30 Day Shred Review: Day 4, Level 1

By , March 18, 2009 4:10 am

I have to share two dirty little secrets:

  1. I am a runner who NEVER does strength training. (BAD BAD BAD!!!)
  2. I am a runner who NEVER gets sore from running. I push myself, but never feel the burn the next day. Lucky, I guess.

image:30 Day ShredWith that being said – for me to find a workout DVD that gets the strength training in, AND makes me feel sore as hell, that means a lot! And that’s not mentioning that is also gets my blood flowing and my heart rate up.

I’ve been doing Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred at Level 1 for four days now. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the DVD, it is split into three levels of workout intensity. You become comfortable with one before you more on to the next. I think the idea is that you do it once a day for 30 days straight, but it never actually explains that on the DVD… anywhere that I’ve found anyway!

Each level is a “20” minute (more like 30) workout with a warm up, then 3 intervals each of 3 minutes on strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs, and a cool down. It is fast paced and keeps your heart rate going the whole time.

Pros: Just doing this for four days has me walking around like I have stiff, sore legs. It hurts to bend over. My chest is sore. It feels great! I can really see this DVD changing my body in the next 30 days. And I like that it only takes 30 minutes of my time, can be done without leaving my house, and requires minimal equipment – just free weights.

Cons: I worry that the DVD is only going to strengthen my upper legs and chest/upper arms. I hope that we get to a calf exercise in the later levels. And I find Jillian annoying and fake. But I bet a lot of people say that. (In the last ab exercise of Level 1, she says “I know you feel that little knot in your stomach. That’s your body getting stronger.” Ugh. Every time she says that, I DO feel it. Those bicycle crunches ARE HARD.) And one more thing – the DVD doesn’t play nice with our DVD Changer. Oh well.

Overall, I really like it, especially being the first workout DVD I’ve ever tried. I hope that if I ever surpass Level 3, I will have a new found inspiration to continue strength training on my own! I really think anyone* could do this DVD – no matter what your exercise level is. It is tough at first, but even four days later, it’s feeling easier to me.

Side Note: I just remembered that Jillian Michaels has this game for the Wii. I don’t have the Wii Fit, but the game sounds kind of cool.

*Let me know how it goes if you try it! I know Tori is talking about it! And based on offline conversations with Denise, Mom, Courtney and Gina – I think you four would like it as well!

20 Responses to “30 Day Shred Review: Day 4, Level 1”

  1. kapgar says:

    “I have stiff, sore legs. It hurts to bend over. My chest is sore. It feels great!”

    Oh yeah, great way to sell it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ve heard the same about Jillian being annoying or condescending or whatnot. She scares me.

  2. kilax says:

    kapgar – Ha ha. I know it’s strange that I like that. But after not feeling sore for so long, it DOES feel good. She IS scary. But, the workout is worth it ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    I don’t find her that annoying, but I guess it’s because she’s kind of like that on the TV show, too. I must be used to it and completely immune to her by now. Ha. Since I’m working from home today, my plan is to walk the dog and do the DVD at lunch. We’ll see how that goes…

  4. tori says:

    I am cracking up that you said it doesn’t say anywhere on the dvd how often you are supposed to do it. I was JUST searching all over last night and feeling frustrated about that.

    I did it last night for the first time on level one. I swim and run and feel like I am in pretty good shape. Holy cow this was hard! I mean the exercises themselves were super simple but after? I could barely walk up the stairs! I did it right before the kids bathtime and when I went up to give them a bath my arms were shaking so hard I could barely wash my daughters hair! I felt fine after a while but it more than surpassed my expectations! For now, I can’t even imagine doing something more challenging than level 1. I do wish they said how to know when to move up or how often to do the dvd though. I was sort of planning on doing it on my nonswimming days but I’m not sure if that is often enough. I feel like running, swimming and then doing the dvd would be way too much for one day!

    She actually doesn’t annoy me, but I can see how she will after more than one time of watching the dvd.

  5. Mrs. Smith says:

    So glad you’re enjoying it! I also cannot stand listening to her (these abs don’t come for free!!!!). So…I just mute her and do the workout while listening to my ipod. I highly recommend!

  6. Christina says:

    I’ve heard the same good things about it too. I am too afraid I will do it once or twice and then it would gather dust.

  7. Amanda says:

    I haven’t tried this, but I love Jillian on The Biggest Loser. She is kinda scary though!

  8. i am so going to have to try this out now after your review and the comments!!! that’s awesome that it’s making you sore!!!! very awesome!!!! i must say i’m really proud of you for doing it 4 days in a row!!!!

  9. diane says:

    Strong abs make you a good runner! Good job, you!!
    And I totally know that good kind of pain…sounds kinda crazy doesn’t it?

  10. *lynne* says:

    Good to know you’re having a good time with this! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m still at level 1 … the vacation kinda interrupted my progress and momentum. In general I’m doing most of the moves at the “high level” (when I actually do Shred, *sigh!*), but some moves I just. can’t. do.
    – The jumprope thingy, for example, totally kills my calves!
    – The lunges with bicep curls seem… unbalanced.
    – The worst for me are the side lunges with the arm lifts (whatever they are called) – I can do all the other moves with 5lb weights in each hand… for this move, I have to “share” one 5lb with both hands otherwise I can’t do it!

    Kosh says I shouldn’t move on to Level 2 until I can do level 1 without “accommodating” the moves I have trouble with. Me, I think I’m going to be bored soon, and will want to move to Level 2 just to have something different to do.

  11. Completely agree with your review. I’ve recommend the 30 Day Shred to several of my friends, many of whom are in exceptional shape. I love that it hurts them just as much as it hurts me (in a good way of course)!! This is one of those workout DVDs that is as tough as you make it. Sure you could halfass the excercises, but when you work at it, you seriously feel it and it feels GREAT!!!

    I had given up on figuring out how often I was supposed to do the excercises AND when I was supposed to move on to Level 2. I realized after trying Level 2, that I was clearly not in good enough shape to move on, and went back to Level 1.

  12. Alice says:

    i am the ONLY BLOGGER who has not yet tried the shred!! i feel so left out… especially because i actually really want to and have been meaning to buy it for ages ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I did the shred for 3 days, and I couldn’t do it anymore…maybe I will try again.

  14. Denise says:

    “What ever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”. Will this kill me,Kim??? :/ I am so out of shape. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. aron says:

    i hadnt done shred in a while and i did it tonight and i can already feel it everytime i move my arms!

  16. Laura Moncur says:

    Thanks so much to the link to my Starling Fitness entry about Jillian Michaels’ Wii game. When you look at the Amazon reviews:


    Most people really didn’t like it. It got 180 one-star reviews and only 18 five-star reviews. People hate it ten times more often than they like it. I didn’t end up buying it based on the screen shots. It looks like a quickie shovelware game.

    Sadly, I haven’t found anything good to recommend yet except My Fitness Coach, which doesn’t use the Wii Balance Board at all. I’ve found it to be pretty motivating, though.


    It rewards me for exercising on a consistent basis.

  17. Char says:

    Hi! Thanks for your comments! I love your site! I’m reading your archives from when you were in Rome and it sounds so great!

  18. kaylen says:

    did we just write about the same topic accidently??

    I might get this video after I lose about 30 lbs and feel more fit in general. I think the “all level” idea doesn’t cover people who are really really really out of shape (i.e. -me).

    I am however going to buy Dance Dance Revolution, as I love to dance and it’s a cardio workout that I find VERY easy to do for long periods of time. I think that it’s important to do something you really enjoy or else it becomes just another fad/gimmick. I don’t think I would love hearing Jillian’s voice barking at me. I know she motivates some people, but she’s just not my type.

  19. Lori Madison says:


    I tried this DVD and it really worked me out. The issue I have, is that I don’t really like Jullian’s style so I couldn’t really stick with the DVD. I see you have similar issues with her, but hopefully you will be able to push past that and get the most out of this DVD.

  20. kilax says:

    SoMi’s Nilsa – I have only seen the show once, so I think that must be why she bothers me. Isn’t this a great DVD to have at home?

    tori – I think I am just going to do it every day until my body falls apart. Ha ha! I am so happy that someone else is saying they were shaky from it too. I was kind of embarrassed that I was. I am feeling better today though. I think doing it on and off sounds like a good plan for you!

    Mrs. Smith – Ha! I hate it when she says that too! I should try it with music. Right now I have that stupid techno beat stuck in my head!

    Christina – That is what I was worried about too, but so far, it’s been addictive! I’m like, “I’ve GOT to get better at this!”

    Amanda – Oh man. She IS scary. I cannot imagine meeting her in real life. Too intense for me!

    CourtneyInControl – Thanks Courtney. I think you’ll always be my #1 cheerleader! I hope you try it. You’ll like it!

    diane – It does sound crazy, but it isn’t! I wonder if this will make me a better runner. That would be sa-weet.

    *lynne* – Oh man. Those lunges KILL ME. And I still can’t do a normal push up. At least, THAT MANY in a row! And that side lunge (know EXACTLY what you are talking about) is hard to do it in perfect form. I think you should move on if you get bored, then go back if you want to!

    Scale Warfare – Ha! I love hearing that too – that all of these fitness freaks get sore from it! And that is a good point about the DVD – I love that it is challenging, but can be scaled back if need be. You are brave to try Level 2. Hee hee!

    Alice – You are! Ha ha. Just kidding. I felt really left out too, that is why I bought it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hotch Potchery – You got too sore? Or sick of it? Give it another go! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Denise – It will NOT kill you Denise! There are two girls to follow in the DVD. One does easier, modified moves. I am following her for a few moves! Take it slow then be tougher on yourself when you’re ready.

    aron – Oh gosh, just the stretching and warming up in the beginning makes my arms hurt like crazy!!!

    Laura Moncur – I am not surprised by the bad reviews! Maybe I should check out My Fitness Coach, since I don’t have the balance board!

    Char – Thank you so much! It makes me feel so good that someone is actually reading my archives besides me! Being in Rome was a very fun, but hard time in my life!

    kaylen – We TOTALLY did!!! You’d be surprised. I think you could do it, even if you think you are too out of shape! I have always wanted to try DDR!!! That would be fun to do with friends!

    Lori Madison – I hope so too. I hope she doesn’t get more annoying as I go on… ๐Ÿ™

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