Food phases

By , January 13, 2008 9:48 am

Does anyone else go through “food phases”?

For months, I will be obsessed with eating one food. I will crave it almost every day. I will still try to eat a balanced diet, but at the end of the day, I feel like I have to get some of that one food.

I hated peanut butter for the first half of 2007. It made me sick to even see it. But then I started wanting it every day – on crackers, on bread, on a spoon, in a cookie, in a Reese’s… now when we are at the grocery store, and I pick up some more PB, Steven asks me, “Are we really out of peanut butter? Again?!”

The same thing has happened to me with Nature Valley granola bars, the Thai dish “Pad Siew,” burritos, crackers… I am starting to wonder if this is a normal thing, or if I need to try to eat a more varied diet all the time so that I don’t get so focused and obsessed with one food!

10 Responses to “Food phases”

  1. Hilly says:

    I go through food phases a LOT, especially when I am hardcore dieting like I am now. Peanut butter is one of those things for me too….either the smell of it makes me gag or I have to have it now now now. Right now I am in an anti-soup phase because I ate so much of it when sick recently. That and oatmeal….stinking Weight Watchers and oatmeal being the perfect breakfast.

  2. Lisa says:

    You’re definitely not alone, but one would question where those food “cravings” are coming from? Are you missing something in your regular diet?

  3. Robin says:

    I definitely go through food phase. The worst was Chicken McNuggets from McD. I hadn’t had them in probably 20 years, but then about a year an a half ago, I went through a phase for about three months where I ate them all the time.

    Thank goodness I am back to despising them.

  4. kilax says:

    Hilly – I really think dieting is what does this to us. We restrict ourselves from certain foods, then we have to have them and overeat them, then we get sick of them… arg…

    Lisa – The peanut butter craving might be a protein craving thing since I am a vegetarian, but I kind of doubt that. I just think it is a weird craving 😉

    Robin – Chicken McNuggets?! That would be a bad one 😉

  5. lcmotorist says:

    I definitely go through food phases. I went through an extended curried chicken salad phase. Right now I am in a turkey bacon phase, and a diet cream soda phase. Too bad I can’t trick myself to go into a carrot and celery stick phase.

  6. Christina says:

    I have been stuck in the pickle phase since I started college. I love pickles!! I used to be in the ranch phase where I had ranch with practically everything, but thankfully I’m over that one! I’m also in the anti-dressing phase. For salads I used to put soo much dressing on, but now I just pile on the veggies and eat it plain, or with a squeeze of lemon. Which is delicious by the way!!

  7. kilax says:

    Christina – pickles is another food I have a love/hate relationship with. Sometimes I feel like I can eat a whole jar! I remember your ranch phase – on time when you were at our house, you asked for ranch dressing to put on your green beans!

  8. i can so relate!!! i do the same thing too!!! right now my craving is apple fritters… i stopped one morning to get some tea on the way to work and they had apple fritters… now that has become breakfast… ice tea and an apple fritter!! doh!!!

  9. ajooja says:

    Jeez, peanut butter sounds so good. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

  10. kilax says:

    CourtneyInControl – I think Steven was addicted to those for awhile too! I just keep him away from Dunkin’ Donuts.

    ajooja – doesn’t it though? Yummmy!

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