Friday Question #41

By , October 10, 2008 5:45 am

<image: PillsDo you take any vitamins or supplements? Which do you take? Do you notice any difference in your overall health from taking them?

Steven and I both take Centrum Multivitamin in the morning. I honestly don’t feel like it does anything. Anything that I notice. But it makes me feel better that it might be “filling in the cracks” with the nutrients I might be missing in my diet.

I’ve taken iron supplements before. After insistence from my mother. But honestly? It is really easy for vegetarians to get the nutrients they need in non-meat based foods. Well, it’s easy if you’re conscious of it!

12 Responses to “Friday Question #41”

  1. sizzle says:

    I used to but stopped. I’m never sure what I should take. I need to see a doctor for some advice. I do take zinc and vitamin c when I feel a cold coming on though.

  2. i’ve tried taking vitamins, advice from my dr. and from dc (cause i drink so much water), and they kill me… i know, ironic, but they upset my tummy so bad… and they’re supposed to be good for you!!!

  3. Felicia says:

    Ok here we go:

    2 One-a-Day’s (1 in the morning, 1 at night)
    1 Calcuim Chew
    1 iron tablet
    those are daily

    1 B-12 under the tongue….once a week

    Why? Because I had surgery and I don’t absorb nutriets compleatly, so this keeps it in check ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. annb says:

    I joined in this week – mine’s up!

  5. Megan says:

    I take a multi-vitamin that is for women that has extra calcium and stuff in it. I also take Vitamin C in the fall-winter to attempt to avoid colds. I’m not sure if that actually works or not though, since I got the queen mother of all colds last week.

  6. Kyra says:

    I take a calcium and vit D (D3, specifically) supplement, and I take L-Tyrosine because my thyroid is whacky.

    In general, I advise against supplements unless the doctor tells you. The doctor told me to do the calcium D combo. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. diane says:

    You know my feelings about my Flintstone gummies. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hair, skin and nails all still going strong!
    I feel lately like I might be lacking a bit in the iron department…but generally I think a healthy diet has most of my bases covered.

  8. marissa says:

    My dad was a HUGE vitamin advocate so I feel like out of respect for him I have to take my vitamins! ๐Ÿ™‚ I take women’s One A Day as my multivitamin, and I also take folic acid and sometimes fish oil.

  9. kilax says:

    sizzle – I think it is a good idea to get a doctor’s opinion if you plan on taking more than one thing. I’ve read that some vitamins interact weirdly with one another. And there are some out there that your body can’t even absorb!

    CourtneyInControl – They are telling you to take vitamins because you drink so much water? Are they worried the water… washes out your nutrients? I don’t get it. BUT – I do hate when I have the vitamin aftertaste and a bit of a tummy ache. No me gusta.

    Felicia – You go girl! Does the one under the tongue make you gag? I’ve tried them like that before and it sure does to me!

    annb – Great! I’m headed over!

    Megan – Maybe you’ll only have that one cold this year! *fingers crossed* I always forget to take vitamin C. Damn. Now I am hungry for an orange.

    Kyra – I agree – follow your doctor’s advice ๐Ÿ˜‰

    diane – I always think of you when I see the gummies in the store! ๐Ÿ˜€ I am hoping my healthy diet covers all that stuff too.

    marissa – Does taking your vitamins bring back fun memories of your dad? ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s sweet ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Catherine says:

    I’m taking Omega acids for a good brain and depression help, St. John’s Wort for depression help and Carnitine for bone health (and it also happens to be the thing that shoves stored fat molecules into the mitochondria, thus queuing it up for metabolism – that is, being turned into energy. That way you’re more likely to use stored fat as fuel rather than it just sitting there while you use newly ingested calories for fuel.) I also take a daily multivitamin for pregnant people even though I ain’t anywhere near pregnant, because it’s got extra folic acid and iron and some other stuff in it. I take two Tums Smoothies for Calcium and a bit of sleep help right before bed (this also helps in a BIG way to lessen PMS mood drop). I don’t really like the whole process of taking pills every day, it’s kind of a pain, but I believe I’m better off (and will age better) taking them than not. Btw, I am looking into Hyaluronic acid now, too.

    The combo of St. John’s Wort, Omega acids and Calcium has helped immensely with depression – I can’t begin to tell you. In my case, I don’t like the idea of meds for depression for a number of different reasons, and would rather manage it with organic efforts like brisk walks, healthy food and these supplements. When I stick with them, they serve me surprisingly well!

    Vitamins-wise, I think it’s a cumulative effect. Like, it’s not like you’d ‘feel better’ after six weeks or something, but I believe your systems and overall health would be better as you get older than you would if you never took them.

  11. martymankins says:

    I take 2 supplements each day:

    – hyaluronic acid
    – grapefruit seed extract

    I get both at Whole Foods.

    The grapefruit seed extract is my favorite as it is an antioxidant and keeps the shit from building up in my sinuses and other places. I’ve not had a serious cold in over a year (knock on wood now that winter is coming up). When I do get a cold, it reduces the time I have the serious symptoms form it. $10 for a bottle of 100.

  12. kilax says:

    Catherine – It’s exciting to hear that the natural vitamins help with depression! It’s smart to avoid using prescribed medications – which I believe are easy (for your body) to get addicted to. And… I hope I see results in the long run ๐Ÿ˜‰

    martymankins – Wow! How long have you been taking the grapefruit seed extract? It sounds like it works well!

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