Probably shouldn’t write this here

By , April 19, 2008 11:01 am

I attended a career fair at a local college this week. No, I’m not looking for a new job – I was doing recruiting!

The college is internationally known, and has a very prestigious reputation. It draws students in from all over the world.

It was very interesting to be on the other side of the table during this career fair. It was only last year that I was interviewing as well!

The students were very aggressive in promoting themselves. I’ve already received quite a few follow up emails.

Part of one email made me laugh out loud in my office for a good twenty seconds:

If you are not hiring any internship recently, could we still keep touching?

Yes, I know what the person meant, and I don’t mean to make fun of them… but I thought I would share!

I’ve been tagged! Follow the extended post for the Fluff Five Meme from Lumpy.

5 Things You Found In Your Bag

  1. Diarrhea medicine from Aruba
  2. Day Planner
  3. Travel size deodorant (I admit, I sweat)
  4. Bottle of Ice Mountain
  5. Last month’s pay stub

5 Favorite Things In Your Room

  1. My HUGE wooden jewelry chest
  2. Darth Tater and Spud Trooper
  3. My own walk-in closet
  4. Car keys…
  5. Husband and Kitteh

5 Things You Are Currently Into

  1. Bowling
  2. Improving my vocabulary
  3. Community Involvement
  4. Home Improvement
  5. Adding new bloggers to my reader

5 Things You Have Always Wanted To Do

  1. Skydive
  2. Ride in a hot air balloon
  3. Run a marathon
  4. Become a licensed architect
  5. Fly an airplane

5 People You Want To Tag

  1. Steven
  2. Dad
  3. Christina
  4. Andrew
  5. Jodi

4 Responses to “Probably shouldn’t write this here”

  1. Lisa says:

    ROFL!!! You might be starting a new trend in recruiting. 😛

  2. Lumpy says:

    Ha! Ha! OMG, I tend to skim things over so it’s good that you caught that “touching” – that’s HI-larious! Your answers are great! If I hadn’t organized my new purse, this meme surely would have forced me to do so 🙂 Time to get rid of the diarrhea meds 🙂

  3. Jodi says:

    I love it!!

  4. kilax says:

    Lisa – Ha ha! I guess 😉

    Lumpy – I think it is time for a new purse altogether!

    Jodi – I should have tagged you for this meme! 🙂 I am amending my list…

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