Friday Question #2

By , November 9, 2007 7:30 am

What was your favorite thing to pretend when you were a young child?

Oh, it’s so embarrassing, but I must share it, because that’s what I do here – share embarrassing secrets and stories.

I used to pretend that I had an identical twin sister. But I didn’t talk to her like she was an “invisible friend,” because I pretended that she lived in Florida, and that when she came to visit Iowa, I would go stay in Florida in her place. So she sort of “pretend existed” in my mind.

Seems innocent, right? Well, I told one of my friends that I really did have a twin sister who lived in Florida (this was in grade school by the way). And I would pretend that I was the other twin sister from time to time. My friend would say, “Kim?” and I would say, “No, I’m Kim’s twin sister,” and be all snotty about it.

That friend still thinks I have a twin sister.

Just kidding!

10 Responses to “Friday Question #2”

  1. Lisa says:

    I don’t think I pretended much as a kid. Now in my early 20’s… yeah, better not go there.

  2. Dad says:

    Well at least that explains some of the attitude changes I saw a few years back.

  3. Twins rock! I can totally see the allure :o). I used to prentend I was an olympic figure skater. I would “skate” around in my socks on the hallway floors, practice my double axels and cheorograph (sp?) killer rountines. I even took up figure skating lessons in middle school…but I was never as good as I was in my own mind. I marvel at all the energy I had back than.

    Good Friday question!

  4. Christina says:

    Kim we could totally pass as twins, we look exactly alike!! 😉

  5. diane says:

    Oh, I pretended a lot! Superhero was my favorite–I would go to sleep with a blanket tied around my neck (like a cape) and my mom would have to come in and untie it so I didn’t choke in my sleep!
    But I can make you feel less embarrassed because I had a pretend sister too!! She wasn’t a twin, but in second grade I talked constantly about my sister “Cindy” and even drew her in family pictures we made in class.
    My mom had to be called in b/c the teacher knew I didn’t have a sister. But the other kids were convinced, especially since I said she was too little to be in school yet. 🙂
    I love that you would pretend to be your identical twin! Ha ha!

  6. ajooja says:

    I pretended to wear glasses around one friend when I was a kid. I have no idea why I did this.

    One time, while not wearing the fake glasses, his mom asked why I wasn’t wearing them. I told her I got contacts.

    She said she couldn’t afford contacts and I felt horrible. That kind of stopped my lying.

  7. Hilly says:

    I liked to pretend that I was Electra Woman and my sister was Dyna Girl….mind you, NOT Wonder Woman but the lesser heroine!

  8. kilax says:

    Lisa – Uh oh…. should I not even ask? 😉

    Dad – I was expecting some smart a$$ comment. You never disappoint 😉

    Gina (Mannyed) – I forgot you are a twin! Do you still skate for fun?

    Christina – are you kidding me? You are the exotic, dark version of me… or I am the pale, whitey version of you! Ha ha!

    Diane – I forgot the magic of blanket-capes! I wonder what Data would think if I wore one on my neck around the house. I bet he would get a kick out of that! Hey, it sounds like you and I are both conniving little liars. I mean, used to be conniving little liars!

    ajooja – why do your stories always make me feel sad? Just kidding! I guess everyone has to learn their lesson at some point. That poster is awesome! Thanks for pointing it out to me. That would be cool if I could get a print of it.

    Hilly – haha! That’s the way it should be! 😉

  9. Elaine says:

    I used to pretend my little brother was my puppy. We used to call it “Master Elaine and Pup.” I would make him crawl around on all fours and obey my every command, including barking. Poor thing.

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