Friday Question #35

By , August 15, 2008 12:45 pm

Suppose you are truly color-blind, and all you can see is black and white. Then one day you wake up and find you can see one color. Which color would you want it to be?

It’s not even my favorite color, but I have to say RED. It’s such a strong, energetic, vibrant color. It would be beautiful to see in comparison to white, grays and black.

<image: The color red>

Have you read The Giver by Lois Lowry? That has got to be one of my all-time favorite books, even though I think it is meant for little kids (the wikipedia description of the plot is pretty good).

I mention this book because (you guessed it) the people in it cannot see color. The main character discovers color, and it’s written so well… check it out if you haven’t already!

11 Responses to “Friday Question #35”

  1. diane says:

    Blue, just because it’s my favorite color, and I’d be really sad if I could never see blue again.
    Does this account for shades? I guess I’d have to pick a particular blue, which is kind of hard…

  2. sizzle says:

    I’d say green because living here in the PNW, we are surrounded by trees. It’d be a shame to not see their beauty.

  3. Hilly says:

    I too would say red. The contrast with black and white is so beautifully perfect.

  4. Cat. says:

    Since someone else said blue…I’ll go with yellow: sun, lemon, butterscotch YELLOW!

    (but my heart, like Diane, belongs to blue)

  5. Cat. says:

    Oops (I really need to fully install my brain!), I love The Giver. Actually, I love almost anything Lois Lowry writes, but I do like that one especially.

  6. Catherine says:

    This might be interesting to you: An Anthropologist on Mars is by one of my favorite author/thinkers ever, Oliver Sacks. This book includes the moving story of an artist who lost his color vision and how it impacted him emotionally and mentally.

    I’d easily go with blue, my favorite color, but I’m hoping I’d get the entire spectrum of blue. “The Giver” sounds interesting, I will check it out!

  7. martymankins says:

    Blue would be my color. Something vibrant so each time I saw something in blue, it would stand out.

  8. Robin says:

    I would choose green. When everything gets green in the spring, I feel energized!

  9. kilax says:

    diane – What shade would you choose? I wonder if choosing blue means you would see only blue objects, like the blue sky, the blue water, etc. That makes the question a bit more interesting.

    sizzle – I didn’t even think of that! I would miss green too!

    Hilly – It is! I often see photos with black and white and red… something about it just draws me in.

    Cat. – I would love to see a yellow dandelion in a field of black and white. I haven’t read any other Lowry books. So, do you know if The Giver is more for kids?

    Catherine – Thanks for the recommendation! That does sound like an interesting story. Yet another thing to add to my amazon list…

    martymankins – There are so many blues, but I am imagining a little darker than a sky blue would stand out perfectly!

    Robin – Good idea! I love fresh spring grass!

  10. Cat. says:

    Yes, The Giver is a kids book. It won the Newbery Award (plus other awards: scroll down here) in 1994. It has become the first in a trilogy (so far) about the same people: Gathering Blue and Messenger are the others.

  11. kilax says:

    Woah! It became a trilogy?! This is HUGE news to me. I LOVED that book. Now I need to read the next two.

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