No comments?

By , October 10, 2008 10:18 pm

When I went to respond to all of today’s comments, I noticed that all of the posts had comments disabled. Then, I noticed all my settings were messed up. Somehow, comments got turned off. Maybe on all my posts. I found this thread talking about it. Anyone else having this issue? Ugh. What a pain in the butt this is going to be.

Update: the SQL command in the post I linked to worked! It turned ALL of my comments back on. But I just wasted an hour figuring it out.

5 Responses to “No comments?”

  1. kilax says:

    de – Let me know if it happens to you. I was able to fix it through my powweb admin.

  2. Catherine says:

    Yes, and I still have to check the ‘allow comments’ box for each individual post. Not the biggest deal, but I’ve forgotten to do that a couple times now. Thankfully, some kind soul usually gives me a heads up!

  3. kapgar says:

    Sorry to hear. Does explain a lot though. Thought you’d gone the Dooce route. 😉

  4. kilax says:

    Catherine – I hope the wp people fix this! What a pain! It’s one thing to have to remember to check “allow comments,” but a whole other thing to have to go back and turn all comments back on!

    kapgar – HA! Never!

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