Are you getting the bread?

By , October 24, 2018 6:33 am

Yes, I know the title ruins it, ha. 

I kept seeing “let’s get this bread” references all over Instagram (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and had to look up what it means BECAUSE I AM OLD.

Basically, bread = dough = money, so the phrase can mean “let’s get this money,” like “let’s work hard and make money.” But a secondary meaning is more like a battle cry to succeed. And a third meaning literally means to get bread. Ha. Ha ha. So (poll below)…

Do you use the phrase "let's get this bread"?

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When I said goodbye to Steven this morning, I did say “go get that bread.”* Ha ha ha. And I may or may not have jokingly used it on Instagram this morning… I think it’s fun.

I also want to start using “thanks for coming to my TED talk” but I unfortunately haven’t said/shared anything profound/useful. Ever.

*We did not win the Mega Millions so we do have to go get the bread today. Ha. I enjoyed fantasizing about building our garage/workshop/guest house for a bit yesterday.

17 Responses to “Are you getting the bread?”

  1. Shelley B says:

    Yay, I can finally vote in the poll! I have not heard of this bread of which you speak…I’m an old-school dough girl over here, LOL.

    We only got one number on our lottery ticket from yesterday so no house in Hawaii for us. 🙁

    • kilax says:

      Woo hoo! I am glad!

      Me too. I totally did NOT get it at first and had to look it up (obvs, ha).

      Aww man. Do you get $2 then? Or was it not in the right spot?

  2. Anne says:

    LOL at ducks! Have you not heard of bread/dough being slang for money at all before? Or you just hadn’t heard this as one of those trendy IG-worthy phrases? It’s the latter for me.

    I will use the crap out of this (until it annoys Terry… probably later today – HA!) but only to talk about actual bread.

    • kilax says:

      I had not heard of bread as slang for money (when I talk about bread, I want carbs)! Of course I have for dough 😉 And I had not heard “Let’s get this bread.”

      Definitely use the crap out of it!

  3. Kandi says:

    I had not heard of this bread/instagram phenomenon. Thanks for the education.

  4. I’m familiar with using “bread” for money, but I’ve never heard it used specifically like this. That being said, I’m also not on Instagram, which I suppose keeps me from being ~with it~ 😛 That Venn Diagram is hilarious, and I’m glad this phrase came up just so someone could make that, hahaha.

    • kilax says:

      Ha, I do see more trendy stuff like this on Instagram, but the Venn Diagram is actually from Facebook! BREAD! It’s every where!

  5. Jen McS says:

    I’m so old that I haven’t even seen the IG usage.

  6. Erin says:

    I have never heard this in my life! Clearly I do not follow the right (wrong?) IG accounts. “Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk” cracks me up. I never remember to use it, though!

  7. Amy says:

    Definitely a person at the bakery, over here…

  8. Mica says:

    I haven’t heard this (and neither had Harrison), and I haven’t seen it on IG either. I still feel like I don’t get it, so I won’t be using it any time soon!

    I think you can use the Ted talk one sarcastically.

    • kilax says:

      I wonder who is actually saying this, seriously. Ha.

      I used the Ted Talk one sarcastically all weekend. I gave a Ted Talk about baking hard shell tacos before you use them (something I learned just last year), and wearing a belt even though my pants are too tight. Ha.

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