Evolving personal style

By , September 29, 2010 6:57 am

When I first saw Steven this morning, he laughed at my outfit and said, “I thought you had tissues stuffed in your shirt.”

Ha. I guess it does look like that! This is what happens when I try to be “fashionable”…

I have NO sense of style. My wardrobe in high school and college was jeans and a t-shirt. When I first started work it was always a button-down shirt (usually untucked, yuck) and dress pants. After working for about a year (and losing some weight, I might add) I discovered blouses and sweaters. Now I usually wear a “nice” top with dress pants. I still have a lot of work to do if I ever want to look “polished” or “put together” (that would be nice).

How has your personal style evolved? Do you feel like you have a sense of style?

I wish I knew how those people who always look so nice did it. My attempts usually fail. I just feel like I look… disheveled or something. Although, I did try something new to me, fashion-wise, this week that I wanted to mention – wearing a scarf.

I have a coworker who wears a scarf or wrap nearly every day of the week. It’s crazy. I, on the other hand, have NEVER worn a scarf or wrap as part of my work outfit. I only wear scarves in the winter, to cover my face when I’m outside.

Steven’s mom gave me this silk scarf a few years ago.

Kim = crazy cat lady.

I decided to take it to work with me on Monday and have my coworker show me how to wear it.


Funny, the best picture in the series was one with my head cut off.

I liked the way it turned out!

Do you ever wear decorative scarves or wraps?

55 Responses to “Evolving personal style”

  1. Felicia says:

    If I had the choice I would wear Khakis and 3/4 lengths button shirts all the time with the occasional jeans. For a non-outdoorsy person, I certainly like to dress like a hiker. I try to be fashionable but it is often so far off the mark. Today long skirt, boots, and shirt which look great but then I have no accessories LOL. I have decided I will never be a fashionita 🙂

  2. I LOVE it! And the cat scarf makes me think of the day we went to that shopping thing and none of us had any idea how to do the scarf. What a fun day that was!

    I always feel like I look like a mess. I recently bought some “grown up” pants (not jeans) and when I tried on an outfit with them, my daughter told me I looked like an adult. I asked if that was good or bad and she said “well, I guess good but I like when you wear kid clothes because then you look like the cool mom you are”. I think that might have been a compliment? But my standard is jeans and a t-shirt and when i try anything else I feel like a faker and constantly adjust my outfit all day and probably just look uncomfortable all day in general. However, when I picked my daughter up at school the other day because she was sick, the office staff (who I do not know because it is a new school this year for her) thought I was a student and asked where my pass was. Probably not a great thing so maybe I do need to try to dress older?

    • kilax says:

      That was a fun trip! I think of that often 🙂

      I think that was definitely a compliment! But that is pretty funny that they thought you were a student!

  3. Mica says:

    Mmm, I don’t wear scarves that often because I don’t have many “light weather” scarves–just thick, woolen ones for winter. However, I will admit that they add lots of flair to an outfit!

    Harrison definitely would have said the same thing about that outfit. Ha.

  4. bobbi says:

    I’m like Tori – jeans and a t-shirt or a sweatshirt and anything nicer than that and I’m pulling and tugging at myself all day. I’m not sure how to be confident in “work” clothes. Dressed up to me is awesome boots instead of running shoes or flipflops with the same jeans.

    As for scarves, I’ve purchased in the past – they always seem like a good idea at the time – but then they sit woefully neglected in my closet forever…

    • kilax says:

      Get those scarves out! 🙂

      I actually saved a page in a magazine I got last year that said how to tie them 🙂

  5. I like to think my style has evolved (or actually developed at all) over the last few years. I’m still not super trendy by any means and go for things that I can layer or wear for more than just a year (too poor for any other option! lol).

  6. Kim says:

    That scarf looks really good like that! I would have no idea how to wear it either. 🙂 Also, love the “tissue” shirt!

  7. Pauline says:

    You look very pretty in that first pic! 🙂
    “How has your personal style evolved? Do you feel like you have a sense of style?”

    I love to wear practical and comfortable clothes-jeans, t-shirts, cargo pants, etc-but I am trying to look a bit more feminine and well-kept. I want to look good and classy, without sacrificing my individualism. 🙂

  8. Kandi says:

    I struggle with fashion and looking put together and polished. I work in an office but we are very business casual here and nobody gives you a second glance if you wear jeans on a random Tuesday. I would love to look more put together but it’s a struggle- especially when I take all of 45 minutes to get ready in the morning and that includes taking the dog out and showering.
    I’ve worn a scarf before as an acccessory and I do love it but I don’t always feel like ‘me’ while wearing it since my ‘style’ is usually very plain.

    • kilax says:

      I get up early to make it to the city so I take as little time as possible to get ready as well. I wonder if I would take more time if I lived closer!

  9. i seriously have considered hiring a stylist to help me just create a few really great outfits. I try new things but then always just feel a little silly

  10. Being that I live in Miami I have never gotten accustomed to using scarves, but I wish I would. They make an outfit look so much more cute and stylish! I am a crazy cat lady too and I think your scarf is adorable! 🙂

  11. martymankins says:

    BTW, cute hair.

    As for the shirt, I can only think of one thing: the puffy shirt from that Seinfeld episode when Jerry was going on TV.

    The only scarf I wear is the one I have from The Gap that I rarely use for those snowy days that I need extra protection from the cold.

  12. Alice says:

    oh how funny – i JUST bought myself a scarf on Sunday with the intention of trying to learn how to wear it / incorporate it into outfits!! please post any additional pictures if your coworker shows you other fashionable ways to wear it… i need the help!! 🙂

  13. I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of person, but just recently I did “upgrade” my wardrobe to non- Old Navy t-shirts… I have no sense of fashion or style either but I do like the shirt you have on in in the first picture and your scarf looks good!!! I would have no idea how to wear one either!!! I am proud of you for asking!!! I must say, you look great and your hair is too cute!!!!


    • kilax says:

      Ha! Courtney – that white top IS from Old Navy! 😛

      Thank you so much 🙂

      • WHAT?!?! Apparently I never ever seem to make it out of the t-shirt section at Old Navy, I need to try!!! Maybe somehow I just “knew” it was from Old Navy and was instantly drawn to it!!! Lol. It is too cute though!!!

  14. I am exactly like you and Courtney! There is someone in my office that just has the best accessories and can really accessorize her outfits. I can not. Although I love buying all different types of accessories (including scarves)! Maybe I should grow up and ask someone how to wear a scarf properly! LOVE that red top you are wearing!

    • kilax says:

      I am in awe of the girls like that in my office. I just want to stare at them 🙂

      Thank you! It’s from Tar-jay 😉

  15. Jamie says:

    I’m not very stylish. more of a jeans/t-shirt/flip-flop kind of girl. thought I do were the long skinny scarves and love them. I try to have a couple “cute” shirts for going out but I feel like I look like I’m trying too hard.

    I like your first shirt! I love those flower shirts and have recently purchased a few.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! I think the flower shirts are really neat too. I saw one where the flowers went diagonal across the shirt and thought that was neat.

      Ha ha. I have a few nice shirts I wear to “go out” too. My friends probably think I only have 5 shirts 😉

  16. Bethany says:

    Nope, I don’t wear scarves at all because I don’t know how to be fashionable either, at all. I’m probably worse than you. For Christmas church, I usually have my sisters dress me, that’s how bad it is. LOL! I did see a scarf that is adorable though and I want to get it…if I can figure out how to wear it…

  17. Christina says:

    That shirt is adorable!

    My sense of style needs some work. I tend to wear a lot of black and earth colors. I really want to add some more modern pieces with the classics to make them more trendy and fresh. I just have problems finding things that I like that fit and are within my budget. I also want to invest in some quality pieces.

    I do wear scarves but, i have never tried t the way you are wearing it. I love the cats!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks 🙂

      I bet you could wear a scarf with one of your black tops and that would look nice!

      You know, people always talk about adding pieces to their wardrobe and make it sound so easy! I just have no idea how to piece together an outfit!

  18. k8 says:

    I’m the disheveled type too. But I’ve found that wearing dresses really spruced me up. I love wearing dresses. One thing to put on in the morning. And I’ve just discovered scarves myself. I too, have a friend that helps me in the scarf department. You’d be amazed at how much they dress things up and change the look of something.

  19. sizzle says:

    I like the purple sweater/white shirt combo you have on! It looks great on you.

    My personal style has evolved as I have aged. In college I was all thrift and vintage. Now I mix retro styles with modern fashions. My main frustration is the unavailability of clothes I want in my size. It’s so annoying! But I try to be put together and add pieces of personal flair to each outfit. Accessories are my friend.

    I wear scarves a lot.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks 🙂

      You always look cute when you post pics of yourself. I want to raid your closet 🙂 Or have you tell me what to wear in mine! 🙂

  20. Megan says:

    I think my personal style has de-volved 🙂 Especially working at home most the time now, I just lounge in gym shorts and t-shirts. I used to wear a suit to work most days! Also, when I was heavier, I was much more concerned about my look. Now I am more comfortable with my body, even if it’s just jeans and a shirt.

  21. Kim says:

    Haha, I like the “tissue shirt.” I guess ruffles like that are “in.” I have a shirt that’s similar. I also love that scarf. I tend to be kind of boring/basic with my clothes, so I try to use scarves and accessories to change it up. Truthfully, though, I’m kind of lazy. I have a set of skirts and pants for work, and some nice tops that seem less nice as the purchase high wears off. Ha. I don’t really have a lot of time and patience for shopping. It’s just not a priority for me. If I had it my way, I’d have a uniform. I guess it says something that I envy my sister’s job — she just gets to wear scrubs every day.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks 🙂

      Ha! Purchase high! I totally know what you mean. And I HATE to shop too. I took my cousin to the outlet malls two Sundays ago and when I told my sister she said “You went shopping?! For Fun?!” She was shocked. I guess I just wanted to see my cousin 🙂

  22. Erin says:

    I think your first outfit looks great! I read/heard somewhere that the key to looking polished is to wear at least three things. Bottoms, top, and something else on top. Either a cardigan or a jacket or a bold accessory. I don’t always follow the rule but I do find that I feel more put together when I dress that way.

    • kilax says:


      Hmm, that rule totally makes sense in my head, because the people I see who look so polished are sporting that sort of style. Thanks for the tip! 🙂

  23. I have a hidden sense of style. When I’m forced to dress up, I like to think I know what looks good on my body. But, I work in a super casual environment (made super duper casual on the days I work from home) … which has enabled me to be lazy about what I wear, i.e., sloppy. I’m trying to correct it, but it takes time.

    And in the winter, scarves are an amazing way to stay warm when your office is cold! I wear them for months on end!

  24. Amy says:

    Cute picture of you with the tissue shirt! And the scarf looks pretty! I think it is a question of getting used to wearing different things than you are used to.
    I wear scarves all year long – light cotton ones in the warmer months and warm fuzzy ones when it’s cold. I love them and to me they are almost like jewelry. Plus I hate having my neck cold!

  25. Katie H. says:

    Ohh, I love that white top! And purple is the definite “it” color of fall.

    I used to think of myself as quite fashionable, but now I am drawn to more classic pieces and looks. I typically wear the same necklace/bracelet everyday, although when I did my wardrobe challenge over the summer I re-learned the importance of accessories and the impact they have on an outfit. I like the look a scarve adds to an outfit. I’ll add one occasionally if it matches!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you!

      I loved seeing your fashion pics from the challenge you did, even though I started reading your blog toward the end of it. You have great fashion sense!

  26. teamarcia says:

    I did all kinds of scarf mumbo jumbo and still have hoards of them hanging in the closet that I never wear now that I’m at home. It’s pretty much jeans and tees for me and I’m ok with that. I do love the kitty scarf!

  27. First, ignore Steven because I think you look fantastic in that picture! And I like the outfit. 🙂

    Secondly, I’m not super fashionable but I am 100x better than I use to be. I actually make an effort now whereas I use to just were lulu lemon pants, a tank and a hoodie. While I like scarfs I don’t wear them much. I only own one and it just gets worn on random days. Very random days.

  28. diane says:

    I laughed out loud when I read this, because I am lucky if my pants get ironed before work. :p
    I wish I had a sense of style. I just can’t get it together, and even if I magically could, I am too concerned with cost and (more importantly) being comfortable. Although I really like my suit and how I look when I get to wear it, I swear I feel extra tired when I get home, like pulling it off was so much work. Ha!
    (I have some decorative scarves, but don’t wear them that often–when I do, it’s usually more of a “rock star” look for going out, with jeans and a simple shirt.)
    P.S. Your hair looks so pretty!

  29. mom says:

    Oh that looks so cute. I bet Linda had a lot of fun picking that out for you. I think you have nice style but if you really want a make over spend a day shopping with your sister. She has a special style don’t you think?

  30. Adam says:

    Ha! I think this is one of the few pictures that we’ve (i’ve) seen with your hair down. Those flower frilly shirts sure are popular right now – regardless of what it looks like you have stuffed down there.

  31. ChezJulie says:

    I think you look really pretty in the flower ruffle shirt with the purple sweater and your hair down. Stephen is being ridiculous. And deep purple is a good color for you.

    There is a woman in my office who always wears dressy slacks with a stylish top (maybe something patterned) and pretty small scale jewelry. She always looks comfortable but professional.

    I am feeling a fashion post coming on…

  32. Jen512 says:

    I was a little taken aback by your first picture, I can’t remember ever seeing you with your hair down! Probably because you’re jogging in most of your pictures. You look really lovely. I really like the kitty scarf and the way it’s tied looks modern and goes really well with that shirt. Accessories can be fun!

    I am in permanent ponytail-mode myself right now because I haven’t had a haircut in a year since we got here nor have a bought any styling equipment like a blow drier or a flat iron yet. I plan on changing that very soon though! I’m so tired of my long hippie hair and it’s been falling out like crazy since having the baby (totally normal).

    I used to be very high-maintenance about my appearance, I would get my hair cut and colored all the time, eyebrows waxed, mani/pedis. I was looking back at old college pictures the other day thinking, “Man, I used to be cute!”. I’ve been feeling the need lately to get back to that, not liking what I see in the mirror lately.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks. You don’t see me with my hair down that much because I hate wearing it down. 🙂 I am usually wearing a ponytail or bun too 🙂

      I think it is normal to focus on other things besides your hair when you have a newborn! I am sure you look a lot better than I would 🙂

  33. […] I would say that I pay more attention to clothes than do most of my girlfriends and (according to Kim’s comments) some of my fellow bloggies. At least I do have something of a system for updating my work […]

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