Fed up

By , July 1, 2009 11:45 am

You know what’s exhausting? Trying to give someone what they want, when what they want is constantly changing*.

I am sick of trying to figure people (and their mood swings) out. I know it’s their issue, not mine, but still, it’s exhausting and wearing me down.

My therapist pointed out that when someone is really detail oriented and likes to pick things apart, that by letting it ruin my day, I am doing the same thing – focusing in on the irrelevant details. What a good point. So I am working on not letting the small things build up, but in the meantime… ugh. I feel like I am constanlty being attacked.

*Because they are crazy, and want one thing one day and something different the next.

14 Responses to “Fed up”

  1. diane says:

    Hmmm…I have a hunch who you are referring to, but I won’t post it here. 😉 I know what you mean though. It is frustrating when you feel like you are firing at a constantly moving target!
    I really like what your therapist has to say though…that’s good food for thought! (and something I think I need to keep in mind as well)

  2. Erin says:

    Oh man, I completely understand how you feel. I’ve worked for people like that and it took me years to just shrug and do what they wanted without feeling like a failure.

  3. Wow do I ever empathize with ya on this one! I also some how let that person ruin my entire day. Just seeing their name pop up on an email and I’m already cringing. What I’m learning is that no matter what it is in life (work, friends, etc) there is always A person that no matter what you do, they arent happy. I actually just had the run in with my work version of this person about 10 minutes ago.

    I’m heading off to scream now 😀

  4. martymankins says:

    As you’ve discovered, this is a very difficult thing to do. I deal with people like this on a daily basis and it’s amazing to me that they can even function in life, let alone remain employed.

    Learning to not let it bother you is a step in the right direction. It’s not an easy step, but one that needs to be taken to keep your sanity.

  5. Jess says:

    That is a good point. Hopefully it’s the kind of good point that you’ll be able to remember in the moment, you know?

  6. What a great point…I need to keep that in mind.

    Sorry you got someone who is doing that in your work life!!

  7. Holly says:

    ugh, I hate this, too. My problem is that I take things soooo personally. It’s not my fault you’re having a bad day! But of course I don’t say that and when people take things out on me, I let it get to me.

    I completely agree with your therapist. Sometimes I make up something that could be going on in their life that makes them that way. That sounds sadistic, doesn’t it? 🙂 But in a weird way, it makes me feel better because we never know what’s going on in someone’s life…

  8. Jamie says:

    It is very annoying! But very good point your therapist had. Hang in there!

  9. Kyra says:

    I know what you mean too. *hugs*

  10. Amanda says:

    It’s so easy to get caught up in those irrelevant details, I know I’m guilty for sure, but trying to let go of what doesn’t matter is a process. Good luck!

  11. Julia says:

    That’s always difficult to handle…can’t keep someone happy if they don’t know what they want. Stay sane!

  12. kilax says:

    diane – You probably do know, although, I haven’t even told you some of the best stories yet because we have been missing our lunch dates! 😉

    Erin – Exactly. I feel like a slave but really, there is not much I can do.

    Scale Warfare – They ARE everywhere. Ha. And the same thing happens to me on an email. You’re afraid to even open it. You think “Oh, what is it NOW?” 😉

    martymankins – That is what I wonder – how awful is their personal life if they make their work life so awful? Are these people really happy?

    Jess – Ha! Funny you say that. The Monday after I went over that with my therapist, I had a Monday encounter. For a few minutes I let it get to me, then remembered that point.

    Hotch Potchery – I think people like that are unavoidable! 😉

    Holly – I do the same thing 😉 It helps!

    Jamie – Thanks!

    Kyra – There’s always someone trying to bring us down, it seems…

    Amanda – Thanks! I feel like I am getting better at it, even in the past two weeks. Of course, I am not a pro yet! That will take awhile! (Forever?)

    Julia – Thanks! You said it – I try and I try, but if you constantly change what you want or how you want things, how do you expect ME to know?!

  13. tori says:

    That must be frustrating! I like what your therapist said though.

  14. kilax says:

    tori – She seems to get me, so far!

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