Grow up

By , July 10, 2008 5:39 am

Steven and I have been having fun with our bowling league. We don’t really have a chance of scoring first place in the league, because we missed the first three games, and all of those points were counted as losses. But we still have fun, meeting with different bowlers each week, cheering them on, making jokes, and watching their bowling styles. And we do win games – just not enough to make a “comeback.”

So far, everyone we’ve met has been really cool and fun. Until this week. The team we played was crabby and antisocial from the get-go. That’s fine with me, I am not there to screw around or be goofy, and if they don’t want to be friendly… whatever.

But I guess they made a few snide remarks to Steven about why we were winning. And they refused to sign the scoreboard at the end of the night (the captain signs from each team).

Bad sportsmanship is never cute, especially when you’re an adult.

Grow up.

21 Responses to “Grow up”

  1. Kyra says:

    Wow, they refused to sign? Is there someone you can complain to?

  2. Cat. says:

    They made snide remarks about why you were winning? What, implying you were cheating? How, precisely, does one cheat at bowling?! If they thought you were lying about your pin-counts, they should have said something when they “caught you” miscounting, not at the end.

    My theory is that you guys were enjoying yourselves too much; don’t you know that Bowling Is Serious Business?!?! 😀

    Yeah, I’d definitely mention this to the league.

  3. Odie says:

    Unfortunately, some bowlers are like that. Our philosophy was always ‘have a good time. If you bowl well, great; if not, at least you had a good time.’ We often won tournaments. Probably because we were so relaxed. Many people (especially at tournaments) take it all too seriously. Too bad for them. It’s a GAME, people!

  4. Nilsa says:

    Seriously? Isn’t bowling supposed to be social and fun? I think they should pack up their Varsity jackets, throw their balls in their bag and be banned from the league. You’re right, anti-sportsmanship is so terribly unpleasant.

  5. Jenn says:

    I hate poor losers, no matter how old they are.

  6. Felicia says:

    Ok, now that is just downright stupid….sign the card and move on. We all have won and loss games before!!! Ok, I am going back to I like kids, they are my favorite kind of people LOL

  7. Cheryl says:

    Ok, but why bother doing something like a bowling league if you’re going to be rude and anti-social. That’s all I’m saying. And seriously, don’t be a baby…

  8. bad sportsmanship just sucks the fun right of out the game. I ran into a few people teams like that when I played on a kickball leagues. There were also teams that took it waaaay too seriously, come on, its only kickball.

  9. tori says:

    This is actually why I hated team sports when I was growing up. No mater what, there is always someone who is taking it way too seriously. I had no idea that adults STILL did this kind of thing though. What an unfortunate situation!

  10. claire says:

    Doesn’t sound like they should be in the league if that’s how they’re going to behave. Ah well, at least you know how to have fun with it.

  11. martymankins says:

    Are these people soccer coaches during the day? Anal.. simply uncalled for. Snooty and not willing to accept defeat.

    Bowling should always be fun. Win or lose, it’s a game.

  12. Jess says:

    That’s awful. Way for them to ruin a fun thing for everyone.

  13. Alice says:

    oh LAME. that’s why i quit the kickball leagues they have around here.. i thought the point was to have fun and go drinking after the game, not to actually CARE about the score of a kickball (KICKBALL, PEOPLE!) game.

  14. Denise says:

    The sad thing is, people who behave like that are also teaching their children to behave in the same manner. And that is very uncool. Just what the world needs more sore losers, spouting bad sportsmanship. SHAME ON THEM!!! And I certainly would let the league president or whomever is in charge know that they are behaving in such a negative way.

  15. de says:

    that is sooo not cool and I think that street lights just went out so I’m logging off; but they get the gas face!

  16. Bethany says:

    Oh golly, I do not like poor sports, ever!

    As a side note I emailed you the link to my Belize blog. I leave Monday!!!!

  17. suze says:

    We play sports once a week on Wednesdays. Usually most teams are out there to have fun, but sometimes we run into the poor sports. It’s unfortunate. Our league has ‘spirit points’ that are awarded and counted into the overall standings, with equal weight to our acutal scores. I think it encourages good sportspersonlike behaviour.

  18. kapgar says:

    I hate when people get like this. I thought bowling was supposed to be a friendly, peaceful game. Not like dodgeball.

  19. kilax says:

    Kyra – We told the person at the register… but I will have to see if there is a “League Manager” or something.

    Cat. – Their comments were about how we have two “vacancy” bowlers who always bowl a 200 point handicap game, and THAT is why we won. The truth is, THEY were bowling like crap, way under their averages. It’s not MY problem they were off that night!

    Odie – I imagine a lot of bowlers do take it so seriously, but I can’t imagine being around a lot of them like this! 🙁

    Nilsa – I THOUGHT it was supposed to be social and fun. And you know the funny part? The woman making the comments was the one that recruited us to join the league!

    Jenn – I feel that way too. They get no sympathy from me!

    Felicia – You can’t win all the time, right? One of their complaints was “I can’t believe the team in last place beat us.” They are only in 5th place or something. Wah wah wah.

    Cheryl – You know what? They are in a league together on Mondays as well. Some of the other teams in our league have told us how much they don’t like them! Sounds like they aren’t very good at making friends!

    Gina (Mannyed) – It’s like they need two leagues – those for the fun people, and those for the a$$holes! 🙂

    tori – There were a few teams I played in HS that made me feel the same way. We always felt a bit upset after playing them. I don’t get it.

    claire – And at least we don’t have to play them again!

    martymankins – LOL @ the soccer coaches comment! I KNOW! It’s only bowling! JEEZ! It’s not like they’re professionals or something. We bowl at the same time as a professional league. They should join that one if they think they’re so great.

    Jess – And they probably didn’t even think twice about how they behaved!

    Alice – There will always be someone who cares… and that person can either make it a lot of fun, or ruin it!

    Denise – Hopefully these people don’t have kids 😉 But you’re right! It’s pushy, a$$hole parents like this, whose kids turn into… pushy A$$hole adults!

    de – Can you imagine if anyone had acted that way while we were bowling? L-A-M-E!!!

    Bethany – Yeah, even when it’s your own teammate, it makes you upset, right?

    suze – Spirit Points may be a good idea. Then this people might at least shut up!

    kapgar – I thought so too. But I guess there are some of these idiots interested in every sport!

  20. beth says:

    my kids are just getting into league sports and it is a hard pill to swallow to see how submerged parents can get in their kids sports. They are rude, loud and just downright mean sometimes. It’s no wonder that some kids are little hellions…they are learning from
    their ill-behaved parents!! There have been SO many times I would love to say GROW UP!! Unfortunately, it would never help!!

  21. kilax says:

    beth – I can only remember thinking some parents were awful from when I was a kid playing sports. I can’t imagine being another parent, and thinking “WTF is the deal with these people?”

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