Neighbor-less no more

By , February 17, 2009 5:52 pm

I drove home on Thursday night to find the garage to our neighbor’s home open and full of boxes along with a moving truck parked on the street.

We are next door neighbor-less no more.

Steven’s been talking to the real estate agent quite a bit about the townhome next door. The price went down again, and she let us know that she was “pretty sure” she had renters for it. But still no buyer.

I hate to confess, but I kind of felt my stomach turn when I saw the neighbor’s garage door light on. We’ve had bad experiences with all three sets of neighbors that have lived there. It’s selfish to say, but it was nice not having someone living next door. We didn’t have to worry about someone playing their speakers too loud and keeping us up all night, or waking us up because they were screaming bloody murder at each other outside. Oh, and the whole not being afraid to come home thing was nice as well.

The new neighbor was still outside unloading the truck, so I decided to be nice and introduce myself.

Before I had a chance though, he walked by our garage and excitedly asked, “You have a 240Z?!”

“Actually, it’s a 280Z,” I responded.

“Sweet! I have a 510.”

So, I peered into his garage and assumed that the boxy car in there was the 510 he was talking about. We briefly chatted, and I introduced myself then went home, impressed that someone recognized the Datsun and showed interest in it.

Later, we left the house (I shamefully admit it was to pick up a pizza), and Steven noted (with envy?) that the new neighbor has an engine hoist.

When we arrived home, Steven introduced himself. They chatted a bit about their Datsuns. The new neighbor offered his tools and help to Steven. Then I fell in love with the new neighbor and begged him to help Steven get the Datsun running for good.

I like this new neighbor already. If there is one thing I’m not good at (Ha! Just one?), it’s helping Steven work on the Datsun. Sure, I can stand there and take instructions, but other than that, I am USELESS.

And I feel bad. Because Steven explains things to me about the Datsun over and over, and I truly listen, but it just doesn’t sink in. I am going to keep trying, but for now, let me say, I am having higher hopes for this neighbor than I normally would…

15 Responses to “Neighbor-less no more”

  1. dad says:

    OMG, car people, you know what they’re like! (wait he’s only got 1, nevermind)

  2. kapgar says:

    At least they sound like good peeps… Even if they do like Datsuns. 😉

  3. diane says:

    Hee hee! Steven has a new friend–yay!

  4. Gina (Mannyed) says:

    so far so good!!!

  5. Bethany says:

    Sounds good so far! Does he have a wife for you to be friends with since Steven has a new best friend?? 😉

  6. sizzle says:

    Making friends right away will help. I swear people are less likely to be rude assholes if they know you as a person.

  7. kilax says:

    dad – They’re… a lot of fun? (suck-up points, for I don’t know what… oh, I just read my email – it’s to work on convincing you to take me to Moab)

    kapgar – LOL! Ha. It’s a sophisticated taste. Or something.

    diane – That’s what I felt like saying too. “Yay! Male bonding!”

    Gina (Mannyed) – I just gotta keep thinking positively like this. Hee hee. Maybe his girlfriend will turn out to be a runner chic who is into Star Wars and blogging. Ha! Did I just write that? D-O-R-K!!!

    Bethany – You’re too cute! I am not sure if he has a wife. I would guess not, but I aim to find out!

    sizzle – You’re right. If they even know your name, hopefully they will be more considerate. Hopefully 😉

  8. JavaQueen says:

    Oh my- your header pic is amazing! Looks like you two had a fun time! Oh, the snow capped mountains, I’m so jealous- I wanna go somewhere! WAH! Great, I’m whining now- look what you’ve done!


  9. Kyra says:

    Oh I think it’s great you guys have a neighbor who is interested in chatting with you guys and whatnot! Could be a really wonderful situation!

    I understand about not having neighbors though. We love that no one lives by us. Nice and quiet. 🙂

  10. hopefully the new neighbor will be quiet!!! YAY for you having a new neighbor that is a car person, i can really only imagine how happy that made Steven- especially since he has a Datsun!!! at least he offered to share his tools otherwise an engine hoist might end up on the “to buy” list, lol!!! i can totally relate to not understanding cars… you can show me how to do it and most of the time i can handle it but as far as learning, that’s an exercise in futility!!!

  11. Alice says:

    i think sizzle’s right – buddying up from the getgo is a good sign! fingers crossed that this neighbor is nothing but car-fixin’ awesome 😉

  12. Christina says:

    Sounds like the start of a beautiful relationship!

  13. non-post related, but I wanted to let you know I gave you an award cause you ROCK. Stop by to check it out!

  14. teeni says:

    Oh, I’m so glad this neighbor has some semblance of sanity and friendliness. That’s a relief. I’m also glad you had a nice ski vacation. You’re not the only one who is commenting on old posts. LOL. I’ve been away from my computer for a few days myself. 🙂

  15. kilax says:

    JavaQueen – Thanks 🙂 Do you have any trips planned soon? 🙂

    Kyra – I think it could be really wonderful too. I need to move near you (don’t worry, not next door!) to get the peace and quiet I really crave.

    CourtneyInControl – I could tell Steven was excited by the engine hoist. We do need more friends into working on their cars, because we don’t have a full garage and it is nice to be able to share things!

    Alice – Hee hee. “car-fixin’ ” You’re so cute! 😀

    Christina – I hope so!

    Amy @ Passages to the Past – Thanks so much!

    teeni – I am glad too. Because we had bad luck there for awhile! Isn’t it hard to catch back up with the internet!?!

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