This man can read my mind, part ii

By , April 16, 2009 10:05 pm

A cute little bonus story for you:

One night a week, I stay late at the office so I can exercise in the gym with my coworker. I don’t get home until around 8:30, by which time Steven has usually eaten dinner, unless  we decided beforehand that we would eat together.

The last three weeks, something very strange has happened.

When I got home the first week, I started toasting an English muffin. “I am really craving an egg sandwich!” I said. “That’s what I had for dinner too!” Steven replied.

The second week, I got home and made a peanut butter sandwich. “I had a peanut butter sandwich too!” Steven told me.

Last night, and this is really weird,  I called Steven when I got off the train. After teasing him a bit, I randomly said, “Pizza?” “What did you say?” he asked. “Pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” He responded, “How did you know I am heating up the oven?”

Isn’t that weird? Steven can STILL read my mind. I almost wish we were always on the same “food wavelength,” because we struggle with it when we aren’t. Sometimes we end up making two different things, but we don’t really like to do that!

14 Responses to “This man can read my mind, part ii”

  1. marissa says:

    that is truly amazing! but that’s when you know it’s true love 🙂

  2. Kyra says:

    This September, I’ll have been married for fourteen years. We started in on the mind-reading somewhere around the first anniversary. The only problem is that now he expects me to have mind read EVERYTHING!

  3. kilax says:

    marissa – Yeah, true love! Or true hunger 😛

    Kyra – That wouldn’t work for us, it’s completely random. And half the time I can’te ven read my own mind!

  4. kapgar says:

    Yeah, the whole mind reading thing is pretty cool, isn’t it? Katie and I do that all the time. Although considering Katie’s hectic schedule these days, it seems to border more on the “I want to go to sleep.” “You want to go to sleep?!?! I want to go to sleep, too!!!”

  5. Mrs. Smith says:

    Ha! I love this. We have this too, kind of, but not to the same extent. It’s usually the nights that my husband is at class, and I think…I should make cookies that will be out of the oven and warm when he gets home. And then he’ll get home and be so excited, because all night at class he was just thinking about how much he wanted cookies. 🙂 Score!

  6. kilax says:

    kapgar – That is another thing we struggle with – I almost always want to go to be earlier. We’ve gotten a lot better at that though.

    Mrs. Smith – Aww! And how great would it be to walk in to a house smelling like warm cookies and get to eat one straight out the oven?! You rock!

  7. Amanda says:

    We do this too!

  8. Tony says:

    That is amazing. I don’t ever remember that happening to me. My wife and I have a hard time deciding which restaurant to go to when we go out. That’s great that you are on the same wavelength like that.

  9. that is so cool!!!! it’s so amazing when you have this kind of connection with someone!!! to me it makes it more “special”… (i can only imagine how hokey that sounded!!) 🙂

  10. Jo says:

    lol…You two are really in sync.

    That would never happen at my house, as my DH hates everything I love and vice versa. lol

  11. Seals says:

    My wife and I do that all the time.

    Our current thing is that I think something and she speaks it. Luckily, it’s nothing too bad. 🙂

  12. Bethany says:

    Oh my gosh, that’s so cool! I don’t have a SO, but sometimes certain co-workers and I wear the same colors…it’s kind of funny 😉

  13. supersalwa says:

    That’s really cute 🙂

  14. kilax says:

    Amanda – Yay! Share your cute stories!!!

    Tony – We’re only on the same wavelength part of the time though! 😉 Well, I guess we can always agree on a restaurant (we have a few faves or try something new) but sometimes dinner is a challenge!

    CourtneyInControl – That doesn’t sound hokey! Even though I thought this was kind of silly, I still thought it was cool, and that we do have a connection!

    Jo – Don’t worry! There is a bit of that going on in our home too! Some involving food, but also movies, etc.

    Seals – I am not surprised that you do that! You seem to have a very special connection! 🙂 I am happy Steven cannot read what I am thinking ALL the time! HA HA! I have some bad thoughts sometimes!

    Bethany – Aww! I have one coworker like that too. But I think we end up dressing the same because she is stylish then I copy her 😉

    superslawa – Thanks. Tee hee. We try!

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