Too many comments at a time?

By , June 8, 2010 6:03 pm

I am usually so far behind in reading blogs that when I do get around to leaving comments, I am leaving comments on multiple posts, that could be days old… all at once. Is that annoying? Does it annoy you when people leave a lot of comments on multiple posts on your blogs within a few minutes?

Does it annoy you when people leave a lot of comments on multiple posts on your blogs within a few minutes?

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I just wonder because that seems to be the only way I can stay caught up. And that is with skipping the stuff I don’t feel it’s necessary for me to comment on.

Blogging Baby

I may have asked this before, but when do you read blogs?

When do you most often read blogs?

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I read them while commuting on the train. So, being in DC for a week really screwed me over in that regard! It kind of screwed me over in a lot of ways. It totally threw me off whack, schedule-wise, health-wise and work-wise (unfortunately) and coupled with two back-to-back weekend trips to Iowa, I am feeling overwhelmed and worn out. But I swear, I can see the light in the end of the tunnel!

Anyway, I am curious about your blogging habits/thoughts. I am not stressed about being behind in my reading, I just miss it!

33 Responses to “Too many comments at a time?”

  1. Kim says:

    It doesn’t bother me at all if people leave multiple comments. I figure they’re catching up. I’m just happy they’re reading and wanting to stay caught up πŸ™‚ I do 90% of my blog reading during downtime at work. If I’m really busy with work, I don’t read or comment much. Same with weekends.

  2. Adam says:

    Nope, doesn’t bother me in the slightest. In fact, I am doing this as I type it! πŸ™‚

    I only have the time to catch up on blogs 2x or 3x a week. But, I LOVE blogs so I take the time to read them all. If people don’t like my comments all in a row, they should tell me and I’ll gladly stop reading (not really, i’m hooked)

  3. BostonRunner says:

    Interesting questions! I don’t see why people would get annoyed by commenting on a bunch of your posts.. you’re reading their blog isn’t that what they want? haha. Personally, when someone comments on an old post of mine that means even more to me because it means they’re actually going through my posts and care that they’ve missed a couple and want to catch up, you know?
    I always wonder how much blog reading people do at work! I can’t imagine having enough time to do it, it takes so much time and concentration for me! haha

  4. kapgar says:

    If a person is going to complain about too many comments at once, they shouldn’t be blogging. They’ve gotta understand that everyone works on different schedules and they will read/comment at their own leisure. That’s just how it’s gonna and gotta be.

  5. Joey says:

    Doesn’t bother me at all because I know I get behind too. I read blogs whenever I get a chance. Seems like the weekends have been too busy lately and on Monday I have 60+ to catch up on… THAT is what I find annoying! lol!

  6. salwa says:

    Heck, I’m just happy when I get comments at all! Wouldn’t bother me a bit if there were multiples or comments on older posts – might actually be fun to go back and re-read an older post prompted by a new comment. In conclusion, comments = good πŸ™‚

  7. cher says:

    doesn’t bother me a bit! I’d just rather get comments than be too picky about when i get them!

  8. K says:

    I don’t get very many comments so the more the merrier… even if they are from the same person and on multiple posts.

  9. Ameena says:

    I don’t get upset when people comment on previous posts, I am actually kind of honored that someone would go back and read that far back!

    Don’t feel pressured to comment, I often read but don’t have time to comment. I wish I could but life gets in the way of blogging unfortunately. And until I can get paid to blog it sort of has to take a back seat. πŸ™‚

  10. Holly says:

    On my phone, during the day, which makes it hard to comment!

  11. i love comments – any of them! i read blogs all day. whenever i can!

  12. I don’t really get that many comments- maybe 10-20 a post, so I don’t mind at all. I love every comment, which is why I try to thoughtfully comment on posts as well. I do wonder though how some people keep up…I have seen people who get 200-300 comments per post. I think I would be overwhelmed!

  13. I don’t see why anyone would be bothered by that?? I mean, if you put something out there and are open to comments, why should you care when they come in or in what sequence?

    <3 <3

  14. It doesn’t bother me at all, and I sure hope it doesn’t bother other people because I do that all the time. Sometimes I go days without reading certain blogs but then want to catch up because I genuinely care. I want the person to know I did read the older posts and I also have something to say. If I don’t have anything meaningful to say about the older posts I read them and just don’t comment but I almost always end up leaving comments for several posts in a row.

  15. I was actually thinking this same thing these past few days. I have not been sitting at my computer and look at my reader with an overwhelming feeling. I still blog but didn’t have a lot of time to read and comment. I will be a few days behind, but it is what it is. I don’t stress too much about it, because I get that real life is happening. And i always think a comment is comment love. So the more the merrier! πŸ™‚

  16. This doesn’t bother me at all either! I love getting comments on any and all posts, no matter how old. πŸ™‚ Also, I do the same thing, so I really hope it doesn’t bother people. It seems like I’m always falling behind on blogs and that’s the only way I can get caught up. I want people to know I’m reading and I often have things to say about past posts.

    Anyway, I’m glad to know I’m not the only one!

  17. sizzle says:

    I’m just grateful someone wants to read all my back posts! I don’t mind one bit if I get multiple comments. Comments are little gems. I’m happy to receive them whenever.

  18. It doesn’t bother me at all…I know sometimes people don’t have time to comment and/or read when I post! No worries!

  19. I love how most people read blogs while at work!

    The multiple comments don’t bug me at all as long people are commenting, it’s all that really matters.

  20. Erin says:

    I completely understand feeling out-of-sorts due to trips/etc. I always feel that way when I go on vacation! I try to comment on all the back posts but sometimes I just can’t. I love that you take the time to comment on mine!

  21. Alice says:

    i love getting ANY comments! i don’t mind in the slightest if it’s several posts at once – i’m flattered that people are reading more than one post, if anything πŸ˜‰

    i WISH i could read blogs during my commute (i spend a lot of time stopped @ lights) but on my bb i can only read, not comment. le suck.

  22. I love getting your comments, regardless of when or how often it happens!

  23. I seem to always be way behind and this means that I too, am leaving multiple comments. Since it doesn’t bother me to receive them I never even considered that it would bother others. Comments make me giddy, even if they pop up on older posts. πŸ™‚

    Haha.. I love how so far, people blog read the most while at work. Makes sense though. I mean, what else are we supposed to do? πŸ˜‰

  24. Jamie says:

    I always seem to be behind. I try to read blogs when I can but when I travel it becomes a bit difficult! Usually I read at work when I have time, lunch, or waiting for my flights.

    I love comments and will take them any way they come πŸ™‚

  25. i read at work or in the morning before work……multiple comments are a o k with me! happy wednesday!

  26. Holly says:

    Okay, I hope it doesn’t bother you because I’m doing that on everyone’s blogs today to catch up! πŸ˜‰

    It doesn’t bother me at all….I know people can’t read posts daily, or maybe just sit down a few times a week to comment. No biggie!

    And I do most of my reading from work….sometimes from home at night, but usually at work. πŸ™‚

  27. Mica says:

    I try to leave meaningful comments, but when I see that there are 2+ posts in my google reader from the same blog, I typically only comment on the most recent one. (Sometimes I read all of the posts. Sometimes not. It depends on the blog.) Of course, if there is a less-recent post in which a huge announcement is made or something, I try to comment on that!

    I get annoyed when I get a lot of comments on different posts right in a row if the comments are superficial. Like “Great run, girly!” then “OMG, your dog is so cute!” when I wrote serious things in my posts. It makes me feel like people just comment on my blogs because they feel obligated. And also, I think my blog is super-interesting AND I take the time to proof-read it for errors and easy legibility. So obviously, I’d get annoyed if I felt like people were just skimming my posts.

  28. Joanne says:

    Have to justify my reading blogs at work. I’m at my desk all day and need to take 5 minute breaks here and there. I read as much as I can in between tasks. I try to get to as many as leave comments on my blog but sometimes have to wait until night. Then my hubby gets annoyed because I’m doing too much blogging. Ahhhh … there just isn’t enough time in the day to read all those wonderful blogs.

  29. i love any and all comments, so who cares when I get them πŸ™‚

  30. lauren says:

    I definitely do the same thing (hence why I’mc ommenting on this one days after you posted :D)

  31. RunningLaur says:

    I’m leaving a million comments at once now, so doesn’t bother me at all. Of course, I think it’s best when people only comment on things that they really care to comment about though – I don’t need the “OMGZ ur so cool!” on every post.

    If only I could read blogs at work during the day – then maybe I’d get through them on time!

  32. martymankins says:

    I wish my posts got more comments, but it would also help if I blogged more often. πŸ˜‰

    As for when I read blogs, mostly throughout the day, but I do a lot in the mornings before work lately, ever since I got my iPad.

  33. Mallory says:

    I definitely do the same thing, jeeze, I’m already a week behind on this post….

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