about her, other than that she was on America’s Got Talent. I’m super interested in the fact that she’s Mormon – the electronic/dance music worlds are so often SO far away from what Mormonism promotes in terms of purity and the like. I’ve always felt a bit out of place often being the only sober one at an EDM show, where drugs and alcohol abound and clothing…does not. Haha. I’m glad she’s found her niche, though – especially since it works out nicely for us because we get to enjoy her music!

    • kilax says:

      Isn’t it interesting? She talks quite a bit about how much she doesn’t fit in in the entertainment world, but basically, where it’s the only place she can artistically express herself (and how much joy she gets from… bringing joy to her fans, lol. So yay for us!). She has some interesting stories about being brave to kick someone off her tour who was drinking and being lewd and having girls on the tour bus, etc. And basically, how she stays true to herself in the industry. Props to her!

  3. Erin says:

    She’s my go-to Pandora station at work! I think Jason introduced me to her. Not sure how he found out about her stuff. I’m in need of a new book to read, too, so I’ll have to see if I can get this one from the library. Thanks for letting us know about it!

    • kilax says:

      What other stuff do they play on that station? I should try Pandora sometime.

      Thanks! Let me know if you read it! It’s such a quick, delightful read. Now I am on to something non-fiction that ISN’T a memoir 🙂

      • Erin says:

        The Game of Thrones theme music 🙂 And a lot of other instrumental but kind of electronic music. There’s also this awesome Star Wars compilation they play sometimes, too! I love Pandora and use it to find new music.

  4. Pete B says:

    Saw a cartoon on yesterday that went like this: What’s a pirate’s favorite crime? Arrrrson! Or piracy.

    • kilax says:

      Good one! Ha!

      Bobbi’s anniversary is on Nat’l Talk Like a Pirate Day, so one year, I got her a bumper sticker that says “To err is human, to arr is pirate.” BUAH HA HA.

  5. Ahhhh, I’ve never heard of Lindsey Stirling before but she sounds like an intriguing woman with a lot of interesting stories to share. Wow on her being a Mormon, struggling with an eating disorder, and has two adopted siblings. That adds a lot of excitement to the mix!

    • kilax says:

      Let me know if you listen to her music and what you think!

      She actually says she had a really normal upbringing and it does sound like it (I should clarify that her new siblings were adopted when she was either in college or about to be), but I found it all very interesting, especially how she actually got her music out there!

  6. kapgar says:

    Funny. For whatever reason I came across this book the other day. I haven’t bought it or anything but it’s just weird how that all works. Maybe I should.

  7. Amy says:

    Oh, how interesting – I’ve never heard of her, but I will look her up on Spotify and give her music a listen!

  8. Stephany says:

    I love her! She’s my go-to listen when I need to focus at work. Definitely picking up this book!

  9. Karen says:

    I’ve never heard of her but I am totally intrigued now 🙂 That is a very unique musical category LOL I would probably really enjoy the book, sounds like my kind of thing.

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