I really am Mrs. “hislastname” now

By , December 11, 2008 8:27 pm

It’s really weird, starting a new job as Mrs. “Steven’s Last Name.” In fact, I haven’t become fully accustomed to it yet. As my new supervisor was introducing me to people on Monday, I just introduced myself as “Kim.” Only when they asked for my last name did I give it, after thinking about it for a split second. (It’s necessary to know the last name of the “Kims” – there are 4 or 5 others on my floor!)

I didn’t exclude Steven’s last name out of insult… I just really haven’t gotten used to it yet (well, obviously, if I am still calling it “his last name”). We got married in September of 2007, but I didn’t change my name until October of 2008. For various reasons. So, it’s a recent development.

Now it is almost 100% changed. The passport and a few various subscriptions and rewards cards remain. Ilax is now my middle name. Goodbye, Marie. (Sorry, mom)

So, having a “new” last name kind of adds to the fun of starting a new job. Because starting a new job is kind of like a chance to start over. You can be whoever you want! You can leave behind your bitchy ways (unlikely), be less of a goober (very unlikely),Β  quit it with the potty mouth (I’m trying!), work harder (not a problem, heh), be more social (also not a problem, HA!), etc. You get the idea.

I like that having a new last name means NO ONE from work knows about my website. If you search for my first name and Steven’s last name, it takes a long time to get to me. And the first correct hits are my 5K results. Ha! Anyone is welcome to see those! There is one post I wrote that reveals my last name, but I made it private.

Why do I desire to remove my “new” last name from public search? So that I can start to be a bit more candid here. I don’t plan to bash people I work with. In fact, I don’t plan to write about work at all.* I just want to be able to say I feel upset about things, like my problems with food, and not worry that my boss read it and thinks I’m a super weird-o. It’s a relief.

You know, it’s hard not to tell people about your blog. When they say “You ran a 5K as Santa? Are there any pics?” You want to say, “Yeah, go to www.ilaxstudio.com!” But, I won’t be saying THAT anymore. I’ll get used to it. It will be worth it.

So far, I am having a lot of fun my first week at work (hmm… is it a good thing to say you are having “fun” at work?!). My old office had 15 people on a full day, but the floor I work on now has almost 100 people. And we have at least 3 other floors in my building. It’s really fun to meet new people, share your interests, and discover their personalities.

I am in a training group, so there are a lot of social activities. Also, with it being the holidays, we have a lot of social events going on – 3 parties next week! And I even volunteered to help bartend at one. I also volunteered to help load the “letters-to-santa” gifts into the cars for delivery tomorrow. Yes, I like to get involved.

I can tell I am going to like the work, and the complexity of it. And I already know quite a bit about it because my previous employer was a contractor for where I work now (the naked truth comes out!). Of course, it being my first week, I am still filling out paper work and settling in. But I will let you all know how it goes. I really appreciated everyone’s support on Sunday’s post! It made me feel great!

*I work for the government now. Anything mentioned about work is going to be SUPER SUPER SUPER GENERIC. P.S. Did I tell you that I work just a few floors under Mr. President-Elect, Barack Obama?

What is with the two annoying super-long posts in a row? A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G!!!

16 Responses to “I really am Mrs. “hislastname” now”

  1. kapgar says:

    What will constitute “100% changed”? Tattooing it on your forehead? πŸ˜‰

  2. diane says:

    Yay! I am so glad you are enjoying your new job, and it is so cute that you are getting heavily involved in stuff already! I’m in HR and I still don’t know about half the people on my floor–ha ha!
    Of course, I am also glad that you don’t work much farther from me now…Mrs. That-Guy’s-Last-Name. πŸ˜‰

  3. kilax says:

    kapgar – The passport. And my mentality. πŸ˜‰ A tattoo sounds like fun though!

    diane – I kind of have to force myself to get involved, not that I don’t want to, but that I think it is a good way to meet people. I am really happy we are still close too! I would have been so bummed if I had to give up our weekly dates πŸ˜‰

  4. teeni says:

    Now I see why you were hush on the job and stuff. That makes a lot of sense. And I think it’s great that your blog can be a place to be candid and not worry about employers searching you. It’s good to have a bit of anonymity.

  5. teeni says:

    I have tagged you for a meme. Hope you can participate. It’s here:

  6. javaqueen says:

    I don’t think this post was too long, or annoying! Good for you on the job and getting involved. They are going to love having you around!

  7. kilax says:

    teeni – Yeah. I should have explained that before. Uh, duh Kim! I will try to do the meme this weekend! πŸ™‚

    javaqueen – Thanks – I worry that I write too much sometimes. I don’t know what the deal is. I hope they like me! Hee hee πŸ˜‰

  8. bobbi+ says:

    Just as an FYI though… if one of your fellow employees looks for you on Facebook… they’ll figure your name out πŸ™‚


    Miss you!!!!


  9. there is a transition period when you’re getting used to your “new last name” for sure!!! it took me 4 tries at the DPS to sign my drivers license with the correct last name after i got married, i think the lady helping me was getting extremely pissed, oops!!! don’t worry, all in due time though!!! as for the newfound anonymity of sorts, enjoy it!!! like you said, now you can blog more freely!!! that’s awesome that you’re loving your job and getting involved!!! i miss being involved!!! and that’s awesome that you work so close to Obama!!! how very cool!!!!

  10. kilax says:

    bobbi+ – That is why I changed my profile so no one can find me on FB. I don’t have many friends, sniff sniff πŸ˜› Thanks! Miss you too! When you coming back to chicago?!

    CourtneyInCotnrol – I have been forced to sign my new name because I switched all my cards over. I had to be really conscious about it though! πŸ™‚ I hope this anonymity lasts! πŸ˜‰

  11. Kyra says:

    OK, can I say I’ve been married over 13 yrs and I’m STILL not used to HIS last name? When I got married I kept my own and added on his. Not hyphenated, but my old last became another middle. I really feel weird about having a last name stamped onto me, it feel proprietary and I dislike that. I talked to DH about it, and he said it IS proprietary, cause “duh, I’m a guy” and shrugged. I asked how he would like changing his last name to mine, and voila! Suddenly he was in love with the idea of keeping my last name around somewhere, unlike before.

    I never use my maiden name anymore at all, but every once in a while I’ll accidentally sign something with it. Brain hiccup.

    And by the way? MAJOR congrats on the new job!!! πŸ™‚

  12. kilax says:

    Kyra – I didn’t like the idea either, which is why I changed my middle name. Already there is confusion with it though, so I think I will have to do down to an initial πŸ™ I have to remember not to sign it! And thanks!

  13. SJ says:

    I’m sorry I missed all the posts leading up to this, but congratulations on the new job!!! I hope it turns out to be your best ever.

    With my first marriage, I hated his last name but back then it was unheard-of to not take your husband’s name. And I continued to use it afterward because of my daughter. The last name I have now is the one I’d wanted since I was 15, so I was thrilled to switch to it! I feel like I FINALLY have the *right* last name.

  14. kilax says:

    SJ – No need to apologize! I am behind on posts too. Thank you! I am happy you finally get to have the last name you want! I bet it was difficult to change your name and not want to at all… hmmm. πŸ˜‰

  15. Felicia says:

    You did the same thing my friend Beth did……dropped her middle name (mostly because her nickname was based on her maiden name and she just couldn’t get rid of that)!!!

    Congrats on getting settled in at the new job πŸ™‚ I am just so darn proud of you (yeah spoken like a true Texan)!

  16. kilax says:

    Felicia – That is the first person besides me I’ve heard of to do it! Cool! And thanks πŸ™‚

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