Better than a carrot

By , March 13, 2008 5:46 am

Where’s the last place you would expect to find a liberal vegetarian like me on a Saturday?

Think about it.

A few weeks ago, I casually mentioned to Steven that I would like to learn how to shoot a handgun. “Why?” he asked. “Well,I just thought it would be a good thing for me to learn,” I told him.

Really, I have always been afraid of guns, but felt like it was time to conquer that fear.

I kind of thought he would just brush it off, but apparently this inquiry is the type of thing that gets your husband’s attention. Sure enough, he called me in a few days to tell me he talked to some friends about going to the shooting range the following weekend.

So we went with one of his coworkers and his wife. I felt out of place, around a bunch of macho men and dead animals stuffed on the walls.

But I tried it. I shot quite a few rounds. And I even hit the target!

8 Responses to “Better than a carrot”

  1. kapgar says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think being a vegetarian means you can’t fire guns. It might mean you shouldn’t hunt, but target shooting? I think you’re pretty safe.

    Being a pacifist, on the other hand…

  2. Kyra says:

    Funniest thing, there is this professor at my college – has stuffed hunted animals all over his office – BIG hunter and fisherman. Vegetarian.

    He scares me.

  3. diane says:

    So, would you do it again? Was it fun, or too weird?
    By the way, I love the new header!!

  4. YAY for you and conquering your fear!!! that’s awesome!!! i’m proud of you!!!

  5. When I was in Texas the idea of going to a shooting range came up, and I thought, hmm…why not? We never got to go because we ran out of time, but I’m up for trying it atleast once. You know, like skydiving :o)

  6. sizzle says:

    It’s a powerful feeling holding a gun in your hand. How did it make you feel?

  7. Courtney Ilax says:

    ROCK ON KIM !!!! I love shooting my grandfathers guns. They make you feel so in control of what your aiming at. What did you think ?

  8. kilax says:

    kapgar – I have always been very anti-gun and very anti-hunting, so I was surprised with myself for wanting to go!

    Kyra – that is an oddity. Is he really a pseudo-vegetarian – one who only does it for appearance’s sake?

    diane – I would do it again! It was fun, but stressful at first. Once I relaxed, I did better. And thanks on the header!

    CourtneyInControl – Let’s just see what I tackle next…

    Gina (Mannyed) – When you come to Chicago we can go together…

    sizzle – It made me feel nervous at first! But then I thought it was fun. The aiming was a lot harder than I thought it would be!

    Courtney Ilax – I felt very in control of the paper target I was aiming at 😉 Ha ha. I told Steven I want to go shoot at something that will explode – like a watermelon or something.

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