Why I’m pissed off today

By , October 12, 2008 6:44 pm

A long time ago (back in MARCH), I told someone that I would help them with some write-ups for their organization’s website. I promptly wrote up a list of ideas and emailed them, eager to help.

I never heard back.

I ran into that person a few months later. “Let’s get together and talk!” they said. I gave them my phone number, and told them to just let me know when.

Never heard from them.

Now, someone is leaving their organization, and all of a sudden, they want my help. They are calling me and emailing me, telling me to do things, bossing me around, acting like I told them I would take on all these responsibilities.

Um, no.

They seem to be the type of person who doesn’t let anyone else get a word in, or give them a chance to say no. Or ever speak their mind. They act like they want your opinion, but really don’t.

I’ll deal with this in the working world, because I am getting paid. But definitely NOT on a volunteer basis.

I’m just going to have to try really hard not to be a bitch when I tell them that.

13 Responses to “Why I’m pissed off today”

  1. martymankins says:

    In my world, I call this “death bed repentance” It’s when someone puts you off forever, even after you’ve contacted them about taking care of those things, then at the last minute, they have an immediate need and are pulling out their “Get Out Of Jail Free” card and waving it like a mad person.

    It’s not just a religious term. It applies to any situation when people need something at the very last minute.

  2. Bethany says:

    Oh goodness, I hate that! That story reminds me of my “friends” from teenhood- ugh! We have parents at school who do the same thing, and it’s aggravating. I’m sorry!

  3. em says:

    ARGH! Those kind of people are a major peeve of mine. Hopefully your version gets the hint that you’re getting paid for this gig… Good luck!

  4. sizzle says:

    I’d let a little bit of the bitch slip in because it’s warranted.

  5. Felicia says:


  6. Nilsa says:

    I think I’d just give them the link to this blog post. Sums it up pretty well without being too damning.

  7. Alice says:

    i’m with sizzle. or maybe it’s just that i wouldn’t be able to do it w/o a little bitch slipping in, personally… 🙂

  8. diane says:

    I agree with both Nilsa and Sizzle. 🙂

  9. kilax says:

    martymankins – Unfortunately, I believe I could use your term..a lot 🙁

    Bethany – The parents do it to you? Ugh, that must be even more aggravating.

    em – It is now one of my pet peeves too. Wait until you see Part II of this saga…

    sizzle – Is it? Yeah. It is.

    Felicia – EXACTLY!!! 😉

    Nilsa – HA! The funny this is, I rewrote this a few times (after posting) so the person would not stumble upon it.

    Alice – Hee hee. It’s hard right? When you’re this pissed, anyway.

    diane – Phew. Then I am not alone in thinking this is ridiculous!

  10. teeni says:

    That really IS frustrating. I can’t blame you for walking away from it.

  11. kilax says:

    teeni – But part of me is like “aw, give it a chance.” WTF is wrong with me?!

  12. kapgar says:

    These are people you just have to drop contact with. I’ve had several. They annoy me to no end.

  13. kilax says:

    kapgar – I think I may try that. But they live across the street from me.

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