Friday Question #38

By , September 19, 2008 5:47 am

Are you a creature of habit, food wise? Do you eat the same thing everyday? Are there any foods/drinks, you feel like you have to consume on a daily basis? Or… do you like some variety?

Since I am on the “healthy lifestyle” quest, I am very conscious of what I consume everyday. I generally eat a rotation of the same food groups each day – vegetables, whole grains, fruit, (soy) protein – but I try to eat a different variety within that group each day so that I don’t get bored with it.

I have to have carbohydrates everyday though – I could never give them up. I like to “graze” – eating small snacks throughout the day, rather than typical “meals,” to keep my metabolism up. I finish with a medium-sized dinner. I don’t feel like there is one food I must have on a daily basis though, except warm oatmeal at work for breakfast. It makes starting the work day so much more pleasant for me.

You know, I really hate being this conscious of food, and what I am eating all the time. It makes dining out a TOTAL headache. BUT – I am trying to enjoy life and enjoy food. I am trying not to feel guilty if I eat something that is a lot higher in calories than I normally would. And I am hoping that this will all become more natural with time. I mean, it has to!

14 Responses to “Friday Question #38”

  1. Addicted to peanut butter . . . among other things. 😉


  2. sizzle says:

    If I don’t drink black tea in the morning I feel. . . off. I think I am too much a creature of habit since I basically have the same breakfast every day (eggs and toast). I should probably not eat that many eggs.

  3. Denise says:

    Fruit. If I don’t have at least one piece of fruit every day I get thirsty by afternoon.
    Which sounds weird. I’ve found that when we are on vacation and fruit isn’t always readily available, I get very thirsty by afternoon and the only thing that will quench my “thirst” is an apple, pear,peach, nectarine. Something like that. No matter how much water I drink it doesn’t go away until I eat a piece of fruit. I’m really going to miss watermelon when I can’t find “good” ones anymore. 🙁

  4. Hilly says:

    Oh geez, I am the biggest creature of habit. Breakfast is always eggs (since I don’t do carbs) or cottage cheese with yogurt. I have a salad for lunch every day and um, sunflower seeds. Dude, I live on them!

  5. kilax says:

    Linda – Practically at Home – The other day my husband told me he believes peanut butter is good on ANYTHING. ANYTHING! But he still hasn’t proven it to me. 😉 I love peanut butter, but I hide it from myself so I don’t just eat it straight out of the jar!

    sizzle – I’ve read that one egg a day is not bad for you! YUMMY! 🙂 I love a sunny-side egg put on a toasted english muffin.

    Denise – I think that makes a lot of sense! Fruit is full of water! I never eat fruit on (a foreign) vacation – I didn’t think of that until now. Ugh. That’s not good.

    Hilly – Props to you for doing no carbs! I’ve never tried it, because I am afraid it would turn me into a cranky byotch 😉 Sunflower seeds are healthy, right?

    Robin – Ha ha! I wondered if anyone would mention Diet Coke! It’s so addictive 😀 (In a good way of course, 😉 )

  6. martymankins says:

    Oatmeal – 6 days a week. It’s the one food that we both eat, with almost no exceptions. For those mornings where there are exceptions, it’s normally due to me having to leave early for work or being on vacation or out of town.

  7. kilax says:

    martymankins – I LOVE OATMEAL TOO! Do you make it “fresh” or do you use the instant packages?

  8. kapgar says:

    When it comes to food at home, Katie and I are primarily creatures of habit. We know what we like and what can be prepared relatively quickly. Since we’re both so damned busy anymore, the less time spent cooking, the better.

    At restaurants, it all depends. If it’s a place we go to often, we’ll be more experimental. But if it’s a place we don’t get to visit nearly often enough, we tend to stick with what we know and like for fear that we may not be back again for quite some time and would hate to have not been able to indulge in our faves. Know what I mean?

  9. kilax says:

    kapgar – I do the same at restaurants – at a mexican place, it’s always chiles rellenos. At an italian place – fettucine alfredo, etc. Hmm. Kevin, we need to hook up for dinner with you and Katie and Diane and E!

  10. I’m totally a creature of food habit. Breakfast is almost the same every day (turkey bacon, fried egg, cantaloupe and OJ; sometimes I mix it up with real bacon). If I’m at a restaurant, I probably know what I’m getting before I went there (I decided what to eat and then picked the restaurant). Most restaurants I only get one or two different things. If it’s a sandwich, it’s “no pickle, no mustard and no mayo”. And at a few places I have a favorite table or two (at my local Einstein’s they know I’m disappointed if I can’t get the table I want). I really need my daily Coca-Cola but I try not to have any after 2 PM (unless there is alcohol in it). And I try to have at least 3 bottles of water a day (if not more).

  11. kilax says:

    Gary LaPointe – I love it when people have a booth! When I worked at McDonald’s (not the same, I know) we had a few “regulars” that we really loved when they came in!

  12. tori says:

    I think I have said this before but I am a really strange eater. I eat what I crave and don’t eat when I’m not hungry. Sometimes I am starving and can’t get enough food and sometimes I am just plain not hungry. I guess that is just how my body works. My one son is the same way. We both could go an entire day without eating and be totally fine one day but then eat everything in sight the next. It makes it sort of hard to go out to eat though. I never know if I’ll be hungry or not.

  13. kilax says:

    tori – I can’t imagine that! At least the not knowing if you are going to be hungry thing. That is amazing.

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