People who cut in line… for the train!

By , October 27, 2008 12:29 pm

Within the group of people commuting to Chicago on Metra each day, there’s an entire subculture of people acting a certain way. A little ritualistic. A little obsessive. A little… crazy. They’ve been riding the train for a long time and they’ve developed a few… habits.

For example, a lot of people HAVE to sit in the same seat every morning AND every evening! I know this isn’t unique to riding a train, people do it in classrooms as well. But the Metra people get pissed off if they don’t get “their” seat. I’ve see it happen – “Why are you sitting in my seat?!” Your seat? You don’t own the train, buddy! We all paid (nearly) the same to get on.

As much as I try to fight developing those behaviors/habits, I notice that I am.

I do like to sit in the same seat in the morning, because it is the most comfortable one for me to sleep in without bringing a pillow. And… I do get a little frustrated when someone is sitting there! There, I admitted it! But, I tell myself to get over it, because it IS ridiculous. And I don’t care where I sit on the way home (as long as the person next to me isn’t on the phone).

There’s a monthly Metra newsletter you can grab a copy of on the train. It contains news, but also a section called “Sound Off,” for people to write in and complain about whatever they want. I appreciate the letters complaining about people yapping on their phone and hogging seats with all of their bags. That annoys me too.

Some of the letters are just funny though. You have to read this one (taken from pg. 3 “Take the high road?”):

I love reading about the complaints people have, sometimes about the strangest things. Well, I’m going to try to contribute to that:

I personally have a problem with how people are too courteous to others while getting off the trains. You see, the upper level passengers, though there are fewer of them compared to the ground level, always get to merge while exiting at a one-to one ratio with all the passengers on the main floor (sometimes even two-to-one since one person from each side of the upper level gets to go!). That then leads to the whole upper level clearing out before even the first three to four rows of passengers on the ground level getting off – it’s pretty unfair if you ask me! I mean, so if you’re in the last two to three rows of that cabin – forget it, you might as well sit down, have breakfast, read War and Peace if you’re trying to get off quick – all the while you see the smirking faces of the upper level passengers as they get off without delay. I propose a four-to-one ratio be unofficially implemented, where the upper level passengers should wait before coming down and merging with all the other traffic. This would only be fair. Otherwise, I’m going to start practicing my climbing skills to get myself up there so I can get off the train sooner!

I write all this with a smirk on my face –– but honestly, it is my pet peeve!

Of course this made me laugh. I sit on the top so I CAN get off first! Ha ha ha! Really though, at least this guy had a sense of humor about the whole thing.

So what would I write if I was going to contribute a crazy letter to “Sound Off”? Let me tell you what bothers me (so you can laugh at me!).

In the morning, before the train arrives, people line up on the platform in groups, where the doors will likely open. People do the same thing in the evening, but the difference is that the train is sometimes already there (just not opened yet).

At my stop in the morning, there is a woman who sits in the station, staying warm while people stand outside in the cold, waiting for the train. As soon as she hears the train coming, she runs out and gets right in front of everyone to be the first on the train.

Yes, this drives me nuts. It’s not Italy* lady! We DO follow lines here in the U.S.!

In the evening, people do the same thing. There is a large group waiting to get on, and someone comes traipsing along and stands right in front of everyone, because THEY want to get on first.

Of course, this bothers me, because I am one to follow unwritten rules, courtesies and ethics. But it does say – yes, I am turning into one of these crazy train people.

*When I lived in Italy, I realized no one there follows the concept of “standing in line.” It’s kind of just a big huddle of people trying to funnel and push their way into wherever they are all trying to go. I got used to it and began to embrace it. I liked pushing other people around. Ha!

16 Responses to “People who cut in line… for the train!”

  1. Jenn says:

    Oh my god, trains in Italy… I actually elbowed a little old lady and enjoyed it. They’re insane over there.

    Oddly enough a close second to line-less disasters I saw was in Germany of all places. Aren’t they supposed to be orderly and all that? Apparently not at the airport – or maybe a lot of the passengers were not actually German? – because people rushed the gate long before they were allowed on, and flat out refused to allow those who were supposed to board (first class, mainly) do so.

  2. Felicia says:

    Crazy train lady !!! hehe

    Actually that drives me nuts, even when it is cutting in line for anything. Movies make me insane. I get there early, annoying sit in the outside line to get a good seat, people who cut drive me insane.!!!

  3. Its almost comforting to know that people behave the same way in Chicago as they do in NYC. Common sense; politeness; and manners fly out of the window the minute the train opens its doors. You know what pisses me off – train buddies who sit next to each other and carry on annoyingly LOUD conversations with each other that you can hear crystal clear no matter where you sit. When I used to take the LIRR, the same group always sat together and conversed so loudly with each other. I could’ve easily switched train cars, but the doors always opened up next to the stairs I used in Penn Station to make a quick exit. No way was I giving that up. : )

  4. sizzle says:

    That would drive me batty. See? This is why I don’t take the bus. (Ok, no, it’s really because I am lazy and don’t like to share my personal space.)

  5. Alice says:

    that would drive me CRAZY!!! everyone should follow the unwritten rules, darn it! otherwise there is anarchy!! 🙂

  6. diane says:

    Okay Kim, you’re making me very nervous about my upcoming commute…and largely because I am usually the one breaking the unwritten rules! 😉

  7. tori says:

    I am cracking up because when my husband used to take the train home from work he used to call me to let me know he was on his way and what train he made. I always tried to get off the phone with him quickly because I KNOW how annoying it is to listen to someone on their cell phone. He would talk and talk and in general annoy ME and I wasn’t even there. He doesn’t take the train anymore, so at least I know it isn’t him bugging you!

  8. teeni says:

    Those subcultures scare me sometimes because for things I’m not used to doing, it would take too much thought for me to figure out that they even exist. Good for you for pointing it out to me and also for admitting that you are succumbing to it as well. At least if you are aware of it and how ridiculous it can be, then you can’t be too far gone. LOL. 😉 This was a good post. I enjoyed it!

  9. kilax says:

    Jenn – Ha ha ha. I was amazed the first time I flew Ryan Air and people RAN to the plane to board it. Maybe it’s just a European thing. It has some benefits. Some 😉

    Felicia – I am all about getting a good seat at the theater. I hear ya 😉

    Gina (Mannyed) – What I wonder is, how do those people come up with stuff to gab about to each other EVERY day? I can’t even talk to my husband that much! That’s kind of a weird relationship – the train buddy – I mean, do they ever get together besides on the train? Do they work together? DO THEY EVER SHUT UP?!?!

    sizzle – I am a bit anti-bus too. At least on the train you get a seat!

    Alice – I always wonder if those people even think about the fact that they are cutting people who have been waiting 5-10 mins. Probably not.

    diane – I’m sorry! 😛 Just follow common courtesy, you’ll be fine. Talk on your phone quietly 😉 You won’t be one of the bad ones! 😉

    tori – Ha! I always tell people “can’t talk, I’m on the train.” At least you were saying it the other way around!

    teeni – Thanks 🙂 I think after riding the train for… a couple of weeks, you catch on to these crazy people and their patterns!

  10. kapgar says:

    I say box her out. She tries to cut you off, yell that you can’t handle people being in “your personal space,” break out the mace can and point it at her face. She’ll never try to cut you off ever again. Your fellow travelers will get it and love you for it.

  11. No, the train buddy never shuts up, I am a witness to this phenomena. They talk about crap, pointless crap that nobody cares about or wants to be forced into over hearing. I don’t think this particular group worked together, but this one guy would always just talk about himself. PAINFUL.

  12. kilax says:

    kapgar – You’re always encouraging me to get in touch with my physical side 😉

    Gina (Mannyed) – Ugh. And headphones/ear plugs just don’t cover it. This, I know 🙁

  13. de says:

    this is hilarious, I remember riding metra and making a choice to change trains because I was sick of seeing the same people every day. I do that on the L too and am kinda happy when I get to the platform and can jump on a train. I never ride it that far back at night so I’m always hoping to expand my life bubble.

    yeah, public transportation makes you kinda crazy after a while.

    my pet peeve is that person who stands in front or cuts in front of me, and then lets everyone off and on the train while holding me back, because I would have already been on and in my seat had that man not cut me!!!


  14. kilax says:

    de – I totally hear ya on getting sick of seeing the same people. Mix it up! 😉

  15. i never realized that taking the train (or any public transportation) could be so painful!!!! the only thing we have around here is the bus and i can honestly say i don’t think i’ve ever ridden it… but a “commute” during rush hour traffic here is about a 10 minute ride across town… (i still get pissed though!) taking the train sounds absolutely enjoyable! lol kim i commend you for being in such a good mood all the time, i think the train would royally piss me off.

  16. kilax says:

    CourtneyInControl – Believe me Courtney, I have my days. Often, I sit in the car for a few seconds to get home and let the steam off before I come inside 😉

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