The perk of working out alone?

By , March 15, 2010 4:52 am

According to a survey in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise people are more likely to work out harder if they’re alone.

It’s easier to push yourself when you don’t have to worry about someone else’s agenda or pace, explains lead author Genevieve Dunton, Ph.D., M.P.H., of the University of Southern California.

But fitness friendships do have proven perks: People work out twice as long with a friend, Dunton says. (Chalk it up to that “time flying/having fun” thing.)

You know, I think working out with someone can go either way.

You might end up working out harder if:

  • You want to impress the friend you are with
  • You are having so much fun you end up running faster (or equivalent exercise)
  • Your friend has a faster pace and you run with them to push yourself on purpose
  • You are participating in a high-intensity group class

And you might end up not pushing yourself that hard if:

  • Like the article said, you are worried about their agenda or pace
  • Your friend is a beginner and you are doing something you are experienced in
  • Your friend is more out of shape than you
  • You are distracted by the conversation

I think there is a time and place for both types of workouts. Sometimes, you might need to do a lower-intensity workout, so do those runs with your friend that is a bit slower, and just beginning to run (or whichever exercise it may be). And when you want to do a hardcore workout with a friend, do it with the friend you know will push you.

In in the long run, each and every workout is what you make of it. Just discuss your workout goals with each other so you both get what you want out of it!

I am usually following a training program, and do a lot of solitary workouts. I enjoy the change in actually working out with someone, so I am not that worried if I get off-pace/don’t run as far/whatever! I welcome the variety. Sometimes, working out with someone might be better for my mental health than physical health, but that is okay with me.

Do you work out harder when you are alone? Do you prefer to work out alone or with someone?

43 Responses to “The perk of working out alone?”

  1. Karla says:

    I think the best part about working out with a friend, regardless of how hard you work, is that they get you moving.
    I wish more of my friends would work out with me! I think it’d be fun!

  2. Amy says:

    I am about like you, mostly working out alone and just enjoying the change when I do have someone with me.

  3. I agree with you that it could go either way– but working out with a friend is usually more fun, at least πŸ™‚

  4. I definitely prefer to work out alone. Probably because all the people I know would just be interested in chatting, and no working out would actually happen!

    <3 <3

  5. Sammi says:

    Normally when I run, it’s with my dad. He’s a lot faster than I am so it does push me to work harder. I’ve experienced it both ways though. Some other people that I have ran with made it so the run didn’t challenge me very much at all. Exercising by myself can go either way too. I’m more likely to not even go to the gym at all if it’s by myself. I lack willpower lol.

  6. When I first read your opening lines to this post, I thought about weight workouts, not cardio workouts. For me, cardio workouts can go either way … sometimes better with others, sometimes not … just like you suggested. However weight workouts? I think overall, working on your own is much more productive than working with someone else. Because, it’s easier to chat (thus, the longer workouts – ahem) and take longer breaks between sets when you’re waiting on someone else. The only perk (for me) to lifting with someone else is they can spot you.

  7. I’m self-conscious about my pace (I’m still really slow, even after a few years of running), so I hate running with people – I always feel like I’m slowing them down! Running alone is much less stressful for me.

    I prefer taking fitness classes with people. Making a workout date with someone helps me to try new things I’d be too afraid to do alone and keeps me accountable; I hate cancelling on people!

  8. I don’t think I’ve EVER worked out with someone! But I really don’t think it would push me anymore because I am very self-motivated. I think I would get distracted with conversations and moving at the same pace (like the article said)!

  9. Ameena says:

    I absolutely have to work out alone because otherwise I am totally unfocused. Plus I don’t like having to adhere to someone else’s schedule…I like to come and go as I please!!

  10. I definitely work harder when alone. When I’m alone I can make faces when things get too tough and grunt like an animal without being embarrassed about it. I can do that stuff around Scott without issue, it’s everyone else that I don’t want to do that in front of! :p

  11. Tony says:

    It all depends on who I work out with. I mix it up and run with friends who are faster and they push me to go farther. When I run with my wife, she pushes me to go farther. I try to use a combination of things. Whatever gets you out the door to do something is good.

  12. Lo-Jo says:

    When I run, I prefer to work out alone. I like not having to be on anyone elses schedule, and I’m USUALLY slower than the people who want to run with me.

    Cycling is a different story. I love riding with someone. I feel safer and it’s nice to have someone to push me to go longer.

  13. RunningLaur says:

    My every day workouts are usually done alone – but I do know who I can do what sort of workout with. Meeting up with my running partner from my former job means basically slow bonus miles. Meeting up with some blogger friends means they are going to motivate me to run further and faster, and the time flies by. It’s the first run or two with a new person that’s the most frightening – I’m always so worried about not living up to their running expectations!

  14. I workout better alone than with someone else. That’s not to say that I don’t workout with a friend at all. Usually when I start chatting with a friend or if I have to worry about their ability to keep up or me to keep up with them I don’t put 100% in… but like you said I don’t mind the change… as long as it is on occasion.. lol

  15. Paige says:

    I always work out alone. One time, I ran with a group, and the whole time I was worried about being able to keep up with them and worried that I was holding them back. I did not enjoy it at all. I push myself really hard…sometimes harder than I should!

  16. Tonia says:

    Great post! I think I work both ways. Somedays I am more efficient and work harder by myself, but other days I need someone to make me accountable.

  17. Lacey says:

    i don’t think i agree… but it depends who you are working out with. if you are running on the track and your buddies are faster than you, i bet you will run faster. same goes for a road run!!! i know for me, i do ALL of my runs alone, so some days i go faster if i can, but lately i’m bored and tired of always being alone so there isn’t that excitement that would help me push harder that i might get from a buddy. but again, it depends on the buddy’s fitness level/speed relative to yours.

  18. Karin says:

    I also think that it depends who you’re working out with. When we play squash there’s always a lot of chatting involved but on the other hand, if I work out with my boyfriend we often try to push ourselves.
    I really like working out alone but also with other people. I need the mix! πŸ™‚

  19. Anne says:

    As a newbie I’m pretty much slower than everyone I work out with, so I’m always pushing myself a little more when I’m with friends. My husband knows my actual pace and so I can be myself when I run with him. Hmmm which is better…probably a good mix of both πŸ™‚

  20. Erin says:

    I agree with your assessment that it depends on who you’re with. I know I run faster with people because they push me to run faster! If I ran with slower people I’d probably run slower! However, I’ve found lately that I’m beginning to forget how to push myself when I’m alone since I went from almost always running alone to running with people. I think when it comes to running you need a good balance.

  21. Kate says:

    Aside from high school and college gym classes, I’ve never done a traditional workout with anyone else. My husband and I do a lot of outdoor activities during the warm months, and that’s always a lot of fun. If he came to the gym with me, though, I bet he’d annoy the pee out of me. Just a gut feeling. πŸ™‚

  22. Alice says:

    oh man, i workout 100% harder / better / longer if i’m with other people. i don’t really *like* most work outs while i’m doing them, and the ONLY way i’ll stick with a whole hour of anything is doing a group class where i feel like i need to “impress” the other people (eg not leave halfway through) or if i’m with a friend where than can be some competition (even if only in my head.) i’ll run longer and faster, lift more, play frisbee longer, you name it, if there’s another person there. if i’m by myself? bah. 10 minutes in and i convince myself i’m “lightheaded” or “this is good enough” πŸ™‚

  23. skinnyrunner says:

    i always run alone. if i ran with someone, i think i’d worry about them too much, and i rather just zone out.

  24. Kim says:

    You know, aside from team sports, I’ve never worked out with someone. I prefer to do yoga alone. Even if I go to a class, I go alone. I also prefer to walk alone, unless I’m with my husband (but that’s more like a leisurely stroll than any exercise). I also like to go to movies alone and my reason is that I don’t want to worry if the other person is enjoying themselves. Ha. I think that’s probably why I prefer to exercise alone too. Then again, during anorexia, my exercise was this very isolated, controlled, un-fun thing. Now that I see exercise as fun, it has crossed my mind that it’d be fun to do with a friend. I like to try random things, like dance classes and indoor climbing, and those are fun with friends!

  25. its a fine balance finding the perfect work out partner. one where you don’t feel to much pressure to impress but one that you feel accountable to. I would chose working out with someone any day over working out alone though

  26. I go back and forth. Sometimes I’m a solo-exerciser and other times I’d rather be working out with a friend. My dad is a great distance running partner. πŸ˜€

    However, when it comes to pushing myself, I have to say that I work out harder when I’m alone. No time for chatting! πŸ˜€

  27. Erin says:

    I train alone (mostly because I have no one to train with–my friends all think I am nuts for running a 5k, let alone a half marathon) so I find myself running against guys on the treadmills near me for a competitive push. I do run much better during a race because of the adrenaline and competition of all the other people!

    • kilax says:

      I always think it is silly when people think you are crazy for getting into running. I think almost every runner has someone who thinks it is a ridiculous hobby though!

  28. Kristie says:

    I say it varies for me. Like, if I run with Chris I may not be getting a hard workout in, but I am happy because we are running together and getting some cardio in. But I think I’m slow enough at running that when I meet up with other runners I am pushing myself to keep up. And on long runs – well, now that I’ve done one with someone, I definitely prefer it. It makes the run go by so much faster! Maybe not for speed runs though πŸ™‚

  29. Stef says:

    i only enjoy working out with people when we are relatively similar in speed/strength. it’s not fun to kill yourself trying to keep up, nor is it fun to dilly dally just bc they aren’t at the same level

  30. I like to work out alone and work out with people too. I find that I push myself harder when I run with someone else becasue I am a slow bird on my own. BUT I love to do yoga alone-much more peaceful without everyones other energy.
    Have a good day πŸ˜‰

  31. Adam says:

    I’m a 90/10% guy on this one. 90% alone 10% by myself. Honestly, most of it is logistical. I start running right out of my door so driving somewhere adds time to my run.

    Well, that and because when I am by myself, I don’t feel as bad about spitting as much as I do.

  32. Nicole, RD says:

    This is really interesting, and is the main reason I prefer to workout alone. I’m a goof and talk too much if I go spinning or to Zumba with a friend. Even if I go for a jog with my husband, we end up talking while running and obviously not going 110%. I’ve always trained for marathons and half-marathons solo and I don’t think I’d have it any other way! I know most people are the exact opposite, but I think it depends on the person! Great topic!!

  33. lifestudent says:

    Ok, when I used to go to the gym and was doing weights and stuff, I’d stay longer with a friend but did less weight and less reps. On the elliptical I’d likely go slower so we could chat.

    But, when it comes to running, I definitely push myself harder and go longer with a friend πŸ˜‰

  34. martymankins says:

    It’s much easier and much preferred to work out by myself. I can pace myself without having to be concerned of keeping up with another person.

    Having said that, if working out with someone else provides motivation or incentive to regularly working out, then that could be a very good positive in of itself.

  35. BostonRunner says:

    Interesting post! I feel like the blogging world is all about working out with others, but personally I always work out alone. Partly because I don’t really have anyone who wants to work out with me, and partly because I feel like I get a better work out by myself. For me, working out/running is a chance to get away, be by myself and listen to my own thoughts. Plus I can go when it works with my schedule and not have to worry about anyone else.
    I think sometimes, being the competitive person that I am, its good to work out with others because it provides extra motivation. But I think the majority of my workouts should be alone to maximize the workout.

    • kilax says:

      I also consider exercising my only alone time too πŸ™‚ So as much as I welcome a friend after a long break, I couldn’t work out with people all the time!

  36. Joey says:

    Hey! Thanks for visiting my lil blog! πŸ™‚

    I have really only worked out with my husband so I don’t know if I push myself harder alone or with company… I’ve had a couple occasions where I think I’ve done well alone & a couple where his endurance has pushed me to keep running just a lil further than I would’ve maybe otherwise! πŸ™‚

  37. cher says:

    i work out better by myself, I think. it really depends on the workout and person though. i think that if its someone that you work out a lot with, sometimes you can both talk each other out of things. if it’s someone for the first time, or in front of a lot of people, like crossfit…i think you push it harder!

  38. Mica says:

    I like a little of both. I end up doing a lot of my runs with my running buddy, but I sometimes enjoy the time I’m running alone. I’m afraid of becoming dependent on anything when it comes to exercising–music, work-out buddies, gels–so I try to mix it up all the time.

  39. K says:

    I most often run in a group or with one other person. Often times I find myself running with people who tend to push my pace and I like that. Sometimes I am the pace setter and I don’t mind that either. I have found that I will tend to push myself further by myself but tend to maybe not run quite as fast. I’ve been trying to work on this.

  40. Onelittletrigirl says:

    I love being a part of a team, but honestly I like working out alone better. Especially swimming and running- that is my alone time and I cherish it. I do like biking with others but that is mostly because I am a weak biker and like having the support.

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