I feel like an old woman

By , February 16, 2008 11:02 pm


I feel like I am in college again, living in an apartment next to inconsiderate assholes.

Except, hey, we live in a townhome. Which we own, and have lived in for over 3 years.

Unfortunately, the other two units next to ours are rentals. People have moved in and out of the homes over the years. We never got to know anyone well, because hey, I don’t effin’ care. We’ve never had too many problems though.

Anyway. Our newest neighbors moved in a few weeks ago, and are driving us nuts. They apparently have no idea there are Townhome Association rules where we live. They leave their dog’s shit all over the snow. They park where they aren’t supposed to park. They’re loud. Etc. Etc.

Basically, they are disrupting our peace and quiet, which we have enjoyed for over 3 years.

Today they are having a party. It started early in the day. Guests arrived with cases of beer around 2:00. Their guests parked on the wrong side of the street. Okay… But one parked in front of a fire hydrant, on the wrong side of the street. Duh. I called the cops and said “It’s illegal to park in front of a fire hydrant, right?” Of course it is. Ironically, the guests came out to get into their car as the cops arrived. I hope they learned a lesson from that.

So I thought it was over. I felt guilty for being so spiteful.

But Steven and I get back from dinner and cars are parked illegally all over the space between our townhome and the ones behind us. And they’re still having their loud party. We sit downstairs to watch a movie and we can hear their crappy bass through our walls. At 10:30. I head over to tell them to STFU. Steven comes with me. We walk carefully as to not step into the dog shit all over their sidewalk.

They’re drunk. Their house is full of suspicious characters. Whatever. They are polite and apologize. It better not happen again. You’re in the suburbs so STFU. We will call your landlord and we will call the Townhome Association and we will call the police.

Do you want to be my neighbor?

13 Responses to “I feel like an old woman”

  1. Dave2 says:

    YES! I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR NEIGHBOR! It would be a lot better than what I am living next to now…

  2. i would love to be your neighbor but i wouldn’t be inconsiderate like your current neighbors… hopefully they won’t be there long… that’s how it was in the old neighborhood “the ghetto” lol… it was insane!!! and it just blows me away that people don’t understand how inconsiderate that is…

  3. Felicia says:

    Thank all that I can that I live in the “old” people part of town. I live with people 60 plus beside me and behind me. In front of me is a church!!! Do you want me to call on your neighbors I will tell them I hear them all the way in Texas 🙂

  4. Felicia says:

    PS> I imagine when my sister and I moved in they were thinking there goes the neighborhood but we are such old fuddy duddies that now they are all the best neighbors I have ever had in my life 🙂

  5. Kyra says:

    I hereby invite you to come be MY neighbor. But the Coyotes are really freaking loud, and going to tell them to STFU is risking your life moreso than with your current neighbors…. tradeoffs! Of course, you can run around naked in your yard screaming to your iPod out here and no one would notice or hear you. (I’m all about the benefits.)

  6. Hilly says:

    Oh I would love to be your neighbor so we could kick those asshats out of the townhouse next to you! I too am an “old lady” about that kind of stuff so we’d be all happy and quiet 🙂

  7. Jenn says:

    We’ve been so lucky to have great neighbors. In fact, I’ve always loved all my neighbors and have always been friends with them.

    When we were looking at houses, before we bought this one, we actually refused to look at one builder in a certain neighborhood because of the people who were signing paperwork in the office. There were two parents, two Grandparents, about six kids, and what looked to be several aunts and uncles (or people that age). I have no idea who was going to be moving into the house, but if they were all there just to sign paperwork I figured it wasn’t too far of a stretch to imagine 20 neighbors living next to me! No thank you, I like the kind of peace and quiet that doesn’t come from 10 kids, let alone what the parking situation would be like.

  8. sizzle says:

    i’d totally be your neighbor. it’d be quiet and i’d never accidentally step in dog shit. sounds nice!

  9. Robin says:

    I would definitely be your neighbor. I have had neighbors like yours. Complaints to the landlord are often necessary, but don’t do anything for neighbor-relations!

  10. Yes, I would soooo love to be your neighbor because you guys are quiet and so are we!! My upstairs neighbors are freakin inconsiderate aholes! Frequent late night parties; horrible yelling matches; early morning work outs on a stepper; and AND surround sound. Grrr! I hate feeling like a loser because I’m respectful and like my quiet time.

  11. kapgar says:

    You could live next to me. We’re pretty quiet. I like to think so anyway.

  12. I’ve always been pretty fortunate with my neighbors in the dorms and after college (and even now in my condo).

    Oops, I forgot about the drunk neighbor in college who came after me with a knife (he missed). But he wasn’t very noisy….


  13. SJ says:

    Sadly, you wouldn’t want us. We aren’t obnoxious, but we aren’t quiet. We turn our TV on when we get up at 4 a.m. and we do love our music. Plus, Bret has a booming voice when he’s enthusiastic about something. And our cats play kamikaze chase at 3 a.m. like clockwork.

    Oddly though, we’ve NEVER had a complaint from a neighbor, not even from downstairs.

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