Would you marry this woman?

By , December 24, 2007 7:44 pm

While Steven and I were in the car today, I asked him what books he read as a child.

“Did you read Clifford and the Bernstein Bears?” I inquired.

“Yeah,” he replied. “And when we were really little we read those Little Golden Books as well.”

“Oh!” I said excitedly, “I read those too! Did you ever chew on the edges of the book?”

“What?! You are the only person I know who chews on books!”

“The edges tasted like foil!” I explained. (huh?)

“People don’t eat foil!”

Ha ha ha. When he said that, I was drinking a bottle of water and I spit all the water out onto my lap. I wonder if the people in our next destination (Best Buy) wondered why a grown woman looked like she just peed her pants.

I also wonder if those books still have bite marks on the edges. Ha ha ha.

7 Responses to “Would you marry this woman?”

  1. danielle says:

    I remember those books! we have A LOT of those! EXCEPT….i never chewed on the edges….maybe its the other side of your family…jk…because i have the ilax side and we dont…haha..jk:D

  2. sizzle says:

    that’s pretty funny…though you really ate your books? tee hee.

  3. kilax says:

    danielle – ha ha. You don’t have to chew on a book to be crazy. You are crazy by association 😉

    sizzle – I think I just liked to chew on things? Believe me, it has back-fired a few times!

  4. it’s ok, don’t feel bad… i chewed on books, tables, chairs… apparently anything that would stand still long enough for me to chew on!!! i still have some of momma’s books that i chewed up as a kid (Stephen King)…. oops!!!

  5. kilax says:

    CourtneyInControl – Ha! I knew someone could relate to me!!!

  6. *guilty* I still remember exactly how it tastes…

  7. kilax says:

    HA HA!!! I knew I wasn’t the only one! THANK YOU!!!

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