I love public transportation II

By , December 5, 2007 5:19 am

Wives must never forget this Bible verse, as it is written in the Book of Steven:

If thine husband dost desire pizza during a snowstorm, thou shalt drivest to pick it up after work. Pronto. Snap snap!

Driving in a snowstorm makes me a lot more nervous than it used to. I get in the car and all I can feel is my heart heavily pounding in my chest. I think I have used up all of my “get away free” cards when it comes to accidents in snowy weather… so I would rather just stay inside. Or take public transportation!

The pizza was good though.

10 Responses to “I love public transportation II”

  1. Odie says:

    Surely they have delivery in Chicago?

    I know what you mean about winter driving, though. It took me twice as long to get to work as usual. UGH!

  2. kilax says:

    Odie – this particular establishment is on our delivery sh*t list. We love their pizza, but the staff is idiotic, so we always go to pick it up in case there is a problem 🙂 Drive safe today 🙂

  3. sizzle says:

    you’re one brave pizza lovin’ gal.

  4. that was so nice of you!!! 🙂

  5. kilax says:

    sizzle – sometimes we just don’t want to make a real dinner… pizza is always the answer!

    CourtneyInControl – Steven would have done the same 😉 He just got home before me, so it was my turn to pick it up… in the snow 😉

  6. shall we get into the arguement over Chicago-style pizza vs. New York Style pizza…:o)

  7. ajooja says:

    Driving for pizza in the snow should give you points or something. Maketh thou own Bible verse.

  8. kilax says:

    Gina (Mannyed) – Lucky for you, I prefer NY style 😉 Shall we argue about hot dogs instead?!

    ajooja – we decided to quit taking points – Steven was so far ahead!

  9. I live in the “motor city” so we don’t really have public transportation the way other cities have it. Since everyone (I exaggerate) over 16 has at least one car, there isn’t much need.

    I love it when I’m traveling. It’s convenient (usually).

  10. kilax says:

    Gary LaPointe – Maybe in the future you will have a better public transit system… 😉

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