5K Prep!

By , February 23, 2018 8:37 am

I’m running a 5K on Sunday to gauge my fitness level, not to set a personal record, but I’m still going to do my 5K Prep List:

1. Get a massage (this afternoon!)

2. Make a race playlist (will do that tomorrow; it will definitely feature “Get It”)

3. Take a nap the day before the race (tomorrow)

4. Don’t run the day before the race (err… this one may be hard… no promises…)

5. Paint my nails (already done last week!)

That’s it! Nice simple list! I’ll check the weather the morning of the race, and pick out my outfit then. It doesn’t start until 11:00 am, so I’ll have time.

Not on the list, because it’s impossible: quell 5K racing nerves. I feel like 5Ks are the hardest distance to race, and it’s the ONLY distance I get nervous energy about!!! AHH!!!!!

21 Responses to “5K Prep!”

  1. Kandi says:

    Good luck! Can’t wait to hear how it goes. I rarely do 5ks for the reasons you describe! They make me so nervous for some reason!

  2. Troy says:

    Great plan. I always paint my nails as well. Crush it!

  3. Alyssa says:

    Ooh a massage sounds so nice! 5Ks ARE hard to race! Hope the race goes well and you get a good gauge of your fitness!

  4. Shelley B says:

    I need to adopt some of your pre-race strategies, especially that nap! Hope the race goes well for you and you aren’t in a world of hurt the entire time.

  5. Pete B says:

    Nice checklist. I especially like the nap and massage to-dos! Good luck!

  6. 11 a.m.! What a generous start time! That’s definitely one of the best parts of winter races, in my opinion.

    Good luck at your race! I totally feel you on your sentiments towards 5Ks – it’s my least favorite distance by a long shot. I prefer the pain of a marathon to the pain of a 5K!

    • kilax says:

      It definitely is! No alarm, and time to eat breakfast and somewhat digest!

      Thanks! And ditto – a half or marathon seems so much easier which probably makes no sense to a non runner!

  7. Mica says:

    I forgot to ask you when your race was, so I’m glad I caught up on this post. Are you going to paint your nails thematically for the race?

  8. Xaarlin says:


    I think is so important to have a routine like this- it puts you in the right mindset for race day 🙂

    My prep looks very similar to yours- although for my race Sunday I’ll be running today and tomorrow- just cutting out stairs. Lolz I need to pick out a cool nail color now- what color did you go with?

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