ZB Run Squad Snowman Shuffle 5K Race Report

By , December 8, 2014 12:29 pm

Zee Bee (ZB) Run Squad is a group in Zion, Illinois that offers a six race 5K series each year (and excitingly, they announced they are adding a 10K for next year!). Each 5K raises money for a different community program. To my knowledge, five of the races are street (on the same course) and one is cross country. 

After I surprisingly did so well (for me) at the ZB Runs Series 5K in November, I decided to see if I could beat the time of that race (23:31) at the last race in the series – The Snowman Shuffle 5K. Oh, and you know, without any 5K specific training, because MARATHON MARATHON MARATHON. Ha ha. 

The race was Friday night at 6:00 pm. I was surprised that so few people showed up – the results show only 60 people ran! The race I did in November had 241 finishers! Hmm, maybe people don’t like to race in December? Last year’s December race only had 85 finishers, even though the weather was crazy warm, in the low 50s! The weather was pretty amazing for this race, too. Mid 30s, and HALLELUJAH no wind! I was super happy to be racing in a tank and shorts!*

Anyway. That sounds like I am complaining there was so few people. Hee hee, I am not. The post race ceremony went super quick because of it, and that meant I got to spend more time with my friends, after!

Oh yeah, so, the race. Ha ha. I knew I wouldn’t negative split it, because I’m not trained for that (nor do I have a pacer) so I decided to go out fast and see how long I could hold on <—- great method. Now that I’ve run this course three times, I feel pretty comfortable with it, and have a good idea of how to run the tangents (and where the pot holes are – good to know since we’re running in the dark (with headlamps)). I started in the front of the line since there is no chip timing, and I was surprised to only be passed by two guys during the race. Toward the end of the first mile (7:01), a woman I knew was in my age group tried to pass me but I sped ahead. I knew I would have to thank her later – if she hadn’t done that, I am sure my pace would have dropped a bit in mile two. 

But I kept the pace going in mile 2 (7:17) and passed the second place girl. “Ooo, can I get to first place?!” I wondered?! Ha ha, nah. Don’t get too greedy, Kim! I slowed in the last mile. The funny thing is, I didn’t have much trouble breathing and my lungs and legs didn’t hurt, I just started to slow (I did taste blood in my mouth and have snot running out of my nose like crazy though!). I pumped my arms, and tried to take deep breaths. No dice. The woman who tried to pass me before got me just after the middle of mile 3 (7:43)! I tried hard to catch her, but couldn’t (last .1 in 0:54). She finished 11 seconds ahead of me (thankfully, not only 1 or 2 seconds ahead, hee hee) and when we finished, I thanked her for making me run that fast! I totally would have crapped out if I hadn’t known I had someone tailing me!


My overall time was 22:57! Yay! Totally met my goal of running faster than the last race (by 34 seconds). And that finish time is actually only 19 seconds slower than my 5K PR, making this my second fastest 5K ever! Which makes me SUPER happy and feel encouraged for when I go for a 5K PR in March (already have my pacer set up!), and actually train for it. 

I did get second in my age group, and I just adore the medals – ornaments we can hang up! With GLITTER!!!


Three of my Efit girlfriends (from L to R below, Kelly, Bobbi and Carrie) ran this race as well! We had a lot of fun chatting before and after the race. And! Kelly PR’d and placed, Bobbi placed, and Carrie beat her time from the November race! 


I love this small race series. The people who run it are so enthusiastic, and I think it’s fantastic that they pick a different local group to donate proceeds to for each race. And they have an awesome post race spread, free race photos, and a zillion raffle items!

And I really like the FRONT of the race shirt this year!


The back? Hmm. I am not sure what it is, but that phrase is just bugging me (the font is super cute though)! It’s probably because it makes it sound like working out, and perspiring, is a way to punish your body for being “fat” (I know, reading in to it BIG time). But that is not why I work out. I do it because I love it. Anyway!


I’ll still wear it. With something to cover the back. Ha. 

I’m feeling kind of sad I am almost to my last race of the year! Good thing I have some things already in mind in 2015 (and you know, that marathon in less than a week!)!

*Ha, probably not my last time – I bet I will wear that for the Dallas Marathon next week!

19 Responses to “ZB Run Squad Snowman Shuffle 5K Race Report”

  1. Rachel says:

    Congrats on second in your age group! That’s awesome :)Those medals are such a great idea for a Christmas-themed run! I’ve tried to get my husband to let me use medals as ornaments, but he doesn’t let me (yet).

  2. Woo hoo! Way to go Kim- super impressive! I had no idea about this race series- what a great idea and sounds so organized! Are the races reasonably priced? I wonder if they will have an option to forego a t-shirt in 2015? Adding these to my “race list” for consideration for next year!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! Yeah, the races are not expensive at all, especially if you can figure out their park registration system to register before 🙂

  3. Tiina says:

    You’re freaking speedy!

  4. Rachel says:

    I saw that first comment and was like “huh, I didn’t comment on this post yet” hahah. I guess there can be more than one Rachel in the world. 🙂

    Teach me how to be fast like you! Danggggg just think what you will do with 5k specific training!

    I think the quote on the back doesn’t go with the theme of the race – it should be something like “Sweat is making my snowman melt”.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha, when I saw it, I thought it was from you, too!

      Hey! Are you going to come do Frosty with me in Feb? LOL. How many more races can I get you to commit to in 2015? MUAH HA HA

      I like your idea much better 🙂

  5. jan says:

    What a great time! Wow! I find it so much harder to push it in the winter. I’ll sure you’ll blow your PR out of the water in some warmer weather w/ more speed training!

  6. Those are really nice ornaments! Super speedy run! I’m irrationally hoping I’ll smash some PRs at shorter distances in the spring….we’ll see. Haven’t been brave enough to try during training. Hope Sunday goes just as well for you

    • kilax says:

      That’s not irrational! Just gotta run the marathon Sat (yay!) then rest up… and start training. You got this! Have a fun race!!!!

  7. Amy says:

    Indeed an odd saying on the back of the shirt, and kind of negative…hmmm. I always think of my sweat as purification of my body, getting all the toxins out.

  8. Awesome race, great job holding pace and recording your second fastest time. Those smaller races are fantastic, some times the big races are just too much.

  9. kim says:

    Woo! Good running! I don’t like that saying either. It’s too… All fat is bad, must get rid of all fat. And feels a little juvenile to me, as if that’s the only reason I would workout.

    • kilax says:

      It’s interesting you called it juvenile, because I noticed at the race, there were some young kids there would REALLY liked the slogan!

      And yes, that thought came to mind, too – fat is not ALL bad!

  10. Karen says:

    Wow!! Awesome time 🙂 It’s fun to have someone pushing you and have a fun attitude about it! Does it ever amaze you can cover 3.1 miles that fast!? Truly awesome. I love the medal 🙂

  11. Mica says:

    Wow, congratulations on an awesome race! (You tasted blood in your mouth?!?!)

    I love the race medal. I still keep my medals in a box, so the idea of a medal that you can hang on the tree (not that I have one…) is much cooler!

    And yeah, I’m not a fan of that shirt motto either. I see that “sweat is fat crying” thing on Pinterest “thinspiration/fitspiration” pins all the time, and I’m just like [eye roll forever].

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! And yeah, from running so fast? Or something? It just gives me a bloody taste in my mouth. Total eww, I know.

      LOL! Are you ever going to let them out of that box?! I know, I know, not really your thing 🙂

      YES! Insert major eye roll. Stupid fitspo.

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