Overachiever Kitteh

By , April 17, 2008 6:04 am

A few nights ago, I was playing fetch with Data. I picked up both his yellow ball and his orange ball and said to him “I am going to throw both of these down the stairs at the same time. You bring back the one that is your favorite color.”

He brought them both up, together! Holding one completely inside his mouth, and the other with his teeth. He never does that.

What a little overachiever.


Today’s Idiom: a wet blanket – one who spoils fun

One of my college friends was a total wet blanket – she always wanted to go home early so she could spend hours talking to her long-distance boyfriend.


13 Responses to “Overachiever Kitteh”

  1. Nilsa S. says:

    Sounds like you were Data’s wet blanket – making the poor kitty choose a favorite. So unfair! ha. Data reminds me of my to-be-in-laws’ dog, who will carry 2-3 toys at a time. And she growls at my dog if my dog tries to share.

  2. diane says:

    An overachiever, just like his human mama! 😉

  3. kapgar says:

    Your cat plays fetch? My old cat, Meatball, would do nothing more than look at you, deem you to not be worthy of his excellent presence, and then walk away leaving you to fetch the damn thing yourself.

  4. Dave2 says:

    Good kitty! Though I am a little concerned here… completely in his mouth?? What if it gets stuck! Choking hazard!!

  5. OMG!!! DATA!!! that is so awesome!!! look at you!!! you are such a good talented kitteh!! i think he was saying, mom, they’re all my favorite!!! 🙂

  6. Jenn says:

    Your cat brings back two balls, and my dog won’t even bring back ONE??

  7. SJ says:

    What a clever kitty!

    My Data won’t play fetch. She just attacks anything you throw her way and tries to destroy it. She’s got the soul of a hunter.

    Actually, none of my three will fetch and return. I’d love to teach them that!

  8. Kyra says:

    My cat fetches too. It gets confusing with the three dogs trying to fetch at the same time though… wee bit dangerous, really.

  9. Cheryl says:

    Aw! And so cute too.

  10. Robin says:

    So is Data intelligent…. or greedy?


  11. kilax says:

    Nilsa S. – Ha ha! Your in-laws dog is like a spoiled kid! Wait, so is Data.

    diane – I just hope I would be smarter than putting something too big in my mouth.

    kapgar – We love the name Meatball. We may have to steal that for our next cat. Or maybe Tofuball. Data does play fetch though! Until he gets sick of it anyway. He’ll usually go up and down the stairs 10-15 times.

    Dave2 – I actually edited the part about him choking out of this story. He brought them up, and dropped one out of his mouth, and the other was stuck to his teeth. I had to pull it out for him 🙁

    CourtneyInControl – “Mommy, they’re all my favorite… give me more?!?!” ???

    sizzle – His only talent 😉

    Jenn – Your dog refuses?

    SJ – I bet 50% of cats have the souls of hunters 😉 And the other 50%… are lazy pacifists? No, that’s not right…

    Kyra – Who usually wins?!

    Cheryl – Thanks 🙂 He’s my little fur baby.

    Robin – Both? Okay. Greedy.

  12. Lumpy says:

    Genius! Such a pretty kitty! Oh, btw, You’ve been tagged, yo!

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