A few new things

By , November 3, 2014 6:19 am

It all started when I had to go to DC for work at the end of September. I was looking through my closet the weekend before the trip, and while I had almost everything I needed for the trip (save a new pair of flats and gray pants that fit), I realized that I’d had most of the “work” clothes in my closet for years and years. They hadn’t been updated in forever. 

This makes sense. I work from home a lot, and typically wear jeans and a t-shirt or sweater. Why invest the money in new work clothes?

But glancing through old photos, and posts on the blog made me also realize I’ve been wearing a lot of the same “street” clothes for two, five, seven… nine plus years! 

Of course, it’s great to buy things that stay in style and you can wear that long (solid color sweaters, classic cut dresses, whatever), but some things just needed to go. T-shirts that I loved the print on, but were a bit smelly and stained in the pits. Things that faded. Shoes that were cheap to start with and nicked up. 

So back to DC. I ended up going shopping the weekend before my trip and picked up a few pairs of pants, a few dresses, and a few new tops (okay, and a few “summery” items in the hope I can use them in warm weather next year!). I ended up wearing a new pair of pants, a new top and an old blazer the first day of the DC trip, and a old pair of paints, top and blazer the second day. And I was happy to use old and new. 

But the seed was planted. Ha ha!

Since then, I have gone shopping three times, which is A LOT for me. Once on my own during my lunch break at work, and twice with my snister when she was visiting. 


Part of me feels funny about it, because, like I said, I don’t dress up that often, and also… I don’t care a lot about what I wear. Or my appearance. 

But! Part of me does like dressing up for work, and sometimes looking cuter when I leave the house. 

So it’s been fun. But it still makes me feel weird to have new things hanging in my closet. 

The good thing is that it forced me to get rid of that old stuff to make room!

Are you like me, and more likely to update a few things in your closet at once? Or do you do it more frequently?

Of course, I didn’t even mention work out clothes. Ha ha. Those get updated a lot more frequently. It is crazy tights season – gotta watch out for new fun prints!!!


20 Responses to “A few new things”

  1. Chaitali says:

    I hope you enjoy the updated wardrobe! I also have a lot of old things in my closet and don’t update things as much as I should. I threw out a bunch of stuff when we moved a couple years ago and I’m hoping to do another closet purge soon. That always results in me having to go buy some new items but otherwise my closet ends up being full of things that I don’t actually wear anymore 🙁

    • kilax says:

      I have been! I had to be in the office all last week for meetings and it was fun to mix and match new and old things 😀

      Do the purge! You will feel so good after!!! 😀

  2. Rachel says:

    I tend to go in spurts too – especially with the change of seasons. (As in, I just noticed my winter wardrobe is CRAP!) hahah. I’m not a big shopper either, so it’s usually getting a handful of new things once or twice a year as opposed to adding things to my closet weekly or monthly.

    Thor seems to like your new blazers! 🙂

  3. Amy says:

    Ugh. Shopping for new clothes, never a fun thing for me. And especially not when it’s under pressure. I have to get something to wear to a big function for my husband’s new job and just the thought of looking for something is giving me serious hives…

    But it looks like you got some cute updates to your wardrode…love the matching blazers you and Christina got!

  4. Irina says:

    Cheers to shopping! One of my favorite activities 🙂 I’m definitely a frequent shopper but I have periods where I go weeks without entering a store. I know, it sounds horrible but I tend to choose my investments carefully. Closet purges are so liberating!

  5. We have the same tights! Twinsies!

    I am terrible at updating clothes. I realized last month that I had not bought new shoes for work since before Miles was born save for one pair of clearance flats. My options were boots and running shoes, which are updated far more frequently than anything else. I told Mark that I needed new shoes – several pairs, at least – and we just needed to budget for it. In general, I’m terrible at buying non-workout clothes and have to force myself to use gift cards for things not to be sweat in.

    Go you for doing it! And I love that gray blazer.

    • kilax says:

      Yes! It was finally cold and windy enough last week to warrant wearing them! 😀

      Ugh. Shoes. Snoooooze. I am only interested in running ones. I got a few pairs at Payless for that trip and that was a big deal for me. I hope you get a chance to get those new flats, soon!

      Thanks! 🙂

  6. I usually get one or two new items a season, but that’s about all I can handle. I still have (and wear…) clothes I bought freshman year of college. Hooray for basic items! Haha. I really don’t enjoy shopping for clothes–I tend to find it very overwhelming, and I overthink the entire process (“But will I REALLY wear this??”), and I don’t like spending money, AND I have limited closet space so new item in has to = old item out, which leads to even MORE overthinking (“Well, no, I haven’t worn this in at least three years…but what if a situation comes up when I WILL need it?! THEN what will I do??”)–so I try to avoid it as much as possible 😛

  7. Tiina says:

    I need those tights!!! And I’m in the same boat as you. I just realized over the weekend that I was wearing a teeshirt that was 12 years old. Probably time to get rid of it!

  8. Yay for shopping! 🙂 Clearly, I’m always a fan. Did you hit up the outlets in WI just over the border when your sister was in town?

    And those tights are AWESOME. I think daily tights are a must have in the closet…like day of the week tights like that day of the week underwear– do you remember those?!

    • kilax says:

      We didn’t! We went to the RLB Kohl’s and this cool shop in the Vernon Hills mall called Dry Goods. Have you been there? So many cute clearance things!

      Ha ha ha. Yes! I remember those! We should take it one step farther to day of the month tights! 😀

  9. I found a pair of pants I really liked from Old Navy (the Pixie pants), and I bought a couple more pairs last night 🙂

  10. Meghan says:

    I am right there with you. Sans maternity clothes last year, I hadn’t been shopping in forever. I think I’d just rather spend the money on workout/running gear:) And I LOVE those tights, btw!

  11. Losing Lindy says:

    You look adorable with your sis.

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