Color preferences

By , July 7, 2011 5:42 pm

Last week, Kandi commented on my Skirts for the summer post that most of her skirts are black and white. Me too, Kandi. Me too. I counted – out of my 13 skirts, 7 of them are black and white, 1 is all black, and 1 is black and red. And most of my dresses are black too. I hope that doesn’t say anything about my personality!

What color do you have the most of hanging up in your closet? Now, which color do you wear the most?

I noticed most of my work tops are black, gray or white (and green seemed to be the most represented color):

but I think I wear purple the most, and yes black.

In my workout clothes, I have mostly blue and pink:

and I definitely wear pink the most! That is for sure.

For street clothes, it seems I have a lot of reds, pinks and oranges:

but really, I usually pick one shirt and wear it all weekend, unless I am going to be with the same people all weekend, or get sweaty. I usually wear the same two teal shirts over and over that I love.

Orange is my favorite color, but I don’t have a lot of orange clothes!

12 Responses to “Color preferences”

  1. Katie H says:

    I love orange too- but I don’t have too many orange clothes! I wear pink and green the most. I dig navy too.

  2. Britt says:

    Everything I own is pretty much gray, or has stripes and my husband always asks when I’m going to step outside of the box.

  3. Erin says:

    This is inspiring me to hang my clothes up by color. Yours look so nice!

    I have a lot of bluish-green teal, a lot of dark fuschia, and a lot of black. I’m starting to get into blues and greens. I look best in “jewel” tones so I wear a lot of them.

  4. chezjulie says:

    I like your skirts… so many great patterns and they look nice hanging together.

    I wear a lot of black and white and grey, too, but for summer it’s more blue and white.

  5. Amy says:

    I also have a lot of black! It is so easy – everything matches black.
    Workout clothes are always black on bottom and blue or pink tops.

  6. J says:

    I have a lot of different colors and I usually wear the same stuff all weekend too!

  7. My dress clothes are mostly gray, black, and white, too!

  8. About a decade ago, I became all too aware of (a) how easy it is to rely on black clothes and (b) how awful I look in black. I started making a conscious effort to avoid buying black. In that time, I think I bought one black dress for a wedding. Otherwise, I rely on brown or dark purple as my new black and prefer lots of color.

  9. Kandi says:

    Thanks for the shoutout.
    I have a lot of black and blue in my closet. I have blue eyes and blue shirts tend to show them off better so I wear a decent amount of blue. I also wear a lot of red. I noticed the other day that I don’t have any green shirts in my closet anymore. I have green t-shirts but nothing for work.
    As for workout clothes, I usually stick to black bottoms and pink, blue, or green tops. I recently decided to give pink a try and now own several pink running shirts.

    I also organize my closet by color!! It makes the mornings so easy!

  10. RunningLaur says:

    No going to lie, this kind of inspired my hope for the weekend of clearing out all of the old clothing out of my closet.
    I think it’d be so much easier if I had a lot of black and white because it would be easier to make things match, but I have a ton of colors – almost everything I have has color in it – lots of blues and greens and purples.
    (on a related note, I read once that Angelina Jolie has a closet of almost all black, so that she doesn’t have to have many pieces and ca wear everything with everything – making it very easy to pack for traveling.)

  11. Jenn says:

    Same here… my work clothes are, by far, black and grey. Also, I’ve noticed that I wear a lot of cardigans… my casual clothes are slightly more colorful, but probably not by a lot.

  12. sizzle says:

    I am a rainbow. Seriously. I rarely wear white or black clothes and usually lean towards jewel tones (green, purple, red). Lately I’ve been embracing yellow.

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