Friday Question #37

By , September 12, 2008 6:04 am

What do you love/hate about fall?

Although it is not “officially” fall (or autumn, as I like to refer to it), it sure as hell feels like it, with these cool temperatures.

And that is what I love about fall – the cooler temperatures. It’s perfect for wearing a light jacket on a walk outside. The temperature is also perfect for running without a jacket on. It’s just a comfortable temperature all around. I don’t get sweaty walking to work or to the train.

Unfortunately, that comfortable temperature only lasts a certain amount of time!

The only thing I hate is the idea that summer is ending, and summer-fun along with it. But it’s my goal to start having “summer-fun” all year round. There’s no reason I have to lock myself in the house all fall/winter/spring! I can still get out and do things!

19 Responses to “Friday Question #37”

  1. Odie says:

    Love: the colors, the smell of the leaves, and football.
    Hate: it means winter is just around the corner.

    And just out of curiousity, what’s a brisk jacket? ; )

  2. kilax says:

    Odie: Ha ha! Thanks for the correction πŸ˜‰ I hate the lurking of winter too. Maybe we’ll have a better one this year… *fingers crossed*!

  3. martymankins says:

    Fall here in Utah is still pretty nice most of the time, but the mornings and nights are colder. Fall hits right after Labor Day, even though the official start to fall isn’t until in October.

    My favorite thing about fall is being able to enjoy some cooler temps at night. The thing I hate the most: knowing that snow is just around the corner. Scooter riding season is coming to close.

  4. Kyra says:

    I always know it’s finally autumn when I go outside and the air has turned crisp. That sharpness, and clarity that comes from the humidity shifting, combined with pulling out those super soft sweaters and jeans. πŸ™‚ And the holidays. I don’t mind that Summer is ending. I like the change. I like when we shift into the brilliant colors, and that morning when you wake up and see those first snowflakes falling just as much as that spring morning when the trees have a dusting of neon green as the buds poke through, or that first evening in summer when the first of the fire flies come out to play. I like the change, which is why I have to live somewhere with the four seasons. I need all of them. Except mud season in the spring. THAT I can live without.

    Out here for the Fall, we have huge harvest festivals, and lots of cider parties. There are more apples out here than anyone knows what to do with. There are big BBQ’s held with ancient apple crushers, and everyone takes a turn crushing it, you take home one gallon of fresh juice, and at Christmas you get 1 bottle of hard cider as well. We have hay rides, and corn mazes, baking festivals, and bon fires with hot apple cider and chocolate. Now until January 2nd is my most favorite time of the year!

  5. sizzle says:

    It’s warm here through September in Seattle so I am still pretending it’s Summer. I will, however, be buying knee high boots for this Fall. I’m tired of just coveting them!

  6. i love the fall (and spring!) we usually don’t have too bad of winters down here so i don’t dread winter (it getting cold)… i like the cold (but that is always subject to your idea of what cold actually is)… i love the weather changing and being able to be outside without having a heat stroke!!!

  7. Jess says:

    I love the crisp air, and the smells, and the sweaters. I don’t like the grayness and the cold.

  8. i love the smell of fall in the air, and not breaking a sweat getting to work, and picking pumpkins. I think I’m more of a fall person.

  9. kapgar says:

    I love the colors and the temperature. But I hate that lately neither have really existed here in Illinois. The last two falls have had nothing but drab colors and maybe one week of fall-like temperatures before it practically becomes winter. Sucks.

  10. Denise says:

    The colors of fall are the most beautiful colors! The cooler temps are great. The sunsets are AMAZING. Fall is my favorite time of the year and I would love it if it would last until APRIL. LOL πŸ™‚

  11. javaqueen14 says:

    I love the fall foliage. Love the crisp, cool air in my lungs. I love to rake the leaves and watch the kids frolic in them. Love to play Ghost in the Graveyard and believe it or not my favorite holiday is Halloween. Yeah, it’s true. I am relieved when summer is over. I much prefer the cooler temps. There is only one thing I don’t like about fall, that it doesn’t last longer πŸ™ Have a great weekend!

  12. de says:

    I love the smell of it and the crisp air, I love the sweet and tart of apples against the beautifully warm colors and a super clear sky, I love the first day of school and pulling out my favorite hat; but it is always bitter sweet because it means that I must say goodbye to summer, and I am NEVER ready for that.

  13. Cheryl says:

    An excellent philosophy. Although by January, I’m usually hunkered down indoors.

  14. diane says:

    I had to sit on this one a couple days because at the time of posting, I was nothing but grouchy about the dropping temperatures.
    However, last night I rediscovered the joy of drinking tea and reading a book. Also, I like having oatmeal again with raisins and just a touch of sugar-free maple syrup. Apples are in season again, which I love, and it’s time to buy cute jackets!

  15. kilax says:

    christy – I’ll go check it out!

    martymankins – I LOVE the cooler night temps too. It means I do not turn into “the human radiator” (as Steven so affectionately calls me) when I am sleeping. I love opening a window and cuddling under a blanket!

    Kyra – Those harvest festivals sounds like a blast! I need to see if there is anything like that around here.

    sizzle – Buy away and rock them! Knee high boots are so sexy… πŸ™‚

    CourtneyInControl – Ha ha! I bet your “fall” IS a lot different than here!

    Jess – I LOVE LOVE LOVE the sweaters too. And also hate the gray. It was gray here all weekend, and I didn’t think it would get to me, but it did. I was cranky FOR SURE.

    Gina (Mannyed) – Only a true commuter can understand the sweat thing! πŸ˜‰ Hmm, I wonder if Steven will want to pick a pumpkin to carve this year. Do you do it every year?

    kapgar – We have had BS falls. I hope this year is different.

    Denise – I love the pretty colors, and the crunchy leaves on the ground. Maybe if we both wish for it, it will last until April? πŸ˜‰

    javaqueen14 – What is Ghost in the Graveyard? It sounds fun… but is it spooky?

    de – That DECEIVING clear blue sky. πŸ˜‰

    Cheryl – Yeah. We’ll see if it works. AT ALL! πŸ˜‰

    diane – I am happy you took the time to think it over πŸ˜‰ It just takes awhile to get back in the mood… right? (And I am totally looking at a few jackets with desire now. I need some $$ though. HA ha)

  16. marissa says:

    I love, love, LOVE fall. It is my favorite season! The colors, the brisk air, the pumpkins and candy corn! Mmm! My birthday is in October! πŸ™‚
    The only thing I dislike about it is that it means cold winter is right around the corner. Blech!

  17. Christina says:

    I love UNI football! The fact that school is farther along so I’m getting used to it (a teensy bit). I also love wearing jeans and not being too hot in them! Sometimes shorts and skirts and capris and all that junk are not as comfy as some good old jeans! πŸ™‚

    But I do miss summer clothes, and going outside without a jacket! And I DESPISE the fact that winter is around the corner, I HATE WINTER. >:(

  18. kilax says:

    marissa – CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANDY CORN!!! Do you like the candy pumpkins too? Gosh, I can’t believe I forgot about them until now!

    Christina – I love wearing jeans and being comfortable and kicking leaves on campus when I walk to class… wait! I don’t do that anymore! πŸ˜‰ But you can πŸ˜€

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