Not such a good guard cat

By , October 14, 2016 6:52 am

So much for Vader (placeholder for a better name) “guarding” the house. He slept while this opossum ate his food!


Completely slept through it.


Of course, putting cat food out is (duh) attracting other critters as well – two huge raccoons keep visiting, and now, this guy. Guess we should put away what the cats don’t eat when it gets dark. Or, stop being crazy cat people and not feed the cats at all.

18 Responses to “Not such a good guard cat”

  1. Anne says:

    That’s impressive! I thought animals were pretty light sleepers (especially outdoor ones!). I’d just bring their food in at night, although I’m sure word is already spreading about your animal sanctuary 🙂

    • kilax says:

      I thought so too! But he was sleeping in that box when I left this am to teach and he didn’t wake up when I walked by then, either!

      Yeah, I am going to bring the stuff they don’t eat inside. And hope that they didn’t spread the word too far!

  2. Chaitali says:

    Ha, that opossum seems like he’s totally staring down the cat! Brave critter.

  3. Denise Fleener says:

    We have been putting away the bowls of food for our outside cats at night as well. Damn critters, anyway!! No raccoons yet, just opossum x 2. Ugh. I’m guessing Vader wasn’t sleeping, just not willing to engage. Ours won’t either. They just watch. I’ve read that they will not harm a cat. Raccoons however, have been known(or so I’ve read) to kill kittens if they think they are in the way of them getting to the food.

    • kilax says:

      I am going to do that, now. Duh, Kim, right?! I have to hope he was watching! Otherwise he is SCREWED when the coyotes come by (they were nearby Wed night)!

  4. I love the first picture so funny that the opossum is staring right at him as he dips his paws into the food.

  5. Karen says:

    We had the same issue when my hubby fed our black kitty!The possum scared a few times he just sat the door when we opened it.
    I can’t believe the cat slept through it LOL

  6. Shelley B says:

    Sleeping…or perhaps hiding? Opossums can be MEAN! If I were a cat I’d hide, too, LOL.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, maybe he thought he was hiding. Callie definitely was (she was under the deck or something). I hope this one isn’t mean!

  7. My gosh, that opossum looks TERRIFYING. Geez! They look much less menacing when they’re squished on the road, which is how I’m used to seeing them.

  8. DeAnne says:

    No, feed them and just take it in at night. And really what could a little kitten against a possum???

  9. Amy says:

    Oh, how cute! I think that possum took a dare from one of his buddies.

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