Do you know where Data is?

By , July 9, 2014 6:15 am

… said the text that I got from Steven at 5:34 am this morning. 

Unfortunately, I was sleeping when I got the text, so I couldn’t help him brainstorm. 


Actually, all I thought about from the moment I got up this morning was sleeping on the train, and that is probably why Data ended up where he did. 


I went in to the guest bedroom to grab some tissue paper this morning. Then when I was packing up my computer in the next room over, I heard a banging noise from downstairs. “That’s weird,” I thought in my half awake state. “The ice maker’s been acting so funny lately!” 


I didn’t even think to mention the weird noise to Steven. I was just focused on getting to the train and getting my nap on. 


Oops. That noise wasn’t the ice maker. It was Data. Wanting out of the guest bedroom. I didn’t even know he followed me in there. Poor little guy! Luckily Steven found him not too long after. 

Of course, this isn’t the first time this has happened. I still laugh about a similar incident from years ago. When we were doing the long distance thing, Steven used to call me in the mornings when he got ready for work. One of those times, he was about to hang up, when he was like “Wait! Where’s Data?!” He back-tracked through all of the steps of things he had done while on the phone with me – grab a coat (no, Data is not in the coat closet), pack lunch (no, Data is not in the fridge, ha ha), close the bedroom (no, Data is not in the bedroom), get ready in the bathroom…? Yep, Data was sitting in a bathroom cupboard, just hanging out, in what we call his “statue cat” pose. Not even phased. Ha ha. Good thing Steven realized Data was “missing” before he went to work!


Oh Pusheen. Data is the same, minus step #4. 

Another time, we had four house guests and couldn’t find Data after everyone came in. We searched the entire house and still couldn’t find him. I looked outside (of course, it was in the winter and dark and cold out), figuring he got out in the chaos of everyone coming in, and no luck. I was starting to freak out when someone went to grab something out of their coat… and hey, there is Data in the hidden part of the coat closet (the extra space under the stairs). Sigh. 

Has your pet ever gone “missing” only to have them right there? 

Ha. Of course, I realize this doesn’t happen with big dogs! Or maybe any dogs? Hee hee. 

35 Responses to “Do you know where Data is?”

  1. ChezJulie says:

    The kittens (okay, they’re two years old but very small) do this ALL the time. They love to go into closets, and they can dart in while you’re just getting your stuff out. I have left Major trapped in the closet and gone to work for the day. 🙁

    • kilax says:

      Aww, poor Major!!! Was he very friendly when you got home? Steven said Data was acting like he did something bad when he let him out, which made me feel bad!

  2. Growing up, my dog usually slept on the couch or on someone’s bed (usually mine, because I’m a sucker 😛 ) when we were all gone. There were a couple times I remember coming home and he wasn’t in the living room, wasn’t in my room, and hadn’t come to greet us when we got home. After panicking and assuming he was dead, I’d usually find him in the basement curled up on a couch we had tucked away in a back room. Why on earth he wanted to hang out there is beyond me, but at least he was alive! Haha.

  3. Nina Beana says:

    Rex has gone into the fridge before and gotten himself trapped in there twice. Not for too long either time. Since then I haven’t seen him inspecting the contents of the fridge. His favorite “leave me alone” spot is in my mom’s box spring – there is a hole and he climbs on in and naps to his heart content. She has stuff under her bed so he is basically sleeping on her stuff while in the box spring. Took us a while to figure this one out.
    My childhood cat Sophie had a two story house and basement to find places to hide in so we often had to search for her. I remember one day when I was maybe 7 or 8 we could not find her. It was winter. We looked and looked and looked and finally found her…sleeping on the nice warm pipes running along the basement ceiling! During the warm months she had a great window up high on the first floor…turns out the latch was broken and she used the window to get outside! Suddenly she’d be meowing to come in at the back door and you wonder who she got out.

    Rex is also a fan of playing “statue cat”.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! Your stories make me feel much better that Data does not have quite so many places to hide! The bedsprings? On the pipes? Hee hee. Silly cats. Do they wear a bell collar? I feel like that helps, in the searching process 🙂

      • Nina Beana says:

        No! Rex used to have a collar but the bell got annoying and then he broke the collar and i haven’t gotten a new one for him since.

  4. Chaitali says:

    This has definitely happened with Shelby before. She’s gotten in the bedroom closet, the bathroom, and the laundry room without us noticing and closing the door on her. Back when we lived in an apartment she did manage to escape and ended up in the apartment building hallways. Thankfully we found her before she had gotten too far.

  5. Michelle says:

    We once let our dog out to pee….and forgot him. About an hour later, the neighbor called as he had wandered over to their house! WOOPS!

  6. bobbi says:

    When John and I were dating, we couldn’t find Killian anywhere…later we were watching tv and noticed the coat closet door opening “by itself” – it was one of those bifold doors, and there’s Killian, pushing his way out. He’d been up on the shelf in there sleeping the whole time.

  7. This has never happened with our dogs but it happened with a friends cat when we were house sitting. Let me just say we were preparing to let them and their kids know the cat got out the door when he came strolling down the stairs all cool and calm….darn cats lol.

  8. Tiina says:

    Oh the stories that I could tell about this! We have our two get locked in the garage and under the stairs all the time. They are like freaking ninjas!

  9. Erin says:

    I can’t recall it ever happening in the house with the dogs, but they have gotten out of the yard before without us knowing and then I panic 🙂 Now that we don’t have a yard, though, I guess we don’t have to worry about it with Chewie!

  10. Rachel says:

    haha I’m glad Steven found Data!

    This reminds me to tell you my story from Thursday. Kevin had got off work early and went home around 11am. I got off at 5 and was home just before 6. I pulled in the driveway and pushed the button for the garage door to open and there is Soxie standing in the middle of the garage, freaked out. He ran out and slinked up to the front door wanting in. I got out of the car and scooped him up and brought him in. Kevin didn’t even know he had sneaked out. I guess Kev was in and out of the garage with trash and didn’t realize Soxie had gotten right by him. He said he was out there at least 2 hours. Luckily, he likes the garage so I’m sure he was happily exploring most of the time and only freaked out when the loud garage door opened.

    • kilax says:

      Oh my goodness! Poor Soxie!!!! Hee hee. I hope he had some fun exploring! I am happy he went straight to the front door!

      One time Data escaped out the garage door and took a left to walk down the driveway then another left to get on the sidewalk. I wonder if he would have gone to the front door… or where he was headed. LOL.

  11. Jen2 says:

    Our favorite childhood cat, Smokey, entered the fridge once and got closed in there for a little while. Opening the fridge to get a soda and finding your cat on the bottom shelf is a little freaky. Cats are too funny!

  12. jan says:

    Um yes. Our cat got locked into our toyroom in the basement. We never shut that door, but apparently Campbell decided to. Took us a good half day to find her. Glad you found your kitty!!

  13. Pam says:

    Allllll the FREAKin’ TIME! Not so much now that she’s old but when she was younger, C.C. got “lost” regularly. lol You know they’re laughing on the inside when they’re hiding somewhere where they can CLEARLY see you freaking the eff out while looking for them.

  14. Maggie says:

    When we moved into our last place, we went out to dinner with friends the night we moved in. We hadn’t unpacked a thing, so all of our boxes were still stacked in the living room. When we got home, we were looking for Olive. We kept making her little kissing noise, and we could hear her meowing, but could not find her. I thought maybe she was trapped behind the boxes. Turns out she must have snuck out of our unit at some point, and was trapped in the hallway. I think she was confused because in our previous dwelling (my parents house), all internal doors were fair game. She wasn’t used to apartments where some internal doors were NOT fine for her to go through.

    And I know I’ve trapped her in rooms for long periods of time, but can’t remember the specific situation.

  15. Amy says:

    Oh, you scared me! I’m glad you found him!

  16. Mica says:

    Bodger is kind of hard to miss because he makes so much noise, though we did close him in the front bathroom once when the UPS man came and then left him in there for an hour or so.

    However, we did “lose” his favorite toy once for an entire weekend. I was sure he had taken it outside and buried it in the yard even though he never digs or buries things. As it turns out, I had put his toy in the dryer and forgotten about it. WHOOPS.

    Oh, Data! He’s so good at unintentionally hiding and then being cool about it.

  17. Xaarlin says:

    Poor Dates 🙂

    I’ve lost CB a few times. He busted out of my apt in California through the screen door while I was vacuuming and I didn’t realize it. I opened the front door and he was sitting right there which was amazing considering he had to walk around the building to get there.

    CB is also lost in our apartment here every once in a while. I’ll get up and not see him- which is unusual since he always has an eye on us. So I’ll walk through our place and find him in the corner of the dark bathroom or my closet.

  18. Melissa says:

    I love the Data stories and pictures 🙂

    One time our 2 dogs (who are like our children) went missing. It was on Matt’s birthday and I came inside with his birthday cake. We have a fenced in yard and I thought it was weird that the “girls” did not greet me at the gate upon arrival but figured they were inside. Matt decided he couldn’t wait to try the cake and cut a piece and small piece fell on the floor. I called the girls to help clean it up (haha) and there was no answer–Matt told me they were outside. Ummm…no…

    Of course we both became worried and frantic. Searched the house. Nothing. Called outside. Nothing. Then we went to the back of our yard and noticed that there was a small (like I still have no idea how they fit small) opening at the bottom of the fence and Roxy and Bali had escaped to a neighbors yard and were hanging out with 2 other dogs. They were trying to get back through and couldn’t(!) because the fence wouldn’t yield to them so we had to go collect them from our “backyard neighbors”. I still sometimes wonder how long it would have taken us to realize they were gone if Matt hadn’t dropped the cake on the kitchen floor…

  19. When we got our dog 11 years ago, there was a day that we couldn’t find her. We looked all over the house. We ran up and down the street. I was in a panic. When we got back to the house, I pulled open the garbage drawer to throw something out and guess who was in there! Cleo…the scavenger! Guess that’s what happens to the runt of the litter, always scrounging for food!

  20. Di says:

    A bunch of years ago my dad was at our house and we realized we didn’t see the dog (she was always underfoot when we had people over). My dad said “Uh, she may have gotten out the door” so we started yelling her name and running up and down the street and looking all over. We must have yelled her name for 20 minutes. Turns out, she was under the desk in our kitchen. Just laying there the whole time. Thanks, dog. LOL

  21. Alice says:

    ALL. THE. TIME. Except my cat who often hides is ALSO an escape artist, so I’ve collected him from outside the house multiple times as well (most recently from the scaffolding outside of our house where they are replacing siding).

    The worst time was when he apparently slipped into our front closet as we were on our way out… for 4 days in Cancun. He was locked in the closet the WHOLE TIME. Whoops. Luckily he was fine (albeit skinny) when we got back…

  22. martymankins says:

    Yes, our new cat Tabby does this. Although she is quite the mouser and disappears in the mornings before we go to work and we have trouble getting her in.

    But there have been times when we call out the back door for her, but then she’s right on the couch by the door.

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