
By , September 24, 2010 11:57 am

I am trying to get commenting working. Thank you to all who have alerted me. Please email me if it still does not work.

Because my BB is awesome, I cannot see what I am typing right now. Basically wordpress turned all commenting off on all of my posts today and when I ran the MySQL command to fix it, it changed all of my “discussion” settings (telling people they had to “log in” to leave comments). It should be working now. If you use wordpress, let me know if you want the MySQL command in case it ever happens to you.

Sorry about all of this!

6 Responses to “Commenting”

  1. Christina says:

    Its working now for me sistah!

  2. Adam says:

    Working now?? Test test test

  3. Erin says:

    You seem to have fixed it because you are a genius 🙂

  4. sizzle says:

    I was going to write you to say I couldn’t chime in. Glad it’s fixed!

  5. Yikes! Glad you could fix it, smart lady! 🙂 Have a great weekend!!

  6. Kim says:

    Working now 🙂 Go you!

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