Flying fruit

By , July 27, 2016 7:31 am

We don’t compost (yet) but I do have something I do with the fruit that we don’t eat (either because some of it came bad, or we didn’t eat it in time) – share it with the animals!


I know, “Kim, weren’t you just saying you had animals living in your attic and that caused all sorts of issues?!” We did! “So why are you inviting them toward your house with all this food?” Well, they got in before we lived here because there were holes outside in to our attic space. Those are all sealed now. We feed these animals far away from the house, and so far, it doesn’t seem to be inviting them in to the house… so far…

So anyway. A few weeks ago I put out some melon, strawberries and grapes by the feeder in the morning. I was walking inside the house later in the day, and happened to look out toward the feeder and I saw a piece of melon falling from the sky!

What the…?

So I decided to go sit outside for a bit with Data and see what was going on.

Oh my gosh, the squirrels were going NUTS for the fruit. They’d take something small to eat at that moment, but also carry a piece of melon to “hide” for the winter. I saw one squirrel hide his piece under a leaf. Yeah, it didn’t last there very long! So funny.

I know, what am I going to blog about this winter when there arent as many animals out?! Who knows, ha ha.

10 Responses to “Flying fruit”

  1. Heather says:

    I bet the squirrels were excited, that has to have been an awesome treat for them. I think I’d be cracking up watching that though.

  2. Shelley B says:

    Well now you’ve given me an idea for my squirrels – hopefully they will be as entertaining to me as yours have been for you!

  3. Ha, I would have loved to see that squirrel with the melon.

    Oh, I think you’ll find something to blog about this winter. I think there will be some very interesting animals out there.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, if I keep the feeders full, hopefully we’ll have birds in the winter. And I know the deer visit then 🙂

  4. I bet you’ll have a lot of birds in the winter! They’ll be easier to see, too, without the leaves on the the trees. And you’ll make them happy by giving them food! Even if it’s not fruit. Leftover Christmas cookies, maybe? Haha.

    • kilax says:

      They will be! I love seeing a male cardinal in the winter, against the snow.

      LOL @ the cookies! Heh, I bet the animals would eat them. But why would I have leftover cookies?! 😛

  5. Amy says:

    Aw, I love squirrels! Never thought they’d enjoy fruit so much.

  6. Mica says:

    Ahhh, squirrels are so dumb. I laughed at the image of one hiding his fruit under a leaf.

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