ilaxSTUDIO on Facebook

By , June 19, 2012 5:16 am

I created a Facebook page for my blog about a week ago. 

This is something I never thought I would do for two reasons:

  1. I am not trying to create a brand or make money off my blog. ilaxSTUDIO is just a (creative?) outlet for me and a good way for me to meet people. 
  2. I didn’t think I would have time for it. I tried Twitter a few summers ago and felt too overwhelmed. I had been feeling overwhelmed with keeping up with blogs lately. 

So why did I? Well, in short, because I am a sell-out. 

The long story is that someone contacted me about maybe being a race ambassador for a half marathon I have wanted to do for a few years (but it never worked with my marathon schedule). They asked about Facebook and Twitter and I said I had neither and asked if that reduced my chances of getting the ambassador position. They said it may.* So I thought about it for a few days and decided to see how difficult it was to set up a page for my blog. Then I started to play with it and decided to give it a try, that maybe it would be fun…

And immediately I decided it was a lot of fun… and that I might stick with it. We’ll see. 

It’s funny, I feel like with a Facebook page for my blog I can be more obnoxious on that about running and exercise and whatever else in real life than I can on normal Facebook. I don’t think that is the mindset I am supposed to have behind having a page for my blog, but I just feel I can be more myself there than on my Facebook wall. I think that because people voluntarily like it after knowing my blog**, they know what to expect… so I can be me. Hard to explain. And maybe in a few weeks I will decide I am not that in to it anymore.

Anyway, right now I am just posting my posts with intros and some other pictures (that sometimes are related to posts but are mostly just random) and enjoying it. I do think posting there may actually drive traffic away from my blog***, but we’ll see how that pans out. 

Do you have a Facebook page for your blog? Why or why not?  

*I still do not know if I will be a race ambassador for this race. 
**I realize this does not even make sense since the people who “like” the page are all Facebook friends anyway. 
***Because people see it on Facebook and comment there, which actually creates another place for dialogue, so that is neat!

20 Responses to “ilaxSTUDIO on Facebook”

  1. Losing Lindy says:

    I set one up, because I am thinking I might want to keep my groups of people separate. I haven’t been keeping up with Twitter or the page though. I can barely keep up with blogs lately.

  2. kandi says:

    I do not have one. I like to keep my blog, twitter, and facebook separate. Maybe someday I’ll link them all but for now I like them having separation.

  3. J says:

    I like having the facebook for the blog, but it can be a hassel sometimes too. I am just getting into it though and only post my blog posts on FB. I am glad you liked my page and that we are facebook friends!

  4. Erin says:

    Wow! You already have over 50 people who like your Facebook page. You are popular 🙂

  5. sizzle says:

    I do not have a page for my blog because I don’t use my real name on my blog and don’t want them connected. Also, I don’t want one more thing to remember to do. 🙂

  6. Kiersten says:

    I hear you on the being overwhelmed by keeping up with blogs. I found myself forcing myself to stay up late last night and catch up on everything I missed during my fun, and technology free, birthday week. I had to remind myself that reading blogs is supposed to be something that I LIKE to do, not that I am obligated to do.

    • kilax says:

      I had to remind myself that a few weeks ago too and went through and deleted a bunch of extra blogs from my Reader that I wasn’t even reading… and it really helped! And now that I have a smartphone, I can look at it and mark stuff as read that I don’t think I will comment on. That helps keep it fun and not stressful for me!

  7. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I dont have a specific facebook, but when i started the original gingerfoxxx blog years ago, i nabbed the twitter and a bunch of other social media things just to keep other people from trying to be gingerfoxxx 🙂

  8. Melie says:

    I have a facebook page for my blog, which is as neglected as the blog itself. Its main purpose is for me to enter all those blog giveaways without doing it through my “real” facebook account and play hidden objects games.

    I like your page though! It’s personal and so not a sell-out, as I have yet to see promotions and raving reviews of totally useless stuff that go against your “philosophy post” uploaded 3 hours before that.

  9. Ha ha. I love that you called yourself a “sell out.” Please – you are the farthest thing from that! But seriously – you’ve already surpassed my blogs “likes” so clearly the people of the blog world were in need of your FB page! 🙂

  10. I don’t have a facebook for my blog because I want to keep it separate from my life as much as I can. If I put it on facebook then everyone I know would be able to find it, and that ruins half the fun of it.

  11. Kristina says:

    Sounds like being a race ambassador would be cool!

  12. Maggie says:

    I like having the FB page (and also the blog in general) because it gives me an outlet to talk about running to an audience that wants to read about it. Most of my non-running friends don’t really “get” my running and comment (in person) about how I run “all the time” etc. So it’s nice to still have an outlet for it that won’t lead to comments from people who don’t get it. I think what prompted me to create the FB page was for blog giveaways – I didn’t want to spam my non-running friends with links.

    • kilax says:

      Ahh, that is what I was thinking when I said I feel I can be more myself on ilaxSTUDIO… you just said it 1000x times better 🙂

  13. I am such a social media grouch. Seriously. Lately, I’ve gotten totally sick of Facebook fan pages for blogs that I read. Nothing against you at all. It’s just I don’t see the use for them when people already read your blog and keep track of it in an RSS feed. And, I feel like it duplicates the conversations you’re going to have … or maybe just takes away from comments on your blog (e.g., are people commenting on both your fan page and on the blog post you’re advertising?). Anyway, I pretty much am ignoring fan pages these days. I know, totally grouchy, right? Anyway, carry on … hope you get that race ambassadorship! =)

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, that is why I mentioned I do think it will take away from comments here. But that does not bother me so much, because I am just talking to someone on Facebook instead of my here. And I am not sure people read too much in to other people’s comments… so maybe they are not missing out if they never come here? Who knows?

      Also, it takes me awhile to comment on my blog, but I can do it more immediately with Facebook (since I do not have to email out responses there). It’s fun so far! I like posting random pictures and not feeling like I am spamming my regular friend’s walls.

  14. Ooh! Fancy! I don’t have a facebook for my blog, since my blog is so new, but maybe when I hit 3 months I will…and then I’ll “like” your page!

    For some reason I couldn’t leave a comment on your stress fractures post, but it scared me and comforted me both! (scared me because I might have that, comforted me since I’ve been really good about not running…though I have walked/hiked even when it hurt…)

    • kilax says:

      Sorry about that! I have comments automatically turn off after a month (helps me reduce the amount of spam comments I get).

      Your Sports Medicine Doc will know exactly how to help you! I am anxious to hear what he says!

      Thanks for the like 🙂

  15. martymankins says:

    I will most likely end up creating a Facebook page for my commercial web venture I am working on (Adult Beverages) but I am curious how it adds to the blog or how much it takes away from the blog. I would hope that a FB page would compliment the blog and have shared posts (like an aggregator) so any traffic there could lead back to your blog.

    I will be curious how your FB page compliments your blog here.

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