Vegan Q&A

By , May 13, 2009 12:53 pm

I’ve casually mentioned here that I am in the process of becoming vegan. I call it a “process” because there is research I need to do (NOT because I plan on making becoming vegan a process by slowly phasing out dairy and eggs). I don’t want to jump into veganism before I fully understand the way the lifestyle affects my health. First, I want to create a balanced diet, learn the many different names of animal products found in processed foods, and fully understand the lifestyle, THEN make the change.

This is something I’ve been thinking about for a long time, but only recently begun researching. I wanted to participate in Chase Daylight’s 30 Day Vegan Challenge in April, but didn’t. At the time, I discussed it with my nutrition commadre (Steven), and he pointed out that it may not be a good idea to alter my diet too much before our 5/2 half marathon. I thought that was a good point, so I’ve been waiting.

Yesterday, I was at lunch with Diane, and she asked me if I had started the vegan diet yet. I thought it was super considerate that she asked me (to which I answered “no,” even though I had a vegan lunch) and it made me think that maybe people would have questions about me becoming vegan, or veganism in general. I want to use this post to invite all of you to ask me any (serious) questions you have. I will write a post and answer them all when I am ready to make the switch. I will also give an explanation then of what the lifestyle is, and why I am following it. There is a lot I want to say now, but I will wait until then.

Funny note – after I got done writing this, my mom called me and asked if I had started the vegan lifestyle yet. She said, “Make sure you get all your protein!” I told her about this post and that if she wanted, she could be the FIRST person to leave that question. I bet it will take her awhile to get here though.

14 Responses to “Vegan Q&A”

  1. diane says:

    Kim, this is really awesome! When I tried to be a vegetarian, the biggest mistake I made was not doing it “properly”. I did not eat a balanced diet and got sick a lot.
    So, of course, I am wondering about the protein question too! (we already talked about the merits of edamame–hee hee) But since I have not done distance running like you, I also wonder if there are different protein vs. carb requirements that would affect your day to day diet. i.e., because you distance run and I weight train I assume that I eat more protein in a day and you eat more carbs in a day..??? Also, good on both of you for realizing that shaking up your diet that much right before the half marathon was probably not a great idea. 😉 Oh heck, I love both of you for thinking things through carefully like you do!

  2. tori says:

    I love that you are researching this completely instead of just trying to jump in, and then possibly get sick and quit. When my son was doing it before I would even let him try, we checked a bunch of books out of the library, I researched child nutrition information, etc. In the end, a box of Lucky Charms made him quit after about a year. He was dying for some Lucky Charms but knew there were marshmallows in them that have gelatin. Poor kid agonized over that for weeks and finally decided that he was going to eat them. After that, I’m not sure why, he started eating meat again. I believe it was when he started having all his stomach issues and chicken was the only thing that he could eat without throwing up but I’m not sure why he thought to try it since before that he was a pretty strict vegan. I was extremely impressed with him at such a young age choosing something and sticking with it even when it is super hard, especially when you go to friends houses and things. I can’t wait to hear what your experience is with it. Especially in relation to running. I don’t think I could do it. I mean if I HAD to, I could, but I don’t think I would voluntarily do it. I am very impressed with you though.

  3. Will your efforts to become vegan extend to other areas in your life besides diet- such as the clothes you wear or other non food products you buy?

  4. Erin says:

    Will Steven become vegan also? If not, I’m always curious about couples where one is vegetarian or vegan and the other isn’t. How does it affect meal planning, cooking, etc.

  5. Jess says:

    I think this is all so interesting. It’s great that you’re really making a careful, reasoned choice and going into it with your eyes wide open.

  6. Run Sarah says:

    I`m in sort of a process too – its really tough going from vegetarian to vegan for me, but I find slowly finding good dairy replacements is helping me, ie, vegan cheese sauce recipes, soy spreads, etc!

  7. sizzle says:

    I was a pescaterian for years but bacon brought me back. I admire those who can stick to their principles. Back in Santa Cruz I knew a lot of vegans. Unfortunately a lot of them did not get proper nutrients. I’m glad you’re doing your research!

  8. marissa says:

    good for you for starting the vegan lifestyle. it’s got to be hard. i’ve thought about going vegetarian, but i just don’t think i can!!!

  9. JQ says:

    Hey, I too think it’s a great idea to sit back and learn before jumping in head first. My daughter is a vegetarian (just wont eat meat) and I’m always looking for good recipes. Do you have any good ones???


  10. Imogen says:

    I’ve been considering a similar change for quite some time now…

    However, since the main motivation behind my thoughts is an obsession with animals and their humane treatment, I’m thinking about cutting out all meat, fish, game etc. but keeping dairy and eggs in (since consuming those doesn’t actually involve slaughtering something that breathes, feels and bleeds). Does that make any sense, whatsoever?

    Will be real interested in reading your post -when it comes- on all the different issues and considerations of the vegan lifestyle. It’s basically sth. I should do for myself (but can’t really seem to find the time -so big thanks)

  11. Christina says:

    Good luck, a friend of mine went vegan before doing her research and had some problems but learned from her mistakes. How are you planning your phases?

  12. i am so impressed with you doing research and figuring out the best way to go about it!!!! normally i just jump in and then think, hhhmm, i probably shoulda done some research first!!! so way to think ahead!!! (and about not changing before the half marathon too!) um, questions… if you’ve already answered this please don’t flog me… what made you decide you want to go vegan? i can’t wait to read your post on this!!!

  13. kilax says:

    Thank you all for your thoughtful questions and feedback! I loved hearing your personal stories about the lifestyle. I am still doing my research and will hopefully have answers soon!

  14. teeni says:

    Well, are you changing your entire lifestyle and becoming a vegan or are you just going to be following a vegan diet? I think following the whole vegan lifestyle is much more difficult than just eating a plant-based diet. I’m doing the vegan plant-based diet but I’m not going to stop wearing things that may have a bit of leather or stop buying anything that might have glue or gelatin in it. I guess it all depends on your reasons for doing it. Regardless of why or how much of it you do, I can only imagine that eating more vegetables is a healthier choice for most anyone!

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