Posts tagged: computers

Out of time

By , May 8, 2008 5:45 am

I have a little problem – I can’t keep up with google reader.

I keep adding more blogs, but finding less and less time to read them.

Right now, I am subscribed to 72 blogs… and have 73 unread items! I’ve ended up being that person who has to catch up on the weekend, and is leaving comments on posts that are days old, after the conversation has died out.

My question is this – how do you keep up with reading all the blogs you like?

My ideal solution (are you reading, Steven?) is to buy a small $600-or-so computer that I can throw in my purse and use on the way to and from work. That’s almost 3 hours of time! I could catch up with a lot of internet “things” then too (I didn’t even mention how far behind I get on personal emails) and spend more quality time with the “boys” at home!


Today’s Idiom: stock in trade – the goods, tools, and other requisites of a profession

The Architect’s stock in trade seems to be a cocky attitude, coffee-addiction, and an affinity for wearing dark colors.

Fully hydrated

By , November 5, 2007 5:34 am

A glass of water infiltrated my laptop yesterday. Luckily, I am married to the Lord of All Things Electronic and he has given the laptop a full diagnostic, with a prediction for a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, invasive surgery was required, and my laptop is still under anesthesia with its innards spread out around it.

I hate when crap like this happens. But what’s the point of getting upset? Steven has another laptop I can use… with a smaller screen, internet explorer, no Adobe CS3… yeah, life’s tough! I’m spoiled, I know.

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