A life is a life*

By , February 4, 2009 7:22 am

<image:Firefighter saves cat;I’m always drawn to the animal-related stories in the newspaper. I have to read them.

Unfortunately, a lot of them mention abused, mistreated animals, living in squalor conditions.

Once I read something like that, I can’t get it out of my mind, no matter how hard I try. I still think of a program I saw on tv when I was 8 or 10 years old. I am not sure what the program was about – animal abuse, or druggies – but they talked about how these people put their fish in the microwave, and shot up their dog with drugs.

I feel sick just writing that, imagining that.

And those Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials? Don’t even mention them. I have to mute the tv and look away (Steven can attest to that!).

So, I was happy to see this article in the newspaper today, about a firefighter who saved a mom, son and cat from a fire that destroyed their home.

“A life is a life, no matter whether it’s a person or an animal,” said Chuck Sanow, the firefighter who rescued the cat.

I can tell you, that is a statement I agree with 100%, and I was very happy to see the article on page 3 of the paper.

I know it’s just a fluff, “feel-good,” story, but it worked on me. It did make me feel good. The quote gave me some hope that other people feel the same way.

I even went as far as to cut out the article and put it on my wardrobe at work for inspiration.

*Christina (my sister), I feel like I am channeling Horton!

23 Responses to “A life is a life*”

  1. diane says:

    Oh my gosh, I am just like you about those stupid ASPCA commercials! Ask E.–I start yelling at him to change the channel and put my hands over my ears! πŸ™‚
    It’s funny, in movies I have a much harder time seeing a child or an animal get hurt. I think it is because both are generally innocent and defenseless. Sometimes people have it coming. πŸ˜‰ (I’m KIDDING, so nobody freak out in the comments)

  2. Christina says:

    I am the same way, I can’t fathom the heartlessness that exist in some people who hurt or kill animals.

    The ASPCA commercial makes me cry and I can’t watch it.

    But I am so glad that the firefighter knew that any life is worth fighting for.

  3. OMG! I thought I was the only one that went berzerko when that damn commercial comes on. My husband and daughter race to the remote and change it cause I will freak out! I could see dead bodies all day long, but if I see a dead squirrel in the road I’ll cry for hours!

  4. Alice says:

    omg, those aspca commercials are BRUTAL. i always have to change the channel too. i’m glad the paper reported on this article though.. i bet it made several peoples’ days πŸ™‚

  5. thank you!!! i can’t handle the ASPCA commercials!!! dc or i will fight over the remote to change the channel!!! i’m glad that the firefighter agreed that any life is worth saving, i coudn’t agree more!!! i think they should have more “feel good” stories like that in the paper and on the news!!!
    i can’t even bring myself to read the horrible stories about what people do to their animals, like you the stories just stick with me and i can’t handle that… personally i think the people should have the same thing done to them just so they know how it feels… (right now michael vick is running thru my head)… ok, sorry, off my soapbox, i’m going to calm down now, lol…

  6. Kyra says:

    I can’t watch the animal stuff either. The children stuff is even worse for me.

  7. kilax says:

    diane – People DO have it coming sometimes. πŸ˜‰ Animals being hurt bothers me more… even when I read about it in the paper. I read all about murder, and it doesn’t bother me at all, but animal abuse? That really gets to me! Those ASPCA commercials must be really effective – everyone is mentioning it!

    Christina – I don’t understand it either. You would like that human instict would tell them to stop what they are doing. Guess not. We saw some story on Michael Vick and how he took PETA’s “Developing Empathy for Animals” course… I don’t think he’s going to change.

    Amy @ Passages to the Past – I wish I could train Steven to run to the remote and change it! Ha ha. Just kidding. He always mutes it when I ask πŸ˜‰

    Alice – I hope it did! And I hope a few people read it and thought about what he was saying…

    CourtneyInControl – I definitely agree that charges for animal cruelty should be higher than they are. I think the problem is, people are so sick, they don’t even view it as cruelty πŸ™

    Kyra – Before they play stuff like that, they should have a 5-second warning for all of us who can’t take it πŸ˜‰

  8. Christina says:

    Woah who is that other Christina?! I got really confused and thought I had already responded even though I had never read this post! πŸ˜›

    But yes channeling Horton. I think I will go watch that now.

    Those commercials make me sad too, I always change the channel during them, and then I feel bad! One time I was at Nick’s house with mom and the kids and that commercial came on and Nicky was like “Oh grandma look its so sad!” And he was frowning and saying how sad the animals were. It was interesting. I think we are a really compassionate family when it comes to animals. (For the most part.)

    “A person’s a person no matter how small!”

  9. kilax says:

    Christina – I found a blogger yesterday, and her name is Christina too πŸ™‚ Maybe now you will have to post as “Christina (sister)” or “Charlie” or “Bdbdbdbd” or something, if you want. I am surprised Nicky noticed that. Maybe it will help him learn how to treat animals.

  10. That is a great story! Pets are apart of our family so I am pretty positive that the family is elated that the fire fighter saved their cat. I know I would be!

    Yup, I change the channel when the ASPCA commerical comes on and look around for Manny.

  11. Denise says:

    I am so happy that the firefighter felt that way. I hope that his comments inspire others to feel that way also.

    I can’t bear to watch the ASPCA commercials either. Last week I watched a video on
    MSN about a rescue of a Great Pernese that had gotten out on a patch of ice in the middle of a river. She had been in a foster home and had run away, gotten hit by a car and due to injuries, needed surgery. The Great Pernese Rescue was raising money for her surgery. If my husband would have said “go ahead”, I would have adopted her and maybe a puppy(my cats would NOT be happy).

    It absolutely breaks my heart to hear of lost,injured,abused or homeless animals.
    I can’t imagine what deep evil fuels people that abuse or abandon.

    I could NEVER do either.

  12. sizzle says:

    I have to mute those ASPCA/Sarah commercials too!

  13. tori says:

    My son cries when he sees that commercial. I feel very sad when I see it so I completely understand. And that quote is awesome! It is nice to read good in the world.

  14. Felicia says:

    I love love love those kinds of stories πŸ™‚

  15. suze says:

    I much prefer the happy, feel-good stories in the papers myself…

  16. Amy says:

    I’ve been balling just watching the Nature documentaries on dogs, border collies working the farm are particular tear inducing.

  17. Arjewtino says:

    When I was 6, I accidentally stepped on a rolly-polly and the emotional damage it inflicted hurt for years.

    I was kind of a wuss.

  18. marissa says:

    I love that story! Thank you for sharing. I can’t watch those commercials either, btw…

  19. martymankins says:

    As an animal lover, I know those commercials. I can watch them without any issues, but I do wonder what kind of person would inflict that kind of abuse on any pet.

  20. Sarah says:

    First off I’m so glad you visited my blog! πŸ™‚

    Secondly, I am a huge ol’, bigtime softy for animals. I love to watch those kinds of shows, like Dog Town and Animal Cops, though, because normally they have a happy ending for the animals involved. (And when they don’t I get extremely upset.)

    Recently I applied for a job at our local Humane Society and it turned out to be one of the most traumatizing experiences of my life – and that was just the interview!!! (Of course I blogged about it: http://justabitofsillinessreally.blogspot.com/2008/10/dogtown-it-aint.html)

  21. kilax says:

    Gina (Mannyed) – That is what I was thinking too, but when I read the article, it sounded like they were looking for a home for the cat, so I don’t know what the deal is! Weird, huh?

    Denise – I hope it inspires people too! I am so happy they put it in the paper. Oh my gosh, I would have wanted to donate money too. That is why I have to turn off those damn ASPCA commercials – I want to donate money!

    sizzle – We should start a facebook group – “People who have to mute the Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials.” Ha ha ha!

    tori – Your poor son! He is just so compassionate πŸ™‚

    Felicia – They should make a paper just filled with them, right? πŸ™‚

    suze – And there’s nothing wrong with that! There’s too much hate in the world. We need a ray of sunshine every now and then!

    Amy – You are so brave to watch them! I can’t even watch Animal Planet πŸ™

    Arjewtino – You weren’t a wuss, you were a sweetheart!

    marissa – I am happy you liked it πŸ™‚ It felt good to share it!

    martymankins – I wonder that too. I think it is something we will never understand. The person must have to be very abused themselves πŸ™

    Sarah – I am happy I found your blog! I especially love the title! I can’t believe you can watch those shows! Maybe I will have to ask you specifically which ones have a happy ending, so I can only watch those πŸ˜‰ I have to go check out your story! I am curious!

  22. teeni says:

    I am glad to see that story too. It’s true that we hear all too many of the “other” stories. Thank you for sharing this. I think all life should be respected.

  23. kilax says:

    teeni – I am happy to share it with you. I will share similar stories if I see them!

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