Waist Belts

By , November 22, 2010 5:23 am

What do you think of waist belts? Have you been wearing them?

My sister scored a ton of them when she was visiting a week ago. I asked her to send me some pictures of her with them on. Isn’t she cute? They look good on her!

I noticed Erin was wearing one when I saw her on Friday and she looked really cute too.

I wonder if they would look good on me? Hmm…

28 Responses to “Waist Belts”

  1. J says:

    I need a waist belt for a specific outfit I have. Otherwise I don’t think I would wear it. I think you could pull it off! Its just about finding the right belt to go with your outfit!

  2. teamarcia says:

    She looks great in them! I’m very short-waisted so I think I’d be ‘all belt’ in the middle. Give it a try!

  3. Kelly says:

    Your sister is very thin and has an adorable wardrobe. I am not-so-thin and have a lame/frumpy wardrobe… so I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t work on me.

  4. Kandi says:

    I’ve never worn them but one of my coworkers does from time to time. It’s super cute on her but she’s rail thin. I’m not very trendy so I’ve never thought to try one.
    Your sister is really cute and trendy in those photos. 🙂
    If you try this you must post pictures and let us know how it turns out!
    Also- I would have never thought to wear one over a drapped sweater!

    • kilax says:

      I know, doesn’t it look cute over a drapped sweater? I have two of those same sweaters as her, and I think I have a belt like that at my house (long story – I drew her name for Xmas, she couldn’t afford all of the clothes she wanted to I am giving some to her, belt included) – maybe I will kind of pin it around me and see how it looks. Ha!

  5. Erin says:

    I own exactly…one. You saw me wear it on Friday 🙂 I’m still figuring out how and when to wear it. I find, though, that they can punch up an outfit from blah to more interesting. You should try one on just to see. You never know!

    • kilax says:

      I think I have one at my house! It’s my sister’s holiday gift (she couldn’t afford all the clothes she wanted – I drew her name so I picked up the tab)… I may hold it up to my waist. I don’t think it will fit me. 😉

  6. Ash says:

    These look super cute on her. I always see them and think eh but I may have to rethink my opinion.

  7. Christina says:

    Cute! where did she hit the belt jackpot?

  8. Alice says:

    i have two, specifically for sweater dresses. i have a boxy figure that needs definition if i’m wearing a dress without defined tailoring features. i hadn’t thought about using it like your sis, though, with cardigans etc… brilliant!!

  9. Kim says:

    I think they’re really cute! I’ve been contemplating getting some for myself. I don’t really have a waist, so these might help. ?.

  10. Sarah says:

    Your sister is absolutely adorable in them. You should try the waste belt look, Kim. I love the look but I haven’t found any that I liked on me, that went with my outfits. I am not very stylish, though.

  11. Karin says:

    Wow they suit your sister really well! I sometimes wear waist belts too but not often.. My sister rocks them all the time and it looks fabulous on her as well.

  12. Those look so cute!! I’ve never been able to pull that look off. Im just not cool enough. 🙂

  13. Gina/Mannyed says:

    Your sister looks great in them! I have a feeling I wouldn’t. But I should give it a try some day because they really do liven up an outfit! I say you give it a try, too. I will way after April, hehe.

  14. wow those are soooo cute. i always think about that kind of stuff, but I don’t feel fashionable enough

  15. Stephany says:

    I don’t have any waist belts but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t look good on me. I think they would just end up making me look pregnant. 😉

  16. Your sister pulls them off great! I, on the other hand, look ridiculous in them!

  17. The Linz says:

    I think they are super cute! I just know that because of my waist I could not pull off the look as well. But then again I’m not super adventurous in the wardrobe department either. I’d say give it a try and find an outfit that works.

  18. Melissa says:

    I love them and would love to wear them but given that I am kind of “rectangular” with my extra weight known to hang out around my midsection, I feel like they just draw attention to the fact that I don’t have a waist. (Cinch the pudge?) Your sis looks super cute though!

  19. Elizabeth says:

    Aww…your sister looks so cute in them! I’m on the too-short-to-make-it-work list. The last thing I need is a belt to remind people how little my halves are!

  20. I just wore one with a dress for the first time last week and felt wicked uncomfortable at first. I don’t have the balls to try it with a cardigan though…. I told a retail lady that I didn’t have the waistline for a belt like that and she said, “waistline! You create your waistline!” Loved her response.

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