My perfect start to the day…

By , February 25, 2009 5:50 am
  • I’m awake on the train ride to work and read the paper
  • No one gets in my way on the walk to work
  • I ride the elevator alone on the way up to my floor
  • There’s no wait at the microwave to make my oatmeal
  • No emails/phone messages at my desk
  • My pants and shirt are hole-free (unlike yesterday…)

Hmm, makes me seem a bit anti-social, but that’s how like I like to start my day.

What’s your perfect start to the day?

I have a lot on my mind lately. There are some other things I want to post about, but I am going to split the topics up into two scheduled posts later today. I hate to bombard your reader, but I don’t want my topics to get lost in a “bullet list of topics” post.

15 Responses to “My perfect start to the day…”

  1. Odie says:

    I’m kind of a ‘just don’t talk to me and stay out of my way’ person first thing in the morning. I want to sleep until the last possible minute, and get up and get ready. Usually it’s about 20 minutes from rising to out the door.

  2. kilax says:

    Odie – I am with you – it takes me a while to find my cheery face! I am trying to get away from staying in bed too long though; it makes me cranky ๐Ÿ™

  3. Staying in bed =) That’s my perfect morning!

  4. diane says:

    I didn’t notice any holes yesterday!
    Mine would start the night before with getting myself to bed and asleep at a reasonable hour, without waking up during the night. This means I get up on time or even EARLY so I don’t feel rushed. My hair irons out perfectly and I don’t have little sticky-up pieces on the side or back. I get a seat on CTA on both the brown line AND when I transfer to the red line. Somehow, magically, I still get Blackberry reception when the train goes underground. There’s no cat fur or lint on my pants or my socks. I get to work exactly on time, not 10 minutes early or 5 minutes late. I get to my desk and find I have a new and wonderful project to work on. I get an e-mail from Kim telling me she wants to meet for lunch! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hee hee!

  5. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Oooh, I’m definitely one of those people who is up when the alarm goes off, but doesn’t like heavy social interaction for a few hours. My best mornings start with good weather for walking the dog, husband out of the shower when I get home (so as not to throw off our schedule), light traffic on the way to work and a light workload when I get to work (so I have plenty of time to eat breakfast and catch up on my favorite blogs). That last one? Hasn’t been happening very much lately.

  6. I need to warm up a lil, especially after being crammed in a subway car; crammed on the streets; and crammed in an elevator ride all the way up to the 36th fl. My perfect day would be…

    beautiful weather
    No work

    : )

  7. Kyra says:


    WHAT? You ASKED!

  8. sizzle says:

    As social as I am, I need my morning to myself. I like to be quiet and wake up on my own terms.

  9. martymankins says:

    – I wake up refreshed, not tired and actually happy to be awake.
    – I get a cup of coffee or green tea to start my day
    – I look at the clock and if it’s before 8am and I’m done with breakfast and have my shoes on, I’m stoked
    – and lastly, no assholes get in my way while driving to work.

  10. ajooja says:

    I’m like that too. I’d like to synch my iPod and go lay on a chair on my deck to get some sun. I can’t do that most of the year, but I love when I can.

  11. kapgar says:

    “Hole free”? Is it Hobo Week and I missed the memo… again??

  12. kaylen says:

    That sounds like it would be a perfect day. I would also have to add:
    No stains on my shirt. I too often am halfway through my day when I find a grease stain or food droppings on my shirt somewhere….It’s like they appear by magic. Usually just before I meet with my manager. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. kilax says:

    Amy @ Passages to the Past – Oh yeah! I love a lazy weekend in bed.

    diane – I am happy you didn’t notice! Oh, the flat iron. And the sleep. And the seat! Ha! I think I could add some of these to mine! And of course, I love the last one. ๐Ÿ™‚

    SoMi’s Nilsa – Isn’t it funny how much you have to coordinate silly things when you live with someone? We are sharing a car now, so our times constraints are so much different than they were before. Meh.

    Gina (Mannyed) – Hee hee. I hope you get one of those days soon!

    Kyra – Ha! Chocolate bars or chocolate flavored cereal? Yummy!

    sizzle – Me too. After 9:00, I am good to go, but before then… er…

    martymankins – Oh yeah – assholes on the road! That can really make or break a day, can’t it? It’ll be better when you’re back on the scooter ๐Ÿ˜‰

    ajooja – That sounds great. I love the feel of the sun on my skin in the late afternoon on a summer day!

    kapgar – Yeah! Jeez! I’ll have to remind you next year, I guess ๐Ÿ˜‰

    kaylen – Oh gosh – the mystery stain – I HATE THEM! You’re doing your thing, then look down at your shirt thinking, “WTF?!!?” Ugh. Homes should have a stain detector you have to walk through to leave ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Bethany says:

    My perfect start to the day…waking up around 9, quickly catching up on e-mails and then reading until work…really, I’m pretty easy to please ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. kilax says:

    Bethany – I would love to be caught up on emails before I start each day. That reminds me… since it’s Saturday, I better go catch up!

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