
By , June 3, 2008 8:00 am

Don’t you hate it when you get to work and realize…

…you put your underwear on inside-out that morning?

…you forgot your cell phone?

…you didn’t put deodorant on while getting ready?

…it’s a paid holiday off?

…you left your umbrella on the train and it’s supposed to rain?

…you have two differently colored socks on?

…you have a stain on your shirt?

…you forgot your notes for your 8:30 presentation?

Well, only two of those things have actually happened to me; one of those times being today. Oops.

What can you add to the list?

14 Responses to “Oopsie”

  1. sizzle says:

    (Cute new header pic!)

    I was gonna say, that’s one shitty day but then you clarified that only two happened.

    Mostly, I hate when I leave my cell phone at home. But today I left my iPod and will be forced to work without tunes! AAACCK!

  2. diane says:

    Well, I know for certain it’s not a paid holiday. 😉
    And I used to keep a tiny travel-sized deodorant in my desk because I pulled that one so often.
    Yesterday I actually put my underwear on SIDEWAYS. How does one do that?? It was a Monday, for sure.

  3. martymankins says:

    Did all of that happen in one day? I hope not, especially if you giving an 8:30am presentation on a paid holiday…. LOL

    I end up forgetting a lot of stuff all the time. I’ve found that I need to put everything in my backpack before going to bed at night. Then in the morning, taking my iPod and cell phone off the nightstand and going upstairs to put them in my backpack.

    I still forget here and there, but for the most part, it’s an improvement on “Shit! where is my phone” once I get to work.

  4. I know for a fact that I would never come in on a paid holiday, I have the holiday schedule emblazoned in my brain for the next 10 yrs haha.

    I hate when I leave for work and forget my lunch; or my iphone; or train reading material.

    Did you go to work with a stain on your shirt today? Hehe

    LOVE the new header pic. So sweet!

  5. ajooja says:

    I’ve driven off with a big-ass Diet Coke on top of my car a couple of times. OK, several times. 🙂

  6. Alice says:

    oh my god – diane, i put my underwear on sideways yesterday too! i was SO SURE i was going to be the only one who would be able to say that…!! 🙂

  7. tori says:

    I used to do the deodorant thing all the time. I ended up putting an extra in my car for just in case times.

  8. suze says:

    I hate discovering I’ve left my cell phone or my iPod at home.

  9. Lisa says:

    Thank goodness! I was going to tell you to hurry back to bed and consider the day a write off if they all happened at the same time. LOL

  10. kilax says:

    sizzle – Thanks! I wish we could have personal music at work. Even headphones on my computer would be great!

    diane – I do keep a small deodorant in my desk… now! I keep one in my purse too! Ha ha. So tell me. How DOES one do that with their underwear? Steven and I are at home trying ti figure it out!

    martymankins – I pack so much stuff in the morning. I feel like I am moving to my office. But I do the same thing as you, so I rarely forget something!

    Gina (Mannyed) – I never forget holidays either. But I’ve heard of people who have! Duh! It’s not the stain… it’s the inside-out underwear! Yikes! Thanks about the header 🙂

    ajooja – LOL!!! Does it actually fall off your car?

    Alice – You and diane need to do some ‘splaining!

    tori – The deodorant thing makes me feel really bad, because it kind of sneaks up on you. You don’t notice it right away, then all of a sudden, you’re like “do I… smell?” oh no!!!

    suze – I hate the cell phone thing (no iPod for me). It makes me feel disconnected… but at the end of the day… liberated!

    Lisa – If those things ALL happened, I WOULD go back home! And start over fresh the next day… or week! 🙂

  11. javaqueen14 says:

    One night, my co-worker said, “You have two different shoes on” and I was like, “Uh, yeah right- didn’t look down, I wasn’t falling for THAT!”

    OMG, I was wearing two different ones- a black shoe, and a brown shoe. Both slip ons; one with a slightly taller heel. I’m LOL at myself right now, thanks…..

  12. Nilsa says:

    Yeah for more wedding pics! Don’t you hate it when you get to work and realize

    … you left your lunch on the counter at home?

    … you forgot to take your birth control (also on the counter at home)?

    … you forgot your laptop at home?

    Ummm, yeah. Only two of those have happened to me. Thankfully, none recently! Live and learn!

  13. Cheryl says:

    Those are my “Why did I get out of bed today” mornings…i have a lot of them!

  14. Freak Magnet says:

    Two different shoes. Or the wrong shoes altogether. I got out of my car one summer morning to look down and see my raggedy, filty flip flops.

    And hairspray. It’s a nightmare when I forget that. Frizzorama.

    Forgetting the meds/vitamins. Especially the acid reflux, which seems to present itself full blast as soon as you realize you’ve forgotten it.

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