Sorry blogger/blogspot users

By , January 23, 2010 9:14 am

I didn’t want to talk about this, but it has become ridiculous.

I have gotten viruses from visiting websites hosted by blogger/blogspot on December 20th, January 20th, and again this morning, January 23rd.

I am reading the blogger/blogspot site in google reader, then click on the post title to leave a comment, and when then post opens in a separate tab, a “virus scan” pops up that is actually the virus.

My sweet and patient husband has had to reformat both my large laptop and baby laptop already and now will have to do it again.


This is extremely infuriating.

If you have a blog hosted by blogger/blogspot*, I will not be leaving comments on your site anymore (unfortunately, half the blogs I read are hosted by blogger/blogspot). I will be reading, and maybe send you an email with my comments.

Until I figure out what the hell is going on.

I should not be getting a virus just from clicking over to leave a comment on someone’s post.

30 Responses to “Sorry blogger/blogspot users”

  1. kapgar says:

    Problems like this are one of the many reasons I’m glad to be a Mac user. No problems with Blogger!

    Sorry it’s happening, though. I’ve never heard of that. Blows completely.

  2. Ameena says:

    So sorry you are having problems with viruses…every once in a while I’ll open a blog and then a ton of the same window keeps popping up and I can’t close them so I have to restart my computer. I wonder if that is what you are experiencing? How frustrating!

    That is not what is happening but I have had that happen before as well. What is happening now is that I get a “virus scan” pop-up and cannot use my task manager anymore, or my CD drive. Porno sites pop up, and the virus scan pops up about every 30 seconds to a minute. I force shut down my computer and it gets worse when I turn it back on. FUN!

  3. Vicki says:

    Oh no! I’ve been thinking about switching. I’ll let you know if I do. I’m sorry!

    Please let me know. I will be reading and sending you emails. I LOVE your blog! And it wasn’t yours, either. I… have just had too many headaches with these viruses. Maybe I will figure something out or get some kickass virus software!

  4. I hate that. I was thinking about switching anyhow, this may be the push.

    Let me know if you switch! I know a switch like that is a lot of work! I will be reading and sending emails, I hope I can figure out how to start commenting again!

  5. Kristie says:

    Oh wow… yikes! I hope that doesn’t start happening to me!

    Let me know if you notice anything… I would love to know if it is something I am doing wrong!

  6. Shannon says:

    That’s crazy! I’m sorry. It’s a good thing you have a husband who knows what to do!

  7. Joanne says:

    Wow – nasty. Thanks for the warning. Blogger is so popular – they are bound to fix it soon.

    It would be great if they did! We have been searching all over their site and the internet for an answer, and all we found was a post from 2008 saying blogger has a lot of malicious activity on it.

  8. Erin says:

    What a pain the butt! I haven’t noticed any problems at all, either with my own blog or anyone else’s hosted by Blogger/Blogspot. Do you have any type of virus scanning software (like McAfee or Norton) on your computers? Are you using Internet Explorer or Firefox or something else? Also, are you backing up your laptops before reformatting and then transferring data back onto them after the reformat? Jason says that if you’re transferring info back onto the laptop after the reformat that the virus could still be “hiding” in that data which is why it keeps showing back up.

    I have Ad-Adware running, and it picked it up but then the virus came through anyway. I was using mozilla (very anti-IE, ha). I back up a few times a week, but actually, did not put any files back on the computer after reformatting. I left them all on the external harddrive and from time to time, access them via my docked laptop.

    My logic tells me that I my be doing something wrong. But what? Using mozilla? Using reader? I don’t know ๐Ÿ™

    I am really bummed.

  9. Holly says:

    Oh, no – that is crazy! Uh, viruses. Don’t tell anyone but my Anti-Virus software expired and I got nuthin’. I know – livin’ dangerously! I need to get something before something happens to my computer.

    I hope you get it all worked out!

  10. Kim H says:

    How annoying! I have this weird thing that happens sometimes when I leave comments on blogger blogs. The screen will pop up and then continue to pop up over and over and over again until I shut down my computer. It happens without rhyme or reason. Shrug.
    Anyway, hope it gets sorted out.
    Have a good weekend!

    Oh yeah, that is the same thing Ameena was saying! That has happened to me too. WTF?

    Have a good weekend too ๐Ÿ™‚

    • kaylen says:

      I have this happen about once every other week. I just be patient and open the task window and shut down explorer from there. I assumed it was my crappy work laptop.

  11. Bethany says:

    Yikes! I hope it wasn’t my blog causing these problems but I hope you can get it fixed soon. That’s scary.

  12. It’s so funny that you say this because my computer won’t allow me to post comments on those sites. It will just come up blank. I also recently got a virus on my work computer after reading blogs! I wonder if that’s where it came from!

  13. jillian says:

    I have had the same thing as Kim and Ameena- always with a blogger site and I never thought about it being a problem with THEM!!!! I always blame my computer. I heard awful things about Blogger when I started which is why I went with WP in the first place ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Jen says:

    My dad had a similar virus — it posed as a virus scanner but it was really a virus. It was a really clever and nasty one. He thought he got it from facebook.

    I am using Avast!, which is a free anti-virus program, as well as Mozilla and Ad-Aware. I have not had any problems with this kind of thing. I wouldn’t surf without some kind of anti-virus protection.

    I really hope it wasn’t my blog that gave you the virus! I love your comments.

  15. tra says:

    avast rocks btw.
    anyways! oh man the trip took a TURN FOR THE WORST! the guy totaly ignored her and made out with someone else! and now like h’es like i’m going to come see you in nyc (he’s philly!)
    OMG. i had to pick up the pieces today.

  16. *lynne* says:

    oh yikes, I’m sorry to hear that – both the virus attacks you experienced ~and~ the dearth of your comments I should expect ๐Ÿ™ If it is my site for some reason, please email me, k? I wouldn’t knowingly add anything that is virus-laden, and I don’t hink I’ve added anything new except for “safe” stuff like adsense and amazon ads… ๐Ÿ™

    • kilax says:

      *lynne* it was not your blog! No worries! I will keep in touch via email until I get this figured out! ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Teamarcia says:

    EEK! So sorry this is happening! How incredibly frustrating. I too am working on a big switch!

  18. Etta says:

    oh my goodness! I hope it wasn’t my blog causing the problems!

  19. joanharvest says:

    Just stopping by to say hi as I have been absent from the blogs. My granddaughter keeps me very busy. I just got a terrible virus on my computer though it wasn’t from Blogspot. Thank goodness my SIL can fix those.
    As Lilah gets older I hope to be blogging again. Right now I only post occasionally.
    I hope you and yours are doing well.

    • kilax says:

      I think I need something in my life to keep me away from blogging! Ha ha.

      Did you get the “2010 Security” virus? If you got that, but not from reading blogs, it would be really helpful to know! It could help me figure out what is going on.

      Thanks for saying hi! ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. martymankins says:

    My main blog is WordPress, but I do have a blogger/blogspot blog that I post to on occasion. I will have to see if there are issues.

    As with Kapgar, I don’t see this on a Mac, but I can test it under Windows from work to see what’s going on.

  21. Oh that’s weird and what a PITA. No one wants to get a virus from a blog!

  22. Yikes! Glad I made the switch months ago! I wonder if it has anything to do with the links they have on their blog … for advertising or linking to other blogs that are infected (versus it being an entire Blogger issue – I haven’t had any issues with leaving comments on blogs hosted by Blogger).

  23. Alice says:

    oh, suck. i actually got this virus at work – it’s not limited to (or even tied to) blogger/blogspot. i got mine from a google search (about Roth IRAs!) and a coworker got his from another “viable” online institution. our IT guys believe it’s coming in from embedded ads, not from the actual websites people are going to. i can see why you’d want to avoid the site that bit you, though ๐Ÿ˜›

    • kilax says:

      So, what are we supposed to do to avoid it? I am happy to hear the theory it is linked to ads… but how do we know if it is there? Did your anti-virus software at work not catch it?
      Thanks for the insight!

  24. kaylen says:

    I set up a basic blog for work on wordpress and it was totally confusing to me. I know basic html and I enjoy the ease of blogger. When working in WordPress, I was totally lost and clueless. I understand it has a lot more capabilities, but the capabilities are lost if you don’t understand how to use it.

    I changed my reader so my full posts appear, I’d hate for you to miss any little word of my very intriguing blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • kilax says:

      I saw you left another comment about IE freezing at work – I have tried to open the task manager when the virus pops up but it actually disables task manager.

      I am sorry you had such a hard time with WP! I have found it much more user friendly, but it probably depends on what you are used to (I have a blogger blog that I don’t use).

      Thanks for setting up full posts! I thought I was doing something wrong in my reader. LOL.

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