
By , February 10, 2008 7:53 pm

After 3:00 pm every Sunday I start to feel crummy and cranky. I feel like the weekend is wasted. I don’t want to do my laundry. I don’t want to prepare the salad and vegetables for the week. I don’t want to move. I want to stay in bed all afternoon.

Sounds like the description of a fun person to be around, right?

Or maybe it sounds like the description of what everyone feels like before going back to work on Monday!

14 Responses to “Repetitive”

  1. Megan says:

    I know EXACTLY what you mean. I am sitting here right now, grumpy and dreading tomorrow morning. I go through this ritual every Sunday. I finally tore myself away from E! this afternoon and made myself get out of bed at about 4 p.m., and I also just made Andrew go to Dairy Queen to ease the Sunday night pain!

  2. sizzle says:

    that sounds like it’s time for a new job! 🙁

  3. kilax says:

    Megan – I usually have to take a nap on Sundays between 2-5 or I feel incredibly cranky all day… and I never feel like getting out of bed! Sometimes we eat out on Sundays to feel better about starting the week!

    sizzle – It is not that I dread work – I don’t mind it when I am there! I just dread the weekend ending, feeling like I accomplished nothing…

  4. Robin says:

    I think we all have this feeling. I always think “If I had just one more day in the weekend….”, I would get more things done at home. Of course, I would get more done at home if I didn’t spend so much time on the sofa on Sundays…

  5. Kimberly says:

    Uh yeah, so I was a lazy ass all day today…HA! I didn’t leave my room before 4:30 PM except once just to make me some breakfast. The rest of the day I either did random stuff on the computer in my room to waste time, or I watched recorded episodes of my shows from the week while lying in bed. You would have thought I was sick…nope.

    Yes, I too hate the thought of feeling like I didn’t accomplish anything on a day off….

    Oh well…there’s always next weekend, right?! 😉

  6. diane says:

    When I was young, I could never understand why my mom was so sad and seemingly depressed on Sundays. I thought it had to do with not going to church or something.
    Now that I’m an adult I TOTALLY understand the Sunday blues! (E. suggested we add an 8th day to the week but I said no, that will just mean employers will try to squeeze another day of work out of us!!)

  7. kilax says:

    Robin – That is what I have been saying too! Why can’t every weekend be a 3-day weekend! But I spend Sunday on the couch/bed as well 😉

    Kimberly – but isn’t that the perfect Sunday?! I think we all DESERVE a day to act like that! (I always think “next weekend…” too! 😉 )

    diane – The 8th day will not work. We need to go to a 4-day work week! 😉

  8. Hilly says:

    I usually try to do all of my laundry and other stuff early on Saturday morning but I tell you what…I still get sorta gloomy around 5pm on Sunday nights…I always have.

  9. Kyra says:

    LOL I feel like that every day right now!

  10. kapgar says:

    Salad and vegetables “for the week”??? Don’t they wilt by Thursday?

  11. i get the sunday blues too… i thought it was just me but now i’m glad to know i’m not the only one who dreads mondays!!

  12. Felicia says:

    I think it is a common illness that sweeps the country on Sunday’s 🙂 Some are immune to it but only a very few!!!

  13. SJ says:

    Believe it or not, right around 3 p.m. Sunday is when I start getting EXCITED about going to work the next day! But it’s also when I realize I haven’t done a damn thing to prepare for the work week, and I have to rush around madly doing laundry and such.

  14. kilax says:

    Hilly – i should try getting things done earlier. Maybe it would help.

    Kyra – uh oh! Is it the crazy weather?

    kapgar – they are just cut up veggies and salad – they are usually good for the whole week 🙂

    CourtneyInControl – I think it’s almost everyone!

    Felicia – I didn’t think anyone was immune to it until I read SJ’s commente!

    SJ – Someday I’ll be that way… someday!

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