“A” as in annoying

By , November 7, 2007 5:51 am

A while ago, I was complaining to Steven about some screaming children that were on the morning train ride. He asked, “why would children even be on a train that early in the morning?”

I don’t know. School? Daycare? To drive the other riders nuts?

Lately, a woman has been getting on the morning train with two toddlers and two middle-school aged children. They only ride for a few stops, but her younger children scream and yell the entire time.

She continually yells at them, “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” while they continually scream and disturb everyone on the train. She sure does get a lot of dirty looks.

Yesterday, she decided she needed to make a phone call and yell at her kids to shut up, all while riding the train.

She was calling about a phone account. They must have asked for her name, and she yells, “JULIE! J-U-L-I-E! ‘J’ as in…” long pause here, ‘… John? Yeah, ‘J’ as in John.” Er…

How about “J” as in jacka$$? Or “J” as in jerk? Or, “J” as in, just quit riding the train because you’re driving everyone nuts? (yeah, that last one didn’t exactly work).

I need a vacation.

8 Responses to ““A” as in annoying”

  1. Lisa says:

    How about ‘R’ as in R-U-D-E!?!

  2. I’m cranky this morning because of the train ride this morning. I’m tired of hearing the same guy go on and on about whatever in his monotone voice to his train friend; tired of the business calls; etc. Please just be quiet so Gina can sneak an hr or so of sleepytime!!

  3. kilax says:

    Lisa – How did you know that was my other choice for the title?! 😉

    Gina (Mannyed) – I didn’t even mention that her screaming children woke me up 20 minutes earlier from my schedule morning nap on the train. Today, the guy who sat behind me talked on his phone for a good twenty minutes. I don’t think he let the other person have a word in the conversation. I wish people would be more courteous on the train.

    Or maybe we should just buy earplugs?

  4. riding the train doesn’t sound like much fun… i don’t really enjoy the drive to work either… it always seems like there’s a bunch of idiots out… but they probably think the same thing about me! 🙂

  5. Hilly says:

    “J” as in just quit riding the train…..

    Classic! I don’t get people like that…she has to know that she and her kids are annoying and while maybe she cannot afford transportation, she can afford to spend some time teaching her kids manners.

  6. ajooja says:

    That’s when talking to stangers is necessary. As in, “Shut those fucking kids up!”

  7. diane says:

    You need a vacation? Like the exotic tropical vacation coming up very soon?!?
    (tee hee)

  8. kilax says:

    CourtneyInControl – I think driving and riding the train are both frustrating – because of what the other idiots are doing!

    Hilly – that is exactly what I was thinking. Why does she just yell “shut up, shut up”? That doesn’t make it any better, or teach them a lesson!

    ajooja – I was so tempted to say something. I think a lot of people were! 😉

    Diane – My vacation was the first thing I thought about after it happened… thank heavens for a much needed break!

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