Friday Question #53

By , January 23, 2009 4:53 pm

When you are reading someone else’s blog, do you read ALL of the comments that were left before you got to it? Or do you just skip to the end to leave your comment?

Guilty as charged. I have a hard enough time finding time to read blogs, that I sometimes do skip to the end of the comments if there are a TON of them. If there are only a few, I usually read them. But most of the blogs I read get a lot of comments, so if any comment left by me seems similar to what someone else said, that’s probably why.

It’s a bad habit. And I know I am missing out on a lot of the conversation, by skipping to the end, but I just… keep doing it. Unless it’s a really juicy post. Then I usually read them all. Ha!

Now, please tell me I am not the only one who does this!

18 Responses to “Friday Question #53”

  1. Nat says:

    Yeah, I do the same thing.
    I’m commenting less of late.

  2. Dave2 says:

    It depends. If it’s an interesting subject, I do out of curiosity. If I’m asking a question, I want to make sure it hasn’t already been answered. But other times? No.

  3. It really depends. If I’ve got some feedback for them I’ll generally look (but not always). It’s hard at some blogs (Dave2) since there are so many other comments before you (and at Dave2’s many leave long comments).

    And if blogs moderate, you don’t know how many people before you might have commented with an answer. So it’s kinda you commenting without reading the others because you don’t have a choice.

    And if it really interests me I’ll subscribe to comments (but that’s rare).

  4. JavaQueen says:

    It depends on how full my google reader is- LOL! I usually always go straight to the bottom and leave my comment (because it’s what is on my mind) and then I scroll up and read the other comments if there aren’t too many….

  5. kapgar says:

    Read all the comments? Have you visited Dave’s, Avitable’s, Britt’s, Sizzle’s, or Hilly’s blogs before? Takes longer to read the comments than the posts. I’d rather look a little stupid saying something that’s already been said and get it answered directly than sift through them all. Takes too much time.

  6. kilax says:

    Nat – Me too ๐Ÿ™ I just can’t seem to find the time, with my evenings dedicated to running now! ๐Ÿ™

    Dave2 – I think I am using the same method you are. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Gary LaPointe – Good point – when people moderate, it is hard to have that “conversation” feeling, and make sure you are not being repetitive. I sometimes get frustrated by that, but I understand why people do it.

    JavaQueen – I do that sometimes too ๐Ÿ˜‰ If I get there early, I will read them all! (Like if there are 3 or 4! ha!)

    kapgar – Those were people I had in mind. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by all the comments they get, I don’t even leave one.

  7. martymankins says:

    Dave’s answers are the same as mine. If it’s an interesting subject matter and I want to see other’s opinions on it, then I read them all. Otherwise, I just leave my comment.

  8. Cat. says:

    I’m with you 100%…the only time I read ALL the comments is if there are just a few, or if the original post was about something I care deeply about.

  9. Kimberly says:

    I’m the same…just read them if I can tell it’s going to be something juicy…or I’m interested in getting multiple opinions on the topic. I love the juicy ones where people are debating back and forth. And I like the ones like, “tell me what good movies are out, so I can pick one for this weekend”…yeah, I read those just incase I might need a movie for the weekend too ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. kilax says:

    martymankins – Yay! I am feeling less and less guilty. I was starting to feel really bad after I posted this last night. Guess that wasn’t necessary!

    Cat. – And my definition of few is VERY few. Ha!

    Kimberly – I love those back and forth ones too. Although usually, they intimidate me so much that I don’t want to get involved!

  11. ajooja says:

    I’m all over the place. It usually has more to do with the subject than anything else.

    I used to have a humor blog, and most of my comments around the Internet were meant to be humorous. If someone wrote a joke similar to what I was thinking before me, I’d move on without making a comment. Now, my funny bone has been tapered by medication, so that’s not really on the menu. Most of the time I never know what to write.

    I guess, something like this, you’re asking for my opinion. I don’t really care what other people said.

    Something else, I may be a lot more interested in what other people say than I could ever come up with on my own.

  12. kilax says:

    ajooja – I always appreciate your honesty. Because I often don’t care either. I wish you could find your funny bone again. You still write some funny stuff and leave some funny comments here. Makes me wonder what I am missing if you don’t consider that funny ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. teeni says:

    I used to read all the comments on every post I read because I didn’t want to just repeat what was said earlier but now I only do it if I have time, which isn’t often anymore. I guess it also depends on how interesting the topic is too.

  14. i would say for the most part i read all the comments… ’cause i’m cool like that… ok, maybe not but i just wanted to try to “validate” the fact that i normally have time to read all the comments… work isn’t too busy… i really like reading what others have to say… it gives me a new or different perspective.

  15. kilax says:

    teeni – I used to do that too. Now I RARELY do! Where has the time gone? It seems the more bloggers I add to my reader, the less time I have to read their comments on other blogs!

    CourtneyInControl – Woo-hoo! You are the only person who takes the time! Hee hee hee ๐Ÿ˜›

  16. Felicia says:

    I skip to the bottom and pretty much don’t read other people’s comments. Sometimes I do, if I get there early enough and there are just one or two but on a whole I am a bottom skipper.

  17. kilax says:

    Felicia – That is what I will have to call it “bottom skipper”! ๐Ÿ˜€

  18. Sara says:

    Sometimes. Not all the time. Most of the time I”m too busy to read them all and there’s usually quite a bit before me. If it’s one or two, I’ll read them and that’s it.

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