My Malt-O-Meal Dilemma SOLVED

By , March 12, 2011 1:36 pm

I was wrong.

A few people told me the Malt-O-Meal site said the Maple & Brown Sugar flavor was available in my area. One of the places listed was Target. I was doubtful, because our Target always has Original and Chocolate. But, we checked it out. Lo and behold, they do have Maple & Brown Sugar. Now they just don’t have the other flavors. Whatever… I guess if they carry this one now then I don’t care! Man, Target makes me crazy!

13 Responses to “My Malt-O-Meal Dilemma SOLVED”

  1. ChezJulie says:

    And there was rejoicing throughout blogland! Hurrah for Target. Cute pic of you, too, missy.

  2. J says:

    I did well today in the race. Just have to get around to posting a report! Glad you found the malt o meal!

  3. Erin says:

    Hooray! Now, just buy all of them every time you go to Target just in case they decide to stop carrying it. At least that way you’ll have a stash!

  4. Christina says:

    I need to try that malt-o-meal. I have never seen it around here. I just eat original with lots o sugar. 🙁 Where does mamu buy it?

  5. Mica says:

    Now I want to go to Target to try this magical malt-o-meal!

    • kilax says:

      Oh gosh! I hope you like it. Some people don’t care for it too much. It’s really smooth. I like it because it’s warm and sweet 🙂

  6. Amy says:

    we love target!

  7. Holly says:

    Okay, I shop at Target so I’m definitely going to check this out!

  8. RunningLaur says:

    Ha, too funny! Now I’m tempted to go look for it.

  9. Etta says:

    I thought of you today when I bought my chocolate malt-o-meal. They only had it and original at Wal-Mart.

  10. martymankins says:

    I get my Malt-O-Meal at a local grocery store called Harmon’s. Smith’s Food (a Kroger owned store) also has it. I don’t remember seeing it at Target here, though. Although we rarely shop at Target for food.

    Odd that they would get rid of the other flavors in place of the Maple & Brown Sugar (which is the flavor I buy).

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