Embracing a transformation

By , September 21, 2008 8:11 am

I must say that I loved suze’s post “discovering my inner fashionista” – probably because I am thinking around the same lines right now. Please read it when you get the chance.

Suze writes about how she never thought fashion was accessible to herself, being a larger woman. She disregarded it and considered those concerned with fashion to be “vapid and shallow.”

But then she realized that there were fashionable pieces available to her. She started taking more time in her appearance, and realized that her size didn’t matter. Taking care of her image made her feel better, overall.

I can’t believe how close this is to what I am feeling. I ignored fashion, and wore the same slacks and button-down shirts for more than a year – just because I was overweight and didn’t feel like taking care of myself.

Once I started eating healthy and exercising, something just clicked in me, and I wanted to start dressing nicer, wearing my hair nicer, and being more coordinated in general. I find myself picking up fashion magazines, actually LOOKING at the ads and fashion spreads and magazines, and imaging how certain outfits would look on me.

And like suze, I thought all of this was ridiculous, vain and shallow. But now I realize how much better it makes me feel to be “put together.” I understand impressing other people isn’t the only reason to care about how you look – it’s really about feeling good being yourself. Yes, I want the my colleagues and clients to think I look decent, but putting more effort into myself… makes me a better version of myself. I am more confident and more cheerful.

Even as I write this, I feel a little uneasy. I think that’s because caring about fashion goes against everything I have programmed myself to believe, as a larger woman. But I am ready to fight that. Thanks for sharing it too, suze.

(Unfortunately, “caring about fashion/style” hasn’t been easy on my pocket book! I’ve even added a new “fashion” category here, so I can start sharing some of my favorite fashion items with you)

11 Responses to “Embracing a transformation”

  1. teeni says:

    One good thing – it’s easy to put together your wish list for holidays and birthdays. Accessories are fun for people to shop for and fun for you to get as gifts! Scarves, belts, bags, even socks, hats, and headbands or other hair accessories. Woot!

  2. martymankins says:

    I think the caring about yourself more in the type of transformation you are making isn’t related to any sort of selfish fashion statement. It’s related to how your inner self feels better and you want your outerself to reflect that. At least, that’s how I see it.

    My transformation begins in just a couple of weeks. I’m excited to start and blog about it on a weekly basis. Getting everything in place to make this happen.

  3. kilax says:

    teeni – I would just have to be VERY specific about what I like and don’t like. HA HA! Just kidding. Some people are really good at getting me accessories. Some… not so much 😉

    martymankins – You said it perfectly – much better than I did – it’s a reflection of how I feel inside 🙂 I just sent you an email about your transformation. Oops. I can’t wait to hear all about it!

  4. Alice says:

    it’s funny.. i haven’t made any major changes in my life, but i’m going through the same sort of thing. all of a sudden, it seems.. i don’t know, BETTER, and i FEEL better, if i do my hair in the morning, and buy shirts that actually flatter me instead of whatever’s on sale that week. does this mean we’re getting older? and.. responsible..??

  5. kilax says:

    Alice – I think it does mean that – and that we are being more… sophisticated? I hope anyway!

  6. Stephanie says:

    I think there’s a difference between being super fashion-conscious (ala Carrie Bradshaw) and just being aware of how you look.

    If you’re running out to spend lots of money on clothes that just came into style, because you want to wear the most recent style, that’s shallow.

    But if you are paying attention to cuts of clothes, and buying clothes that work for your body type and make you look good and feel good, that’s not shallow at all.

  7. kilax says:

    Stephanie – Hmm. I hope I am doing the last thing you mentioned – but since I just started all this, I seem to be really noticing the current fashions (wait until you see tomorrow’s post). I am only buying cuts that look good on me though!

  8. sizzle says:

    It’s all about putting what you feel inside on the outside. When you feel confident, it shines through. You want to polish it, so to speak. Nothing wrong with wanting to feel and look good!

  9. javaqueen14 says:

    Very true. You are so gorgeous and while I admire your weight loss and your goals; you are not defined by your weight. When I see pics of you, the word “overweight” never even comes to mind. You are adorable. But, also, I know how it is to not feel good about yourself. 25 people can walk up and tell you how great you look (happens to me everyday, PAH!) but if you don’t feel good about yourself, none of that matters. I love your fashion post idea. If you are enjoying throwing pieces together online, you MUST go to polyvore and see what’s happening over there. I am the least fashion concerned dresser I know, and yet, I’m addicted to http://www.polyvore.com- I have GREAT taste and would be dangerously expensive if I ever started to dress nice. Check that out and tell me that you can stop creating outfits, I dare you. I double dog dare you!

  10. Felicia says:

    I loved Suze’s post too….I wish I was more of a fashion person. I can put together a classic look but that is about the best I can do LOL 🙂 I can tell a difference in how I feel overall if I am not “put together” and feel like I did when dressing in high school (could never quite get it right)!

  11. kilax says:

    sizzle – Thank you. For some reason, I need to hear that today 🙂

    javaqueen14 – You are so sweet. Thanks. You made my day 😀 I am sending you a big virtual hug! I took a peak at polyvore… whoa! I might get addicted to it! Maybe I will create a few looks there! How fun! I should just upload my entire closet and see what I can come up with! 😉

    Felicia – Classic says sophisticated to me! And even though you were casual when I saw you, I thought you looked beautiful! I especially noticed your nice makeup that day 🙂

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