No pants

By , August 28, 2012 6:54 am

I haven’t worn pants to work since April.

Not like that, guys!!!

Don’t worry. I’m not going in to the office pants-less. I’ve just been wearing skirts and dresses. It started out with it being a comfort (weather) thing, then turned in to, “I haven’t worn pants in a long time and I am afraid to see if they fit,” sorta thing. 

Ugh! What am I going to do come winter?!

That’s right. I’ll wear tights under my skirts and dresses. Muah ha ha. I will never have to wear pants (in to the office) again!

Seriously though, I kind of feel like I have a work uniform. And that seems a bit bizarre. But it definitely makes getting dressed before 5:00 am much easier.

Do any of you tend to wear something very similar every day of the week?

Today’s skirt, courtesy of Gina:


Kind of related (to my refusal to try my pants on) – in the beginning of July Erin emailed me a link to an orange dress from The Limited that was on sale for $25 (what the eff, now it is on sale for $17!!!). Since Erin taught me how to dress myself, and the dress was not that much money and it was ORANGE(!!!) I ordered it. It came a couple of weeks later and sat in my closet, in the bag for an entire month. An entire month! I did not try it on until last Sunday!

I had read the reviews of how it fit, ordered it in my size and wasn’t sure if it would work or not. But I decided to finally try it on Sunday night, thinking I may wear it to a wedding this Saturday.

Apologies for the crappy photo!

So it fits. And I feel like an idiot for having it sit in my closet for so long. I don’t wait that long to try on workout clothes when they come in the mail. I practically rip them out of their packaging, strip down and try them on in the kitchen.

What is the point of me posting this? I guess I am wondering – is anyone else afraid to try on their clothes?

30 Responses to “No pants”

  1. bobbi says:

    I’m just afraid to BUY clothes. Except workout clothes. So I don’t. Sigh – fashionless…

  2. Melie says:

    I haven’t worn regular clothes to work since end of May. A little bit because there’s nobody at school during Summer, a little bit because the showers at the gym were being renovated, a little bit because I just don’t care, I’ve been going to work in my gym clothes. Oh no! Does this mean I need to start getting dressed in real clothes again?

  3. Carolyn says:

    I think I’ve already told you that I try on my clothes like 3 times before I decide if I’m going to keep them/wear them. Strange, I know. Also, I wore pants today and feel guilty – only because I didn’t want to shave my legs. Now you know just how lazy I am!!! (Yikes!)

    I expect to see that orange dress on you in the office! It’s super cute!

  4. diane says:

    Ugh, I am totally in the same boat. When I started this job, we could wear jeans to work, but the new VP meant that was no longer an option. I wear dresses all the time.
    I bought some new dress pants at Ann Taylor, but I don’t love them, so I may take them back. I keep hoping I’ll go back down a size but it hasn’t been happening and I think I need to just give up on that goal.
    I also told P this weekend I have to suck it up and throw out all of my size 8 pants. I haven’t fit into them for years–I don’t have a lot of faith I will ever fit into them again. : I hate pants!!

    • kilax says:

      You never know about the pants! I have three sizes I go in between! I was in my middle size and think I need to get my bigger size out 😉

  5. gina says:

    I have a pair of jeans that I received from LOFT last week, and it’s still sitting in it’s plastic bag. I’m not sure when I will try it on. Probably after the time expires to return it because I’m smart like that.

  6. gina says:

    oh and PS, I really like that dress on you – it will be perfect to wear to the wedding!

  7. CourtneyInControl says:

    YES!! Occasionally, I have to wear “real” shorts and something sorta nice but for the most part- I am afraid to try my clothes on so if it’s not stretchy shorts and a t-shirt it doesn’t get worn!! We are working on it but taking the weight off sure is harder than putting it on! Doh!!!

  8. Erin says:

    That dress looks great! It will be perfect for the wedding.

    I try on my stuff right away so that I can return it right away if necessary. But if I REALLY want to like something sometimes I’m a little afraid to try it on and be disappointed that it doesn’t work. Like those printed cropped pants from Old Navy. They didn’t fit at all!

  9. Kelly says:

    I’d totally buy it and be your twin for $17, but it doesn’t look like they actually have the dress in stock. Sad panda. I love The Limited!

  10. Emily says:

    I love love LOVE that dress!!! It looks FABULOUS on you! I might buy one for myself (and if I do, I will be sure to check with you to make sure we don’t wear it on the same day. =D )

    I absolutely get stuck in a clothing rut, especially when time is short and/or I am in a hurry. Thankfully Erin helped me break out of that rut a little bit!

  11. Melissa says:

    HAHA! I had a very similar conversation with a co-worker this morning (and I had not seen your blog yet). Other than my white pants, I have not worn pants to work in months! I think my weight it pretty stable at the moment so hopefully won’t have too many surprises, BUT recently (past several months/year) I have much preferred skirts/dresses to pants. Pants make me feel FAT (maybe it’s the thick-thigh thing I have going?) and constricted…so much fabric!

    I will try on clothes at home several times before deciding whether or not to keep them. Yes, this results in many returns even though I have already tried them on in the store. On the other hand, Matt rips the tags off as soon as we get home(!!) and it makes me so nervous…like, what if you change your mind? haha

  12. Pam says:

    I hate wearing dresses. HAAAAAATE. I’m all about the casual. And, yes, I do pretty much wear the same thing to work every day. Khakis (not the dress kind, mind you… think like school uniform khakis) with a company logo T-shirt and tennis shoes. A lot of my co-workers in the same position like to dress up, but that’s just too stuffy for me. I refuse!

  13. sizzle says:

    I rarely wear pants (as you know). Right now a uniform for me is a dress with boots. That’s basically been my uniform for over a year and a half. I might need to change it up?

    Your new dress is cute!

  14. CourtneyInControl says:

    How can I get so sidetracked?!?! You look really cute in both the pictures you posted today! I am glad you are brave and wear fun colors like orange- they look really good on you!!

  15. J says:

    Love the orange dress – my bff has that same dress and wore it to her bridal shower! I wear pants all the time and hardly ever wear skirts or dresses. Sometimes I just need to wear a dress though – so much easier to get dressed and makes me feel less constricted like I do with pants.

  16. You have such cute clothes! I love the orange dress. I’m pretty lazy when it comes to getting dressed. Luckily, as a grad student, I can wear yoga pants and a t-shirt most of the time and no one cares, but when I have to teach I generally wear a nice pair of jeans, tank top, and a cardigan.

  17. Anne says:

    I think May was the last time I wore pants to work. I keep trying to make myself do it, thinking that I’m in a rut of skirts and dresses too, but every time I look in my closet, I just think my skirts/dresses are cuter! I should make pants a goal.

    That dress is so cute! I kept eyeing it this summer, but orange is one of the few colors I can’t wear 🙁

  18. Losing Lindy says:

    I love the dress, with the bum knee and not working out, scares me all the time. So I won’t buy anything new.

  19. haha I always say I need to find a job where I can work from home specifically so I wouldn’t have to put on pants.
    I don’t wear skirts, or anything nice to work really. I could if I wanted to, and I probably should because I do like my legs and should show them off while I can, but I can never find any skirts that are casual enough for my work, but still professional.

  20. Mica says:

    Ugh, I also have the same anxiety about trying out pants after summer; they always feel so restrictive! I’m still working on my 2012 resolution to wear a skirt/dress once a week, and so far it’s good. Though I think I need more dresses–I totally forgot the Limited and am looking at the sale dresses right now! Yes!!!

  21. kandi says:

    I’ve been wearing a lot of skirts/dresses too. I am a little bit scared of pants right now. Skirts/dresses are just so much more flattering.

  22. maggie says:

    I definitely go through phases of wearing similar outfits …. pants, top, cardigan …. skirt, top, cardigan …. dress dress dress. Sometimes at 5am its hard to be creative!

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