Friday Question #34

By , August 1, 2008 5:56 am

What is your favorite “outdoorsy” “summer” activity? (For example, grilling, baseball games, laying in the sun, etc.)

When it starts to get really hot, I crave going to my parent’s cabin along the Mississippi River in Iowa, where we go out on boats and jet skis, and go to beaches to play in the water. And eat lots of food (of course).

That is definitely my favorite outdoorsy activity.

And wanting to go there’s been distracting me at work for over a month.

And I’m not sure when we’ll go again…

14 Responses to “Friday Question #34”

  1. Odie says:

    I like to hang out the ‘Gone Fishing’ sign. I don’t necessarily have to actually catch said fish, but I enjoy the peace and quiet and the breeze blowing. And spending time with friends. (I tend to spend my fishing time with female friends).

    It’s either that or spending time sitting on my porch.

  2. Kyra says:

    Going to the Zoo, or an amusement park. And for the record, I haven’t been to the Zoo for almost 14 years, and an amusement park for a few as well. And a GOOD amusement park, it’s been 15 years. *sigh*

    Oh, I also like the RenFest. πŸ™‚

  3. Felicia says:

    Ok, when it gets sweltering hot my only outdoor activity is the hunt for the next great air conditioned place hehe. I do most of my outdoorsy stuff during the fall, winter, and spring πŸ™‚

  4. sizzle says:

    Kayaking! I should really go one of these days. It’s gorgeous here to kayak.

    I also really want to go white water rafting again. That was SO MUCH fun. It was years ago but I still remember the thrill of it.

    And of course, taking a picnic to the park to rest in the shade and read.

  5. diane says:

    I want to go snorkeling or parasailing in Florida or somewhere equally beach-y. Wah!! πŸ™ (the past two years I was in Florida around this time of year, and I’m sad that my “beach” vacation this year was in 60 degree, overcast San Diego!)

  6. Hilly says:

    It’s always about things done poolside for me. Growing up, we had the pool with the deck and the bbq…people would always come over and we’d spend the whole day outside doing whatever.

  7. ajooja says:

    My favorite is going to the pool but I rarely do it anymore. I was a poolrat as a kid and a lifeguard as soon as they’d let me take the test. I miss those days.

    These days, it’s tough to make it through the day when the Cardinals have an off-day. The all-star break was difficult. I’m not looking forward to winter.

    I like laying on the deck listening to my iPod too but the ballfield behind my house has been really busy this year. Those people don’t need to see me without a shirt on. πŸ™‚

  8. Nilsa says:

    Isn’t it amazing that when you’re at a place like your parents’ cabin, it doesn’t really matter how hot it gets. Because there are always activities to cool you down … or at least to divert your attention away from the heat?! Maybe you can do a mini-cabin day here … by renting jet skis or a canoe and having a picnic along the beach?

  9. Thomas says:

    Frisbee. Also, going on long walks with my iPod.

  10. Christina says:

    Go next weekend!! I think I am going then! πŸ™‚

  11. Cheryl says:

    Love grilling. Love anything that allows me to sit in the sun, even if it’s just reading a book in the park.

  12. I like Roller Blading and biking, but I’ve been biking more this summer for errands near my home. Mostly because I have a new bicycle from the accident last summer.

    Actually , this was on the trip where I met you last summer (and the other DaveCago-ians).

    (I’m only adding this sentence to check out your cool “edit comment” plug in.)

  13. kilax says:

    Odie – Fishing does force you to be calm, peaceful and quiet! πŸ™‚ I haven’t gone in SOOOO long! I used to have fun going with my Grandpa πŸ™‚

    Kyra – What is holding you back?!?! Take the kids! (I would vote for the amusement park)

    Felicia – Yeah… that’s a good point. I feel lucky that we’ve had so many nice days to enjoy in Chicago.

    sizzle – I have never done water activities like that! I am almost sure I would fall into the water, but I bet there is really a rush to it!

    diane – Time to plan another? Or go somewhere tropical where it is guaranteed to be warm… ARUBA! πŸ˜€

    Hilly – I am so jealous! Do you still hit the pool up now?

    ajooja – I am trying to enjoy this summer while I can, because I also dread the winter. I say, who cares if they see you with your shirt off? Go for it!

    Nilsa – THAT IS EXACTLY IT! I try to plan to go there on the hottest days of summer so I can run and jump into the river! There are a lot of beaches here… maybe I should actually check one out?

    Thomas – Are you one of those fribee pros? Teach me the ways of the force! I suck at frisbee. πŸ™

    Christina – We are pondering it… I heard Dad bought a tube to pull behind the boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€

    Cheryl – Ooo, and I LOVE the way the grill smells! YUMMY!

    Gary LaPointe – I would love to start biking again. It’s exercise, but can be relaxing. I’m happy the new feature is working for you!

  14. martymankins says:

    Sunning and BBQs are my favorites for summer time. Can’t get enough of either. In fact, I’ve done both this week up at our timeshare in Park City.

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