Ponytail time

By , May 14, 2012 9:12 am

A coworker just told me that I should probably brush my hair before my meeting, as the back of it “looks all crazy like I just got out of bed.”


Why do I even try?*

Monday: 1, Kim: 0

*The sad thing is, I DID try to make my hair look nice this morning. Usually I don’t even brush it before I go to work. I need serious hair help! Let’s look on the bright side… only one more day IN the office this week. The rest are work from home.

29 Responses to “Ponytail time”

  1. kandi says:

    I’m certain I’ve never said that to any coworker, ever. I wouldn’t know what to do if someone said that to me either! I don’t have a comb or brush at work anyway.
    I always do my hair the same way for work – wash it, put a product on it, use a wide tooth comb or pick, air dry on the train. I never ‘try’ to make my hair look nice for work. So very sad but I just don’t give myself enough time and I don’t own a hair dryer.

  2. bobbi says:

    I seriously hope that was said in kindness rather than as asshole. I wasn’t sure, based on what you wrote 🙁

    I think that’s why I’m loving short hair so much. I am way too lazy to deal with my hair…

    • kilax says:

      That was their attempt at being helpful. I was not in the mood though!

      I have always wondered what my hair would be like short!

  3. gina says:

    I put my hair in a pony tail every day. Talk about not trying! I like your hair today. Did you straighten it?

  4. Erin says:

    I agree with Bobbi…I hope whoever said that was trying to give you a head’s up and not be mean. But, chances are they weren’t being kind….

    Anyway, I wish I had some advice for you! I’m hopeless at doing my hair as well.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! I bet I have told you stories about this person before, Erin. They always have lot of compliments on what I am wearing. Usually nice, but a bit on the bizarre side.

  5. My hair gets fixed maybe 2 days out of the week. The rest of the time? The coworkers can just deal. :p

  6. Ummm . . . your hair looks fine. Besides, my hair is only done every other day. I don’t even care what it looks like when I’m at work. Who am I trying to impress right?

  7. Anne says:

    What am I missing? I think your hair looks fine!

    But my hair secret is that – gasp – I don’t wash it on office days! I wash it every other day, while I’m home and on weekends, and then when I have to go to work I use a dry shampoo. Not having to dry it means I can make sure it’s not a total mess before I leave the house.

  8. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I always miss the back of my hair. If you were standing behind me, you would think i was homeless.

  9. I only blow dry my hair once or twice a week. The other days I just let it dry naturally or put it in a bun. None of my co workers have ever been rude enough to say something. What a jerk!!!

    • kilax says:

      Now that I think about it, another coworker told me in March that my hair was out of control frizzy. You know, I am not self conscious about much except my hair. Ha ha ha.

  10. Keratin treatment saved my life, hair-wise. I don’t have to worry about it every morning anymore. My hair used to be a poofball. Now it looks normal.

  11. Christina says:

    I had a Monday 1, Christina 0 too, I wore my cardigan inside out all morning!

  12. J says:

    I have had coworkers say that to me – its usually when I don’t straighten my hair. I have slightly wavy hair if I let it air dry so usually I blow dry and straighten it if I leave it down. Today for me is bad….Tuesday:2, J: 0. 🙁 I forgot my sunglasses for my run after work and I forgot dressing for my salad. And I dropped my coffee on my running shoes. Awesome.

  13. CourtneyInControl says:

    You shoulda just shin kicked whoever said that… and hopefully it wasn’t ‘ol Evil… ugh!! That’s not exactly how you want your Monday to go. I think your hair looks great! Too bad I’m slow on the comebacks (and usually don’t say anything anyways) but you coulda/shoulda said, well, at least I can fix my hair, you can’t fix your face! Ha! Like you said, only one more day in the office this week!! Then you have little helper Data and Steven to work with the rest of the week!!! Hell yeah- you can’t beat that!!

  14. Kristina says:

    Wow – that is crazy. Hope that the week improves!

  15. martymankins says:

    Personally, I’ve always liked the photos of you with your hair just like it is above.

  16. tricia says:

    oh man,I’m hair helpless as well. Thank goodness for ponytails!

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